Retraction Knack: Turn 2 Win?

Modern ArchFline


ArchFline says... #1

@SomeJustice I like the concept of Gifts Ungiven but a 4 cost card in a deck like this is rather unrealistic. Additionally outside of mid game ,when the card would shine, it would feel like a dead card in hand early; given the nature of the deck I just can't warrant running something so slow when I already can very effectively filter and draw for my combo pieces.

February 28, 2016 6:40 p.m.

iBurgerKing says... #2

I think it's okay to slow the deck down. You need the combo in hand and you don't have a lot of draw power. It's okay to run removal/disruption/card advantage and turn it into a more combo control deck. I feel like it will still be consistent at winning by turn four (keeping up protection). But that's just the opinion of me.

February 28, 2016 9:18 p.m.

ArchFline says... #3

My problem is turn 3 as by this point if I'm not on the turn my opponent will have field control as an advantage over me. The combo I employ is very easy to stop so I find that if I don't win early I can't win in general (thus the point of fault in almost every combo reliant deck build).

February 28, 2016 10:46 p.m. Edited.

Aggroislife says... #4

I would definitely suggest Ornithopter.

February 28, 2016 11:17 p.m.

Ok it must be late or im having massive brain farts. Can you enlighten me on how your getting the turn 2-3 win using altar or drone.Im just not seeing it. Even with perfect draw im not seeing it.

February 28, 2016 11:17 p.m.

Nevermind i see it . Wasnt thinking he untaps.

February 28, 2016 11:21 p.m.

ArchFline says... #7

I also have the combo outlined in the description :D

February 29, 2016 12:33 a.m.

miracleHat says... #8

FOUR Grapeshot? If you insist on keeping Zephyr Scribe, then you should only need 2 (3 max).

You should consider dropping 2 Grapeshot for 2 Serum Visions. They should help you in any number of ways. In the sideboard, Ancient Grudge should be very helpful. If the opponent brings in or already has:
Chalice of the Void
Ethersworn Canonist
any other artificial unholiness that I am currently forgetting
then Ancient Grudge will be very nice to have.

You could easily shove 1 Breeding Pool for [insert land here].

February 29, 2016 2:53 a.m.

ArchFline says... #9

If I am to add artifact removal it would be in the form of Shattering Spree as its low mana cost suits the deck better. As for Chalice of the Void it is disruptive so I will likely add the card I've named to the sideboard. Finally I would like you to think about what it is that your asking for me to do when you ask that I remove Grapeshot as I have 8 realistic pieces of each component of my engine. What your asking me to do is remove 1, which would statistically reduce my chances of pulling off the combo more that adding a single draw card (in its place) to the deck could correct. I keep getting comments like these so I would like you guys to be mindful of how fragile a combo based deck can be as I leave my likelihood to win completely up to my draws and how effective they can be which is why I have to have the odds stacked in my favor.

February 29, 2016 9:26 a.m.

I would suggest using Elusive Spellfist instead of Zephyr Scribe, or at least dropping a few of the scribe. Spellfist gets bigger with each spell cast and is unblockable after you cast your first spell, which seems to mean it could get in for easily 10 damage.

February 29, 2016 12:53 p.m.

GammaStrong says... #11

I think the biggest problem with the deck is you're focusing too much on making sure the combo shows up naturally. You can really add a nice toolbox to the deck by giving up some pieces. Like I really don't think 4 Grapeshot is the way to go, I would much rather have Serum Visions as a 4-of. Even Storm decks don't run 4 Grapeshot. You have a few ways that you can combo off and win, so I think it's much more important making sure you can do that in every game rather than have some games where you get a turn 2 win. Giving up some speed for stability is what's going to make this deck absolutely beautiful. I really do love what you've got going on here, but I'm finding it to be too inconsistent, it seems kinda cheesy. I tested it with a friend before and after adding a toolbox and I had an absolute blast both ways, but I won more often with the revised version. It is a very good deck though and I'm thinking about maining it for a while even.

February 29, 2016 1:36 p.m.

ArchFline says... #12

@SomeJustice storm does not run 4 Grapeshot as they usually can play through 20-30 cards once their combo starts off which means that they have the luxury to do so. This deck runs 15 sources of draw and 8 sources of filter which accounts from nearly 40% of the deck do I don't see how terribly more tool boxy I can make this without being vulnrable to excessive coubter play in a hyper competitive enviornment. I actually own this full deck and have played it against decks like that of what would be seen in competitions. While the deck has weaknesses (as all decks do) I find that out paceing the opponent is the only realistic way to progress. That being said I thank you for your comments even though we seem to have a difference of opinion. I appreciate the constructive feedback.

February 29, 2016 3:32 p.m.

Ruinah says... #13

This may sound odd, but I think Expedite would be a better fit for the deck over Manamorphose. I started running it in my Zooicide list and enjoy it greatly. It'd be a great cantrip AND combo-enabler by giving Haste.

February 29, 2016 4:24 p.m.

ArchFline says... #14

@Ruinah I run Manamorphose over most other choices for two reasons: 1) it mana corrects my deck thus allowing for my turn 2 combo to use Grapeshot in place of Altar of the Brood. 2) Manamorphose is the epitome of a filter card as it refunds its cost and draw when used so their is virtually no draw back due to its use. To this end I find it hard to accept running the deck with most alternatives as few cards can hope to offer me more.

February 29, 2016 7:37 p.m. Edited.

Dorotheus says... #15

1x Molten Nursery just to get another source of damage, or make it repeated less.

March 2, 2016 2:58 a.m.

Mclovin8617 says... #16

@Dorotheus This isn't a Molten Nursery deck. If you're trying to make the deck win with repeated loss, you're doing it wrong. It's either infinite mill or ~infinite damage with Grapeshot. Molten Nursery would slow down the deck, and is a pretty bad replacement for Grapeshot.

@ArchFline Yes, you may have optimised the speed of this combo, and pulling off a turn 2 kill is rewarding, but to improve consistency I'd adopt a slower version with more card draw and counter spells to protect the main combo. Mainboard Serum Visions, some disruption, and Dispel for when you're comboing off. Because the deck is so symmetrical, I find mulligans hardly help at all. Too often I end up with 3 Banishing Knack or 3 Mishra's Bauble. Or even if I have one of each piece required for the combo, I can just imagine getting Thoughtseize'd or Thought-Knot Seer'd. More card draw, more interaction, take the speed down a notch.

March 2, 2016 5:47 a.m.

CrapSavant says... #17

I really love this deck. I just did it on my youtube channel ( and pulled the turn 2 win. (Don't worry, I credited you). It will be uploaded in a few hours. Amazing deck! Suprisingly consistent.

March 2, 2016 8:21 a.m.

ArchFline says... #18

:D thank you for commenting I will be sure to watch. I just updated the deck adding in Street Wraith for added filtering which should bolster the decks general consistency.

March 2, 2016 9:45 a.m.

ArchFline says... #19

By the way guys WE MADE IT TO #1 SPOT ON TOP LIST!!

March 2, 2016 9:58 a.m.

CrapSavant says... #20

Here's the link:

March 2, 2016 10:25 p.m.

TheValueCards says... #21

I love the idea but I hate the 712 dollar cost :(

March 2, 2016 10:33 p.m.

CrapSavant says... #22

@TheValueCards it is surpisingly cheap in comparison to other powerful modern decks. You can swap out the Scalding Tarns for something else and it wil be just as good.

March 2, 2016 10:50 p.m.

ArchFline says... #23

Yeah if you swap out the fetches for some cheap buddy lands or pain lands this deck reduces in price by like $4-500 easy, that being said you lose consistency which is why the price is what it is.

March 2, 2016 11:35 p.m. Edited.

You can also do this combo with Midnight Guard and something like Ornithopter

March 3, 2016 2:06 p.m.

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