R/G Atarka Ramp

Modern* Aulrich7


Omeros says... #1

Nineteen lands and zero 1 CMC spells is going to lose you games before you can get started.

Almost all removal played in Modern is instant speed and cheap so I'm not seeing why you expect Archwing to work out.

As it stands, your best curves are:

T1: Land

T2: Land, Generator

T3: Sac Generator, Archwing. Archwing returns to hand after dealing 4 dmg.

Or this:

T1: Land

T2: Land, Rampant

T3: Land, Explosive

T4: Land, Atarka

This doesn't interact at all until T4 and leaves you dead on board if they have any removal. It also relies on consistently hitting land drops when you're 4-5 lands below what you should be playing given your curve and need to hit your first few land drops in a row.

You would almost certainly benefit if you swapped out Explosive for mana elves and swapped some of your combat tricks for land. After those changes you're still not interactive enough for the speed with which you can land threats but you'll at least become more consistent if your opponent is durdling as well.

January 13, 2017 11:22 a.m.

ArchFline says... #2

Yeah I 100% agree with Omeros your mans curve is a bit of a mess but it's an easy fix. Your in the colors green and read so you have plenty of field control and better ramp options at your disposal get you to your late game (which is where you have to be to win with this strategy. I recommend looking into the following cards:Lightning BoltDraconic RoarDragon TempestSlumbering Dragon

You could even use fight mechanics to throw them into your egg or slumbering giving you an advantage.

January 13, 2017 11:50 a.m.

Aulrich7 says... #3

Thanks for the advice. I'm very new to modern so this is great tips! ArchFline to my understanding if A Slumbering Dragon were to fight something, it would not get a counter since it is technically not being attacked. Is this correct?

January 13, 2017 12:17 p.m.

Omeros says... #4

I think the best way to familiarize yourself with Modern is to watch some coverage of games on YouTube. Look up stock versions of the decks you see played and try to get a sense for what each is doing and how their cards enable their game plan. If the commentators are good it's actually pretty entertaining, too.

January 13, 2017 12:40 p.m.

ArchFline says... #5

Aulrich7 yes it does not trigger when it attacks, the dragon acts as a cheap deterent for early attacking. It also soaks up some of your enemies spot removal.

January 13, 2017 1:02 p.m.

Aulrich7 says... #6

Would it be feasible to set up Foe-Razer Regent with Frontier Siege and Slumbering Dragon to quickly remove opponents creatures with quickly adding counters onto the slumbering dragon? and maybe take out atarka and the generator?

January 13, 2017 1:08 p.m.

ArchFline says... #7

Those are far to high mans cost to be effective, I would recommend using either Ulvenwald Tracker or Domri Rade as they are much more efficient and provide more meaningful early game presence. At the vary least they can eat a hit from an attacking creature.

January 13, 2017 2:08 p.m.

Aulrich7 says... #8

So I put in Ulvenwald Tracker and kept Atarka in and got my land count to 25 lands. So I have slumbering and tracker in for early game presence and ramping up to atarka into a atarka and arch wing finisher. I'll continue to look into better options though.

January 13, 2017 2:39 p.m.

ArchFline says... #9

Your ratios still need a bit of a tune up, I would recommend that you drop the following:

4x Devoted Druid

1x Crucible of Fire

1x Sarkhan's Triumph

3x lands

In favor of:

3x Shaman of Forgotten Ways

2x Steel Hellkite

4x Arbor Elf (with him I would suggest transforming your land base to include Stomping Ground and Cinder Glade but that can be pricey so perhaps some Birds of Paradise or Whisperer of the Wilds).

January 13, 2017 3:43 p.m. Edited.

Aulrich7 says... #10

Thank you so much for the help! I'll continue looking for good options though! probably gonna test it some and see how it does!

January 13, 2017 9:42 p.m.

doodle_Bob says... #11

In order to get out your dragons fast, I recommend you use cards like Explore or Exploration to play extra lands. I kind of would put Dragonlord Atarka in the deck as well because it could help take out pesky creatures or planeswalkers.

January 14, 2017 12:34 a.m.

Aulrich7 says... #12

doodle_Bob well Dragonlord Atarka better be a win con because of the high cost. And it just would not fit in with the current win con. Atarka > Archwing

With the deck currently I already have 11 mana dorks which I may look into how well that works but for now it seems to suffice without losing too much value

January 14, 2017 12:56 a.m.

Aulrich7 says... #13

With the amount of mana ramp in this Deck I'm thinking about switching out Archwing Dragon for Flameblast Dragon?

January 14, 2017 9:20 a.m.

ArchFline says... #14

Moderen as a format is a very quickpased type of format, by turn 3-4 you either need to be able to win with a combo or be able to disrupt your opponents combo. For this reason I recommend that you drop some of your creature base down from 32(which is a bit high)) to 26 and add 6 instant spells to your main board that can help you disrupt your opponents early game. I would heavily recommend the following additions:

Lightning Bolt x4

Steel Hellkite x1

And Destructive Revelry for your sideboard.

With the removal of 4 of your mama dorks as 11 is honestly a bit much for a deck with such limited mana sinks to take advantage of. I would see about dropping your Arbor Elf 1Ulvenwald Tracker.

The fight mechanic is nice but taxing so when you have a reusable source like the tracker you can warrent having 3 over 4 to reduce the chance of having dead weight in hand late game.

January 14, 2017 1:39 p.m.

Aulrich7 says... #15

Alright I took out the 4 Arbor Elf and 1 Ulvenwald Tracker and 1 Dragon Egg in favor of 4 Lightning Bolt and 2 Draconic Roar

however I am wondering if Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker would provide more value in the place of Archwing Dragon what do you think?

Also I really appreciate all the help you have walked me through ArchFline I think I might have to go upvote all your decks! :D

January 14, 2017 4 p.m.

Lucky69 says... #16

Stormbreath Dragon Is another good choice, because Path to Exile cannot kill it, and Lightning Bolt and Roast don't work. Only black cards can kill it and it has to be countered immediatly by blue, unless they have Vapor Snag. If Skred uses it, you can too.

January 14, 2017 5:50 p.m.

Aulrich7 says... #17

Alright got Stormbreath Dragon in for a win con with Atarka anyone else see anything that needs to be put in? I'll begin testing this Deck on xmage and post how the results turn out!

January 14, 2017 9:49 p.m.

Aulrich7 says... #18

Did a few a.i. Games and I had to add in a few more mana dorks, I had to hard cast my big finishers too many times so I took out steel hellkite to make room for them

January 16, 2017 3:16 p.m.

Aulrich7 says... #19

Would dragon tempest be a good addition? Dealing damage + haste seems like a good fit in the deck?

September 23, 2017 7:18 p.m.

clayperce says... #20

Dragonlord Atarka is a great card, but to be truly competitive I think you'll need a TON more ramp. I strongly recommend playing her in a Ponza, Amulet Titan, or Mono-G Devotion shell ... all of which can generate Tron-like mana fast enough to make her relevant. Please see, for example, one of these two decks, this one, or this one.

FWIW, I ran her in this deck for a while, but didn't find her to be that competitive. Seven mana is just a TON more than six, and I think the deck is better off sticking to Inferno Titan or Chandra, Flamecaller as the top-end.

Good luck though, and good skill!

October 24, 2018 8:28 a.m. Edited.

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