Add 2x Ruric-Thar, the Unbowed to the main deck
Template for a possible post-DGM Gruul Aggro/Ramp deck, using Ruric-Thar as a finisher.
The main strategy is to use the solid green-based aggro core to do some damage early, and follow up in the late game with really big creatures.
Breakdown by card:
Ruric-Thar: Eats thundermaws, obzedats, thragtusks, etc.. He forces the opponent to have an answer, and take 6 damage, or play a more-or-less creature only game. We're pretty happy playing a creature only game.
Burning-Tree Emissary: an auto 4-of.
Arbor Elf: Can function as a time walk in this deck.
Experiment One: Very good turn one, but not as good afterwards. Can be akward with arbor elf.
Flinthoof Boar: Just a very solid card. Burning-Tree into this guy will evolve either the experiment or the sage twice.
Gyre Sage: It's always a good card to draw. Oftentimes feels like a goyf, and she is just plain abusive with Increasing Savagery.
Increasing Savagery: Using it for the synergy with gyre sage. Maybe should be a three of- you really don't want two stuck in your hand without the sage- but the combo, when you have it, is so good I'm keeping 4 in for consistency.
Ghor-Clan Rampager: Very flexible, two relevant modes.
Kessig Wolf Run: The colorless hurts, but it turns every creature into a easy win-con vs. control, and is good for pushing through the last points of damage.
Strangleroot Geist: Good card, but the GG cost hurts. 3 of.
Mizzium Mortars: Can very nicely clear the field to allow attacks or can be used to simply take out pesky 4-toughness creatures, since experiment one, sage, and flinthoof boar often end up at 3/3 or 2/3. Less useful vs. Midrange and control.
Wolfir Silverheart: In my opinion, better than thragtusk for this deck. An 8/8 and another +4/+4 boost for only 5 mana is pretty overpowered. Weak to removal though, and can be slow vs. pure aggro decks.
Domri: You're always happy to see him, but you never want two in the same hand.
21 lands: Seems to have worked for me so far, despite the "midrange-ey" feel of the deck. The arbor elves and Gyre Sages really help out with this, and cutting the extra 2 or 3 lands lets us play more threats.
The sideboard plan right now:
Vs. Aggro-
In: Burn, Experiment one, and Flinthoof boar.
Out: Ruric, some Strangleroot Geists or Wolfir Silverhearts
Vs. Midrange-
In: Act of Treason, Mugging
Out: I'm not really sure-- help?
Vs. Control
Out: Mizzium mortars
In: Experiment one and Flinthoof boar
I'd love any and all feedback.