Rev 13:18

Commander / EDH reversemermaid

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How do you feel about Experimental Frenzy vs Future Sight? It’s one mana less and doesn’t require UUU.

January 27, 2019 11:08 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #2

Hey there, I am doing a bit of research on The more competitive decks out there for my Stax deck.

  • So the first question is: what kind of "Stax" or "Hate cards" would shut this deck down or make it impossible for you to win under certain singular or combined Effects?

  • And the second question is about Sanctum Prelate as I am trying to gather as much information about the stopping power of calling specific CMC with this card vs certain strategies, Would you consider CMC ,, or CMC to be more effective here to disrupt your gameplan?

February 1, 2019 5:23 p.m.

Kross33 says... #3

2 things, can we have an explanation for the swaps and why no Nihil Spellbomb or Tormod's Crypt

February 15, 2019 11:59 a.m.

Kross33 says... #4

With you cutting Praetor's Grasp what's your secondary win con or is it all on Laboratory Maniac ? Am I missing something here?

February 18, 2019 5:33 p.m.

reversemermaid says... #5

No Nihil Spellbomb because no one here is playing a deck that I'd want to spend a card slot sniping with a Crypt effect. I've thought about it since it does do things against Mnemonic Betrayal and Yawgmoth's Will but haven't felt the need. From Crypt and Spellbomb I'd pick Spellbomb if someone started to play some reanimation strategy or a more YawgWin based storm deck like mine.

I usually win with Thousand-Year Storm, cast any card draw to find a way to make infinite mana and then bounce Jeleva repeatedly, or just draw my deck and then Labman. After playing with it for a while I do think that at least in this deck 1kYS is better than Aetherflux Reservoir. The combos are super easy to assemble if I have any leftover cantrips or tutors after getting it down and unless something happened to LabMan finding a way to win with it is trivial.

February 19, 2019 9:09 a.m.

Kross33 says... #6

Dumb question, but is it possible to loop a spell with just one Bonus Round activation if you let the copy of the intended spell you want to loop resolve,then have the original Unsubstantiate bounce it and the copy return Unsub back to your hand?

February 22, 2019 1:19 p.m.

reversemermaid says... #7

Uhh no.

Bonus Round resolved, you cast Unsub targeting whatever. BR trigger resolves, new Unsub targets original Unsub and resolves first returning original Unsub to your hand before it resolves doing you nothing except wasting 1U mana and gaining you one storm count.

February 25, 2019 10:26 p.m.

Kross33 says... #8

I'd like to hear your opinion on Desperate Ritual and Pyretic Ritual

March 4, 2019 10:13 p.m.

Kross33 says... #9

Any tips or card choices for the breakfast/shuffle hulk matchup?

March 15, 2019 8:38 a.m.

jepoi93 says... #10

Might be missing this but how does the deck win instead of the usual tendrils kill in 1vs1?

Any new tech against decks using Lavinia/kambal as the commander and packing rule of law?

March 17, 2019 7:31 a.m.

NorsLY says... #11

Just a question - no atherflux/Paradox Engin/ Septer. How do you win & storm off?

March 21, 2019 7:27 a.m.

mrstorm says... #12

What would you cut for a group that allows a wishboard, and what would you consider for said wishboard?

April 2, 2019 12:53 a.m.

Unless they errata Baral to have the Relentless Rats clause, the 2cmc +1 red rituals stay bad.

Hand attack is surprisingly powerful against Cheese Hulk since their openers usually consist of mana and a way to assemble some 1 or 2 card monte and not so much card sculpting so early Thoughtseize/Duress usually slows them down a buch, other than that going full tempo counters works somewhat. Point of the weird Moeba piles are in so that they dodge potential hate, so can't do much more than playing the correct interaction package and not being stupid. Deck is dumb so packing enough vodka to your edh night also works wonders.

I win with Labman or Thousand Year Storm/Bonus Round loops. Most of the time it's Dramatic Reversal + Unsubstantiate to make infinite mana, then mill with Jeleva. Lavinia and Kambal are both cheesy decks, if you want to tech against them slower, grindier plans and more combos work.

If a group allowed wishboards, I'd play Burning Wish and play something like Time Spiral, Past in Flames, Tendrils of Agony, Massacre, Earthquake, Consign//Oblivion, Grim Tutor, Burning Inquiry, Treasure Cruise, Vandalblast. Some changes probably here and there since I typed up that list a couple of months ago, but flexible answers and gas is how you should approach it. The only confusing card in that list is Burning Inquiry, which is there because it allows for a 3 mana shenanigan card with Notion Thief.

April 3, 2019 3:20 p.m.

Kross33 says... #14

Any plans for the new Jace?

April 6, 2019 8:09 a.m.

Kross33 says... #15

In your opinion, do you feel the Thousand-Year Storm / Bonus Round Grixis list are better or the Laboratory Maniac / Jace. Wielder of Mysteries list?

April 19, 2019 7:40 a.m.

Kross33 says... #16

April 23, 2019 3:15 a.m.

I don't want to say anything about JWoM yet, it'd all depend on how often I dislike drawing it. When it comes to Doomsday things Laboratory Maniac is usually better, but JWoM has its upsides on some piles. It'll need a lot of testing before I know what to think of it.

Bonus Round/Thousand-Year Storm lines can be played in lists that run Consultation lines, they don't have antisynergy with each other. Doomsday and Tainted Pact do, but for dumb BR/1kYS shenanigans you should easily be able to play either or both in whatever storm-ish grixis you're jamming and have them work. Obviously since this is my list I think this is the best grixis colored list out there. Consultation lines and Kess are for chumps.

Narset is a very mediocre CA engine with a good hatebear-esque passive ability, however this deck chooses to not play Cursed Totem or the likes because that's just not what this deck tries to do. Synergy with Notion Thief is fun, but for this deck I don't think Narset would be worth it because it mainly punishes Tymna and against Tymna decks a 99 with 4 creatures has trouble defending a walker.

April 23, 2019 9:42 a.m.

Kross33 says... #18

Thanks for the response, I was so torn on if the interaction of Narset, Parter of Veils with wheels was good enough or not.

April 23, 2019 11:10 a.m.

jepoi93 says... #19

How effective is the doomsday+labman line in multiplayer?

April 29, 2019 3:49 p.m.

jepoi93 says... #20

How effective is the doomsday+labman line in multiplayer?

April 29, 2019 3:50 p.m.

It's super effective

April 29, 2019 4:03 p.m.

jepoi93 says... #22

any flex slots in this deck if you're getting ganged up on by the pod with creatures on one opp and control on the other?

April 30, 2019 5:26 a.m.

Narset's Reversal over Remand ? Also does stupid stuff w/ Thousand-Year Storm but seems like a better card when not trying to win the game.

May 16, 2019 8:14 p.m.

DLOBREWSKI says... #24

Is there a primer or description of win cons for then deck? I am looking at getting into 1v1 edh, I like what this deck has going on but would like getting everything distilled down.

Any links or advice would be great.

May 17, 2019 4:27 p.m.

WhirlwindKyo says... #25

I'm a huge fan of this deck been running a version of it for years now, did you ever give Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion any consideration or is it just too slow?

June 5, 2019 6:05 p.m.

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