
Keeping to my prior commitment to design my decks around a central theme, I felt it is time to do the gods proud and make a true divinity deck. This works well considering my recent affinity for creating five color decks.

Attempting to stick to a fairly vorthos concept-ed deck design, because this deck is themed after divinity within Magic, it will focus on cards that have heavenly, divine, godly or other celestial qualities. I am attempting to pull out the major deities of the planes that have presented some level of religious focus so that also includes the spirit gods from Kamigawa. This means, this deck becomes a god, angel, avatar, spirit tribal to some degree.

For my general, as I see it there are two options:

  1. Progenitus
  2. Karona, False God

Although Progenitus works surprisingly well due to the contribution he brings towards devotion, and the thematic attributes of being the Hydra god, I feel Karona is the more natural inclusion being the false god that tried to destroy everything and take on the other gods. Especially when you consider that she tried summoning the gods of each mana color. For this reason Progenitus will be included in the deck, but not used as the general.

Although this deck may not be highly competitive, and devotion may never occur (considering the false god is leading us it is not surprising) I expect it to be a lot of fun to play.

Key parts to this deck:

  1. The false god Karona and her temple
  2. The gods of Theros
  3. The gods of Kamigawa
  4. The temples or other apropriately thematic non-basic lands. (Because land can contribute to flavor just as much as the denizens of the plane)
  5. Vows, Rites, Omens, etc.
  6. Scrying, because naturally the divine can tell and change the future.
  7. Divine removal. You know the type...

Note: some gods were never printed, so in an attempt to include them cards that reference them are included. My favorite example of this is Final Judgment. Final Judgment is great because O-Kagachi is the greatest of Kami's in Kamigawa, so imposing that only his destruction is available to us.

In the spirit of EDH, some cards would improve the power level of the deck but are intentionally left out due to lack of thematic relevance. Other cards are left out for format reasons (ex. Enlightened tutor is left out to try and maintain the single card random game feel.)

Some cards are included just as a requirement to make the deck work, but Where-ever possible, cards that fit the theme of the deck are included over other options. An Example of this is using Kodama's Reach instead of Cultivate because Kodama's Reach represents the Kami (gods) causing the land to grow.

Key cards of note:

Although the Lorwyn/Shadowmoor Demigods avatar's are a reasonable devotion option that semi fit the theme, I am hesitant to include them. Instead the following three cards help generate devotion while enhancing the flavor of the deck:

  • Maelstrom Nexus a chaotic storm of mana that became the source of Nicol Bolas's power transforming him from an elderdragon to a planeswalker - although he is described as god like because he has no worshiper's he will not be included in this deck.
  • Genju of the Realm "The spirit of the entire Kamigawa world coming to life." To me this is an auto-include, given that spririts in Kamigawa are their gods.
  • Maelstrom Archangel A glorious and powerful five-color creature that is born of the merging of five planes.
  • Progenitus Worshiped as a Hydra-god on the plane of Alara

These cards assist in Mana fixing while also following the theme:

  • Mirari's Wake - I love the thematic value of Mirari's Wake - "Even after a false god tore the magic from Dominaria, power still radiated from the Mirari sword that slew her."
  • Prismatic Omen - Because what is more spiritual then an omen?

Both from an EDH game-play perspective and Lore perspective, I find the vow's are a very fitting inclusion. I include each of the vow's as a way to maximize the use of my general and to put a little bit of politics into the game.

Continuing this thought, I have included cards like Rite of the Raging Storm and Rites of Flourishing, because thematically I feel both the right cards fit well and they both also help towards the political feel, helping everyone while not directly hurting me.

After much effort assembling this deck, I found a similar deck on tapped out that has good flavor in it's own right, and intrigued me because it runs planes walkers according to the creator "Because face it, they're pretty much gods as well."

Pretty good god stuff reference deck by Elandventure

Although I see the point, and I thematically disagree, this appears to be a great deck, and I see the advantage as I have been working on a planes-walker five color deck for years. I might yet concede the point and change my deck to be similar to this one effectively combining this deck with my planeswalker deck, but for now I am happy to merge my planeswalker deck into my sliver deck and see how that works out. If you are curious what I am doing with my Super Friends deck you can find it posted here:

Sliver Artifact Superfriends Tribal Deck

So far below is the list of cards I am including that are inspired by ElendVenture deck list. I will keep this list updated as I post changes that are inspired by ElendVenture.


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99% Casual


Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.30
Tokens Copy Clone, Enchantment Cleric 2/1 W, Enchantment Snake 1/1 BG, Insect 1/1 UR, Spirit 1/1 C, Warrior 1/1 W w/ Vigilance
Folders Active Multi-Color Decks, Decks I like, maybe
Ignored suggestions
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