Liquimetal Destruction

Modern Slyme369

SCORE: 114 | 61 COMMENTS | 22910 VIEWS | IN 76 FOLDERS

Slyme369 says... #1

Played about 10 matches with this deck last night, I was surprised at how well it did. I won about 80% of the time, only losing to a very fast and aggressive burn deck and one match where I just got horrible draws.

It plays pretty slow unless you manage to get out an Isochron Scepter and imprint Smash to Smithereens onto it, then you can use Liquimetal Coating to turn just about anything they have into an artifact, and destroy it while doing 3 damage to them every turn (plus any other creatures or spells you can get out)

Everyone who played against it found it to be a very frustrating deck, they spent most of the game unable to do anything because I would either blow it up as soon as it hit the field, or I would destroy enough land that they simply could not cast anything. It was particularly strong against Urza/Tron decks (I could prevent them from getting the full set of lands out) and it absolutely wrecked an artifact/affinity deck (didnt even need liquimetal coating, almost everything in his deck was already an artifact)

February 13, 2016 2:40 p.m.

witchbaine says... #2

Have you thought of using Liquimetal Coating+Splinter? It's one of my favorite land destruction combos though I'm not sure how playable it would be.

June 30, 2016 2:02 a.m.

Slyme369 says... #3

Man is that mean...if you get that combo off on some decks they would pretty much have to concede right there.

On a different note, I am considering dropping a few things to fit in a few Ancient Stirrings to help dig for Isochron Scepter and Liquimetal Coating

June 30, 2016 1:41 p.m.

witchbaine says... #4

I've also been toying around with using Pyromancer's Goggles in land destruction and if youre able to pull it off it gets pretty hilarious.

June 30, 2016 2:25 p.m.

Slyme369 says... #5

Tweaked a few cards around to be able to fit Ancient Stirrings in there for the ability to dig for Isochron Scepter and Liquimetal Coating. Upped the count on the scepters to 4.

Not sure if my creature base is any good...I just picked those creatures for their artifact hate mechanics, wondering if I should drop them for generally better overall creatures and leave the artifact hate to my scepters and direct spells.

June 30, 2016 4:09 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #6

Rootbound Crag over Rugged Highlands. And personally, I'm not a big fan of Fertile Thicket for this deck. You could end up putting what you need at the bottom of the deck with no way to shuffle them back to the top (maybe add a couple Wooded Foothills?). I'd run Temple of Abandon over Fertile Thicket.

Other cards to consider - Viridian Revel, Sculpting Steel, Buried Ruin, Reclamation Sage, Shattering Spree, Tel-Jilad Justice

July 4, 2016 1:30 p.m. Edited.

Slyme369 says... #7

Lots of good recommendations, thanks :) I'll have to pick a few of those up. Wooded Foothills is a bit out of budget for me right now, the rest look doable though.

July 4, 2016 7:07 p.m.

frostdiggity says... #8

Perhaps a couple Evolving Wilds then?

July 5, 2016 1:47 a.m.

Slyme369 says... #9

Another strong suggestion. Looks like this deck might be getting a bit more work done than I thought :)

July 5, 2016 3:04 a.m.

Abell1998 says... #10

Just bought this deck on TCGPlayer cause I wanted to get back into Magic. I can't wait to play with it.

July 5, 2016 10:27 p.m.

Slyme369 says... #11

Cool, hope you like it :) Let me know what you think of it once you get to play a few hands with it.

July 6, 2016 12:29 a.m.

wolfhead says... #12

haha i have this deck, i use Viridian Corrupter as my win condition,
the red for smash and revelry seems legit though.
also Myr Landshaper

July 20, 2016 1:57 a.m.

tonfer20 says... #13

Interesting choice of going red/green. Most artifact destruction lists (I don't know if there is a name for this kind of archtype) go blue/green. It has access to Trygon Predator for more destruction (not that you don't have enough or anything, just repeatable), Argent Mutation if needing another way for coating something, and Fabricate, Tezzeret the Seeker and Muddle the Mixture for tutoring out the coating... just some ideas, I don't want to sound pushy..

Some other things you might like are Oxidize, Voltaic Key, Myr Landshaper and Viridian Revel.

Love the deck, just wanted to help a little bit. Considering building one of these decks now, looks evil

July 27, 2016 1:58 a.m.

Slyme369 says... #14

I really like Voltaic Key, that would allow either Liquimetal Coating or Isochron Scepter to get an extra use each turn. I had not originally considered blue, red and green seemed to have plenty of artifact hate, and they also had artifact hate with added damage via Smash to Smithereens and Destructive Revelry which match up perfectly with Isochron Scepter

So far, the only real weakness with this deck is its reliance on drawing Liquimetal and Isochron, Ancient Stirrings really helps with that though.

I just wish Ancient Stirrings was an instant, it would be awesome to imprint one of them into a scepter, then fish out all the rest of your coatings and scepters :)

July 27, 2016 6 p.m.

Khazvv says... #15

July 28, 2016 2:46 a.m.

Slyme369 says... #16

I'll add him to the maybe list, had not seen him before :)

July 28, 2016 1:50 p.m.

I avidly really like this deck, it might be out of curve and price range but have you considered Mycosynth Lattice as a 2 of? It would help if your coating got destroyed.

July 28, 2016 2:15 p.m.

Slyme369 says... #18

I had thought about Mycosynth Lattice but the high mana cost, and high cash cost of the card stopped me from using it. I was planning on seeing if I could sub in 4 Buried Ruin into the land base to help with retrieval in case someone destroys a coating or a sceptre, but so far it really has not been necessary. The games where I get out a coating on turn 2 and a sceptre on turn 3 are almost guaranteed wins because I can control the opponents mana base.

July 28, 2016 4:56 p.m.
August 4, 2016 11:52 a.m.

sdooweloc314 says... #20

Dreadlight. I see what you are doing with that sideboard but even with the one suggested cheaper substitution that sideboard would be 50% more expensive than just the mainboard. That to me just seems a little extreme. Are there any suggestions you may have to make that a more reasonable purchase price because to me spending 50% more on 15 substitute cards than 60 consistently played cards is absurd.

August 4, 2016 7:19 p.m.

Well Surgical Extraction aren't that important cuz combo decks in my area aren't that expected, you could side in 1/1 of Anger of the Gods Feed the Clan for the 4 of, there cheap, or go for a red land destruction like Crumble to Dust not recommended. If you find something that stops opponents from removing Liquidmetal coating let me know.

August 7, 2016 1:41 a.m.

DrkNinja says... #22

Ever consider myrs as your creature base? Myr Galvanizer is pretty broke and Myr Galvanizer + Palladium Myr + Voltaic Key is infinite tap and untaping, you could run a one of an mana symbol x spell and win with that as an alt win con, or isocron scepter the board to death.

August 7, 2016 9:31 p.m.

Slyme369 says... #23

That is a possibility, I have been debating changing out the creatures in the deck, as they don't seem to do much for me as is.

August 7, 2016 11:12 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #24

That's why I said that, I saw that you commented asking should you change them out... here's a perfect reason too

August 7, 2016 11:22 p.m.

krakenboss says... #25

I used to run this deck when scars of mirrodin was in standard. Have you considered Mimic Vat? people will hate you even more with an Acidic Slime being flashed in every turn.

August 9, 2016 2:45 p.m.

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