Control the Treasure-Control

Standard* Chasedrk1


Atroxreaper says... #1

Just previewed a 0/4 2cc wall that makes a treasure when it dies. Think it will fit nicely.

January 1, 2018 5:55 p.m.

Chasedrk1 says... #4

January 16, 2018 9:40 p.m.

Iron_eye2 says... #5

I would suggest getting 2 Deadeye Plunderers for additional treasures and power

January 23, 2018 6:39 a.m.

Chasedrk1 says... #6

Thank you for the suggestion Iron_eye2. He has been in this deck previously. I have found that in actual competitive game play, he is a 5 drop 3/3 that doesnt effect the board state, Then dies within a turn or 2.

His but if is very attractive, his overall performance tends to slow down what this deck is trying to do.

January 23, 2018 6:46 a.m.

Chasedrk1 says... #7

As a preimptive to the new Red/Black midrange Control that is becoming quickly popular in standard, I have adjusted my side board with 3 Duress, and 3 Spyglass. Spyglass will be a versitle card in a lot of matchups. Duress is a early turn play. Hopes of pulling a planeswalker.

January 25, 2018 9:34 a.m.

Mage_Mystic_ says... #8

I really enjoy this deck! It fits into the nice niche of decks that are fun to play and have gimmick themes, such as decks like Mardu Reanimate.

This deck is prepared for a lot. Including the sideboard, it has 4 win conditions, which you often don't get with decks like this. One thing I would suggest, however, is adding 1 more Tezzeret and giving up an Opt. This will allow for more late game protection, as I think that Treasure Map can make up for the difference.

Otherwise, I love the deck. I may try it out!

January 26, 2018 6:32 p.m.

xhuggels says... #9

Hey there, got your message. So first up, i think you need more CA mechanics. You have great cycling ability with Opt and treasure map , but they dont actually do anything in terms of CA. Opt only replaces itself, it doesn't actually draw you an additional card. treasure map can work once you flip it, but you need to spend your treasures to use the CA you get from it.(This is important, and ill get back to it)

Second up, i dont think you have enough creatures to play Pitiless Plunderer effectively, so id take it out.

Third up, i think Spell Swindle is a great card, but only if you use treasures to cast it(Again, important, ill get back to it)

fourthly, Ruthless Knave is great, but again, not enough creatures to actually get treasures out of it consistently. if it does so, its by luck. It does help you CA though, but you need to use treasures to make that happen(Same theme)

So you see, to play the control version of the treasure deck you really need freedom to use your treasures when needed. What this means is that you will never...ever have 8-10 treasures on the field, so i think Revel in Riches and Mechanized Production will always be dead cards in this deck.

Torment of Hailfire doesnt need to have tons of treasures to do damage or even be lethal, and Marionette Master only needs 5 for lethal in addition to being a large body. Alternatively you can play her small to stall the board while you setup a bigger Torment of Hailfire. These are your win-cons i think.

There is a more creature heavy treasure deck with the play-set of Ruthless Knave ,Pitiless Plunderer, Gleaming Barrier and dire fleet hoarder where you can get up to 4 treasures from sacking a creature, and in that deck 8-10 treasures isnt a funny thing to see, but for this deck i dont think Revel in Riches or Mechanized Production works at all.

Prosperous Pirates also only really do a lot if played above curve paying for it with treasures, or in a really lategame environment, but because of that i think its viable here for its toughness. Sailor of Means is also solid, as is Gleaming Barrier.Id drop the plunderer and MC for something that helps your CA.Secrets of the Golden City may be an option as treasures will help you get ascend. Search for azcanta is also an option if you wanna add some $ to it. With the number of instants/sorceries you run primal amulet might even also work if you have room to drop it.If you feel naked with less than 10 creatures you could add 1 more of either Gleaming Barrier or Sailor of Means as well.

Lastly, i love the Marionette Master/Tezzeret the Schemer combo. Those two cards work so well together. He gives her a means to deal direct damage, he can buff her to the point where you only need 2-3 treasures to deal lethal, and that isnt even talking about his ultimate.

January 26, 2018 6:54 p.m.

xhuggels says... #10

also, Lookout's Dispersal is bad here. you dont have enough pirates to pay 2 manna for it consistently, so it just becomes a weaker Cancel

January 26, 2018 7:02 p.m.

Chasedrk1 says... #11

I had a 3rd tez in that I would sideboard. But now that the meta has changed so drastically, I will make the switch and test it out. I appreciate it!

January 26, 2018 7:21 p.m.

xhuggels says... #13

Heartless Pillage is a good sideboard against control decks. i dont necessarily think you need a third tezzeret, but i also dont think it will hurt you to put it in. i still dont think Revel in Riches will do you any good. Mechanized Production is also a question mark, if you play your deck with the kind of freedom you need to make some of your other cards shine, then i dont think its a win-con at all. it does give you a treasure a turn however, which can be sweet and maybe make it a win-con in 5-10% of your matches.

January 27, 2018 1:21 a.m.

Chasedrk1 says... #14

My consistent win cons over the past several weeks are 1st- Mechanized production, 2nd- torment of Hailfire. Marionette Master is a huge target even game 1 against my LGS large pool of tier 1 decks. I usually pay 6 for 1x1 artifact damage instead of 4x1 or it doesnt resolve at all.

By turn 5-6 I usually am waiting to top deck a wincon and have the treasure to ed the game, any longer and have enough treasures for counter spells or additional plays.

My main reason for an L is usually card advantage. As every loss I had last night was from hoping to top deck a win condition.

January 27, 2018 8:44 a.m.

xhuggels says... #15

yeah you need more CA most definately. Like i said look into Secrets of the Golden City, and use your treasures when Ruthless Knave is out to draw you cards. i know it seems counter productive, and against some matchups you may wanna sit on them, but more often than not you wanna have the freedom to use your treasures to stay in the game.

Last night i took my Marionette Master win-con deck for a spin, and it definitely takes some effort to land on the field. I found that you wanna bait Vraska's Contempt/Cast Out with another threat before you play it. it cant be targeted by Fatal Push, and it doesn't get killed by Lightning Strike/Abrade either, so it has some resilience. you just gotta bait that removal card from their hand first.

Duress can also help with that, but the problem still is that you have too many win-cons and too few spells that make them resolve.

waiting on Mechanized Production does work sometimes, but its too slow i feel. id like to know what your win/loss ratio is when you are going all in for that win-con.

if you dont wanna get rid of the mech but still want to improve your CA, maybe consider swapping your Opt for Secrets of the Golden City as having only 2 copies of Opt, itll more likely come in later in the game, at which stage you dont need to cycle, you need more cards. for the sideboard also swap Revel in Riches for Negate in those matchups you struggle to drop Marionette Master.

January 27, 2018 3:08 p.m.

Chasedrk1 says... #16

testing proved that Costly Plunder is a stronger card than Secrets of the Golden City mostly due to instant speed. Both did provide better CA than OptThe 3rd Tezzeret the Schemer changed the dynamic of this deck a ton and has shown itself to be a reliable win condition or board control card. Torment of Hailfire also is playing a larger role than before.

January 28, 2018 5:34 p.m.

xhuggels says... #17

ive been working on something too, and i tend to agree with you on the Torment of Hailfire and Costly Plunder part. Check out my White/black version. Orzov Budget Treasures

January 28, 2018 5:39 p.m.

xhuggels says... #18

I think people tend to look at Torment of Hailfire as a very expensive addition to the deck, only being viable if you can put tons of manna behind it, but they forget you can technically cast it for 3 manna as well(i wouldnt, but its a thing you can do so how expensive it is is based on how much you want it to do) I dont like the idea of a dead card being in my hand until turn 10 and then going all in on it. Sure thats a thing you can do as well, but you can also do anything in between. i just put the full playset in my deck as i want freedom to play it when i see an opportune, non lethal time to play it in.

January 28, 2018 5:44 p.m.

Chasedrk1 says... #19

We totally tried this i before in this deck when I started brewing with my friend. He ran 4 Spell Swindle & 4 Torment of Hailfire. It wasnt the only differences, but eventually we went to 2 ToH. With the new setup and dropping the Marionette wincon, what would you drop for 2 more ToH?

January 28, 2018 7:04 p.m.

Iron_eye2 says... #20

I would drop Metalspinner's Puzzleknot for 2 ToH

January 28, 2018 7:09 p.m.

Chasedrk1 says... #21

The card draw is kind of hard to give up completely. I do want to try 4 Costly Plunder for the extra 2 metalshaper puzzleknot.For the card slot though, I feel like it weakens the deck instead of strengthening it.

How about 1x treasure map, For 1 torment? Making it a 3 of

January 28, 2018 7:19 p.m.

xhuggels says... #22

treasure map is a little slow to have a 3 of with. i think metalspinners is fine. costly plunder give you the cards faster true, but it doesnt actually give you anything to sack. the second cast on metalspinners is a little expensive though, but sometimes you must. at the very least you can sack it to costly plunder.

if your treasure production falls apart without treasure map however, i would add a third copy.

January 28, 2018 7:53 p.m.

Chasedrk1 says... #23

The testing I have done today, Treasure Map was Abradeed within 1 turn of dropping it each time. My treasure production is still very hearty, in fact I have finished most games with more than 7 treasures still on the board.

January 28, 2018 8 p.m.

xhuggels says... #24

that means you probably dont need an extra copy then.

January 28, 2018 8:08 p.m.

Argy says... #25

GREAT Descripton. I wish more TappedOut users would take the time to explain how their decks work.

It makes it MUCH easier to Playtest.

As I was reading about the deck I kept wondering whether Metalspinner's Puzzleknot would be a good fit.

Then I saw you mention it, but it is not in the current build. Did you test it out and find that it didn't work? I find it great in my Control deck.

February 2, 2018 7:30 a.m.

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