I like creatures. Creatures are fun. Let's make a deck out of creatures.
And planeswalkers! Those are good. Maybe some planeswalkers that like creatures.
Goal #1: have early action (aggress against the slow decks)
Goal #2: have a solid mid/late game (stabilize against the fast decks)
This started more-or-less as an imitation of the green devotion deck Makihito Mahara used to take 4th at Pro-Tour Theros. While that version of the deck can snowball like crazy, it is too easily interrupted and too slow when you don't hit the curve properly or don't have a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx forthcoming. And Supreme Verdict brings you screeching to a complete stop.
With that in mind, I've sped the bad boy up. Instead of shooting for the 5-6 mana slot, we're happy at any part of the game.
Turn 1 - land, Elvish Mystic
Turn 2 - land, Burning-Tree Emissary into Burning-Tree Emissary into Boon Satyr.
Turn 3 - Swing away, bloodrushing a Ghor-Clan Rampager onto the creature of your choice
Turn 4 - Domri Rade to pick off an inconvenient creature on the other side or work on refilling your hand to finish the game
Turn 1 - land
Turn 2 - land, Sylvan Caryatid
Turn 3 - Courser of Kruphix, play a land from the top of your library
Turn 4 - Domri Rade, draw a creature if you see it on top of your library from the Courser, Scavenging Ooze, play a land from your library,
And then you're set up for card advantage and life gain to stabilize and get to your Stormbreath Dragons and your Polukranos, World Eaters.
The problem with many green-heavy decks is the sorcery speed everything. I want to keep the opponent off kilter while still sticking to a very creature-based strategy.
Flash in a Boon Satyr after their Anger of the Gods to keep the momentum. Bloodrush a Ghor-Clan Rampager onto that Burning-Tree Emissary they confidently blocked with a 3/4. Problem solved.
1x Pithing Needle - byebye Jace and Elspeth
1x Mizzium Mortars - the solution to Brimaz and a late-game board wipe
2x Destructive Revelry - clear out those pesky Detention Spheres and Shock them at the same time
2x Courser of Kruphix - get better set-up against the aggro decks with solid blocks, card advantage, and life gain
3x Witchstalker - a big nuisance for control, and not half-fun for monoblack either
2x Hammer of Purphoros - wonderful against control, turn those late-game land topdecks into hasty 3/3s every turn
2x Arbor Colossus - if they're running Stormbreath Dragon or Desecration Demon swap your dragons out for these guys
1x Ruric Thar, the Unbowed - a healthy dose of control-hate and burn-hate rolled into one yoked giant
1x Mistcutter Hydra Better than Polukranos against the control decks
I'm still tinkering! Let me know what you think. Suggestions would not go amiss either.