R/G Enraged Dinosaur Ramp

Standard scapegoat_tom


Oliverosaurus8 says... #1

Reckless rage instead of rile?

February 24, 2018 10:08 a.m.

scapegoat_tom says... #2

Oliverosaurus8 I'm going to have to disagree since the 2 damage from Reckless Rage is enough to kill most of my enrage creatures.

February 24, 2018 10:11 a.m.

Oliverosaurus8 says... #3

Didn't even consider that, sorry. I do like the deck though

February 24, 2018 10:14 a.m.

Limo says... #4

February 25, 2018 10:30 a.m.

scapegoat_tom says... #5

Limo I think your mixing Looming Altisaur and Temple Altisaur. but I like what you've got there, don't really know how I missed that combo.

February 25, 2018 12:34 p.m.

Limo says... #6


February 25, 2018 2:37 p.m.

xEleven says... #7

One main problem in dino decks that I'm seeing is the curve. Most dino decks I see have insane curves, so watch out for that.

April 18, 2018 1:19 a.m.

davcot says... #8

I love your deck !

I suggest to add one or two Ghalta, Primal Hunger as it's a cheap and efficient blocker/attacker ... Its casting cost would almost always be 2-3 with all the big dinos you got there ... Especially the Ceratops which tend to get bigger !

Have fun

April 18, 2018 12:38 p.m.

scapegoat_tom says... #9

davcot I have thought about ghalta as an addition to the deck but since I'm running Temple Altisaur in here, just about any dino is a good blocker since all damage is reduced to 1.

April 19, 2018 12:07 p.m.

multimedia says... #10

Hey, looks good for low budget.

Consider 4x Adventurous Impulse? Impulse can give you a potetnially turn one play that can find Drover or Huntmaster. It's good turn one or turn ten. It can potentially find a land, a Dino or most importantly Forerunner, Huntmaster or Drover.

I think 20x total lands is a pretty low; you can't count on having a Drover or Huntmaster turn two every game or count on either surviving to ramp turn three. Adding Impulse will help with a low land count, but I think you should consider adding more lands. I suggest 23-24x total lands.

For the manabase because of low budget consider 4x Tranquil Expanse, 2x Stone Quarry and 2x Timber Gorge? Adding Expanse will help to cast Siegehorn Ceratops and it's casting cost. A lot of basic lands is not going to work with the current deck because you want green, white and red in the early game. You want more dual lands to be able to make mana for all these colors consistently. You still want basic lands because of Ranging Raptors, but I think you can cut down on them. If later on it would be great if you could afford the Check lands: Sunpetal Grove and Clifftop Retreat these lands are good investments because they can be played in a lot of different decks you make.

Good luck with your deck.

June 10, 2018 1:57 a.m.

scapegoat_tom says... #11

multimedia I have had fairly good results vs most decks my current meta with a flat 20 lands. Adventurous Impulse is not as good as you may think since it looks so shallow into the deck. Commune with Dinosaurs is much better since it looks deeper and can be used to find land as an alternative. I will admit I dont play either card in this deck.

June 11, 2018 6:55 p.m.

Struyk says... #12

Commune with Dinosaurs IS a land 90% of the time so you can easily go with 20 lands + 4 of them

July 31, 2018 11:42 p.m.

Joker207755 says... #13

December 12, 2018 4:51 p.m.

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