Round One: Ad Nauseum
Game One: He got the god hand: 2x Lotus Bloom + lands + ad nauseum + Angel's Grace. I lost right quick.
Game Two: The same thing happened! It was unreal, he got insane hands both games. The round was over for me in about 7 minutes. A stellar start :( 0-1.
Round Two: Mono-White Hatebears
Game One: This was the same player who played Burn against me on the 4/11/17 Modern event, so I wasn't sure what deck he was on. However, it is always a good bet that this guy is on hatebears; he's been playing the deck for 4 years and it is entirely foiled out, masterpiece Aether Vial
s and all. Anyways, Game One is a race. I blow up a few of his lands, and then start racing with a Stormbreath Dragon. As it turns out, protection from white is quite good in this matchup. I ripped a Bonfire of the Damned to clear away most of his board, and I am able to get there with the Stormbreath Dragon.
Game Two: This game was all his. He sandbagged me at every opportunity, and just slowly and surely ate away at my life total. His deck performed exactly as it was supposed to.
Game Three: This game was a good one for me. The land destruction proved to be too much for him, and he struggled to keep up with the threats that I was bringing to bear. Once again, Stormbreath Dragon proved its worth by getting in for 16 damage before the game was out. 1-1.
Round Three: Jeskai Control
Game One: I got off to an interesting start, playing out three mana dorks and a Blood Moon. While he was trying to play through the moon, I started slamming threats out at a rate he couldn't answer. Chandra, Flamecaller into Inferno Titan is not an answerable threat while on three Mountains and an Island.
Game Two: This game was his from the very start. The hand I kept was slow, so I would have had a turn 3 Blood Moon, except he Vendilion Cliqued it away. I proceeded to flood out something fierce, and a Snapcaster Mage ended the game.
Game Three: This was a gross game. I landed a Choke on turn 2. He used Spreading Seas on a Forest to both knock off my Utopia Sprawl and keep it tapped with Choke. The next turn I played Blood Moon. At this point he is completely locked out of the game, and it was just a matter of time until I got a big threat and killed him. 2-1.
Round Four: Grixis Shadow
Game One: This was the luckiest I got all night. I played this game very poorly but somehow pulled it out. He tore my hand apart with Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize, and though I blew up some lands, he got ahead on board. I had no hand, 6 life, and I was facing down an 8/8 Death's Shadow and a Tasigur, the Golden Fang. He was tapped out. I drew my last card, knowing full well that I was definitely dead no matter what. Well, we both forgot about Bonfire of the Damned. I domed him for 7. Not much he could do.
Game Two: This game he did the exact same thing, except I didn't get obscenely lucky. He beat me quickly and efficiently. I kept another slow hand at six cards, which is probably why.
Game Three: This time I kept a good hand, and though he did Thoughtseize me on turn one, he kept a one lander against a land destruction deck. Stone Rain and Mwonvuli Acid-Moss did their job and kept him down until a Chandra, Torch of Defiance provided too much value for me for the win. 3-1 again, more prize money.