My old Standard deck, an FNM-winning midrange mix of GW all-stars.

Thank you everyone who has followed the deck! Unfortunately, as rotation comes around this deck will lose too many great pieces and will thus be replaced. My current post-rotation project is The Selesnya Paradox, similar in many ways and exciting to tweak! Take a look and let me know what I should change!
This deck crushes most aggro decks in the format with the mainboard.
Loxodon Smiter
is a wall that must be dealt with; Wolfir Silverheart is an even bigger wall;
Silverblade Paladin
offers first strike defense and explosive damage for racing; Thragtusk stabilizes with lifegain and card advantage;
Voice of Resurgence
will either chump/trade twice or dominate the board with a big token. The sideboard offers
Centaur Healer
, a sometimes crucial stabilizing card against the faster decks.
We also have excellent mainboard tools against control. Restoration Angel denies spot removal, and can be flashed in to avoid sorcery removal or to kill an unprepared planeswalker; Advent of the Wurm presents immediate pressure after a board wipe; Garruk, Primal Hunter can be played when a boardwipe is imminent to ensure board presence and even card draw immediately after; Thragtusk is pure card advantage stapled onto a nice beater;
Voice of Resurgence
forces them to play on their turn and lose efficiency, as well as being a 2-for-1. The sideboard also has many tools to fight these decks, such as Pithing Needle, Rootborn Defenses, Sigarda, Host of Herons, and Angel of Serenity.
Overall, this deck's biggest weaknesses are similar midrange decks that can stall to a better late game win, such as Jund and Aristocrats. Good draws will ensure lasting card advantage, but sideboarding helps a lot in these matchups. Angel of Serenity comes in to destroy their board and swing board state back in my favor, Rootborn Defenses allows for game-breaking plays, and Pithing Needle negates their most powerful threats.
This deck is a mix of powerhouse GW creatures that can grind out a game or take it away in four turns. Support from Rancor,
Selesnya Charm
, and utility creatures like Avacyn's Pilgrim and Restoration Angel help smooth everything out.
Upvote if you like, make suggestions if you have them, and thanks for looking either way!
Centaur Healer
is against very fast aggro like Naya blitz, because sometimes not even a playset of
Loxodon Smiter
cuts it. I'll usually remove some of my 5-drops to lower my curve.
Scavenging Ooze is the necessary graveyard hate of the format. I may end up sticking them in the mainboard once I've seen how it plays.
Pithing Needle is good against a lot of things, from walkers to AEtherling to
Nephalia Drownyard
to Deathrite Shaman.
Rootborn Defenses is against decks with plenty of removal and/or power creatures. It can completely turn the game around for me.
Sigarda, Host of Herons excells against decks that rely on lots of removal, like Jund, Grixis, Esper, etc. She's very handy when paired with a
Silverblade Paladin
. I'll usually replace 5-drops in order to keep an even curve.
Angel of Serenity comes in against certain control decks and most midrange decks to generate card advantage and pull game state in my favor. She's currently in testing.
Ray of Revelation
is good against Bant enchantments and any decks relying on specific enchantments, like Oblivion Ring/Detention Sphere, Blind Obedience, etc.