This is a Human Reanimator deck that likes to dump Biovisionary and other Humans for the win.
It's based off of the Pro Tour Nyota 1st Place deck from late last year. As I've mentioned in other of my builds, I love the whole Humanimator idea, and this is my actual FNM build that I run week to week, now with special Gatecrash fixin's.
Biovisionary is possible in standard. The big upside to it is that for now, they draw an ungodly amount of hate as soon as they hit the table, and some amusing play errors involving remembering that the dang thing is multicolored. This deck, like any Flooding Reanimator, can dump enough of them in the grave to make the opponent think twice about hitting it.
The other upswing of Biovisionary is that he is a fairly solid creature, and also gives a secondary win condition if Unburial Rites or Angel of Glory's Rise gets kicked out with Slaughter Games or some other horrible fate. (I'm looking at you Cremate) Not reliable, but will make them split up their removal quite a bit as you do what you can to seal the game out (Which is difficult--This is a major problem I'm still trying to solve).
The deck's weakness is closing out Games 2 and 3, when they either catch you tapped out or without an Izzet Charm to stuff the inevitable Rest in Peace. I've stuck in these games to minimal success, but Biovisionary on his own doesn't necessarily guarantee that the game is going to go your way in anything but a straight up control environment (Something I know that a few Cavern of Souls would fix. They're on their way). We need a sideboard slot to help finish out these other games or be able to change gears and go full Evolve from the side.
A quick note on Infinite Combos and Other Common Reanimator Strategies:I've considered Infinite, especially with the BW sac chick. However, I enjoy Evolve more as a mechanic and have stuck to playing it. (Plus I already have this mana base complete.) I do have 4x of her saved up for when I do break down and finally get more infinite pieces. I would likely run Infinite for Fiend Hunter exile, if it ever came around to that.
As far as things like Goldnight Commander (Who is fun!) Champion of the Parish (Also fun!) and Experiment One (Hilarious!), I honestly have only gotten to try out Goldnight. Goldnight makes things messy with triggering Evolve, and I know there's a way to cheat extra evolve pips out of my Evolvers with him, but haven't quite cracked it yet. Champion and Experiment I just haven't gotten to yet.
The Sideboard:This needs updating. Some of these solutions work, others don't. Rolling Tremblor needs to go, and I feel like Rapid Hybridization could do the trick here, though Rolling Tremblor handily sweeps up Geist. Could Supreme Verdict result in an entertaining board wipe/Freebie for me? I'd also like to see a better solution than Ray of Revelation for enchants.
Comments, Suggestions and stupid human tricks are always appreciated.