Bant blink

Duel Commander* Clawed6


Cathedral of War Ardent Plea Giltspire Avenger Beacon of Immortality for kicks and giggles Rafiq of the Many Finest Hour Force of Will if you can get one, If you play more casual EDH get the world series deck one, they are 30 bucks each. Rhox Bodyguard has exalted and an ETB effect, you could run a couple more auras and then run Sovereigns of Lost Alara and Daybreak Coronet

June 13, 2015 3:42 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #2

ninjaman16782 lol thanks. I asked for cards to be removed if any are added now you throw in a bunch :) But seriously, great input.

Yeah I know there is an Exalted angle the deck could take. Rafiq of the Many is another option for General of course, I don't have one but will get him as even without other exalted he helps Roon of the Hidden Realm become scary (5/5 double strike trample). At the moment I just had Qasali Pridemage in there more for utility and Sublime Archangel since it's just got great standalone stacks and exalts your team.

I have a Giltspire Avenger, in he goes. Don't have a Cathedral of War, good idea too. I have added Battlegrace Angel as well for Exalted. Rhox Bodyguard - will try get

I am not sold on Finest Hour (I have one) and Ardent Plea (don't have). Not sure I want to tap out for those as there are issues on defence - the deck is not that aggressive and I need some blockers too. Rather stick to useful creatures with Exalted thrown in as a bonus.Beacon of Immortality - too pricy and don't want to tap out for this.

The aura route suggested I think would be another deck with hexproof e.g. Geist of Saint Traft as the general. I think here will stick to ETB and some Exalted, and a recursive aura (Rancor) and just one Armadillo Cloak to tutor for if I find a hexproof creature to stick it on.

June 13, 2015 5:35 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #3

I also added a bunch of other creatures that came to mind or I spotted looking through my files. They either have great ETB effects like Prime Speaker Zegana and/or they partner well with Roon e.g. Silverblade Paladin, or they are just powerful on their own like True-Name Nemesis. Its now 150 cards in the deck :/

June 13, 2015 5:48 p.m.

trollslayer says... #4

Takeout the skullclamp. It requires a creature of yours to die, and exiling isn't (dieing), (dying) or (dyeing)(?), (I think it's the second, but don't judge, it's late at night.)

June 13, 2015 10:37 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #5

trollslayer The Skullclamp was there to fulfill two roles. Firstly, it can be equipped to my general or another key creature that hits the board that I don't want to blink (e.g. Baneslayer Angel) so that if they are killed I draw 2 cards to compensate. Secondly, it lets me kill my own mana dorks (5 can be killed) and if desperate some other 1 toughness creatures I run to get two cards in the mid to later game when those creatures are not that vital. I agree it's not awesome in this deck.

June 14, 2015 7:39 a.m.

pauginxz says... #6

Gilded Drake is a great card with roon

June 16, 2015 5:54 p.m.

You'll want Naturalize effects for control decks.

June 16, 2015 6:38 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #8


I have Wax/Wane, Disenchant, Detention Sphere, Cyclonic Rift (bounce then counter), Reclamation Sage, Qasali Pridemage. That is 5 Naturalize effects of which 1 can be recurred by flickering, and then there is Eternal Witness and Snapcaster Mage for those that hit the graveyard. Do you think this is too little? Guess I could add Naturalise as well

June 17, 2015 1:50 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #9

I need more cards that will do the Naturalize as well as have other uses, since playing too many straight Naturalize is not good as they may be dead cards in many matchups (but desperately needed in others!). Things like Wax/Wane are great, as is Reclamation Sage

June 17, 2015 1:52 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #10

I also have quite a lot of tutor effects for enchantments, instants and creatures to find an answer to a problematic artifact or enchantment

June 17, 2015 2:12 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #11

pauginxz nice idea, take their general or some major threat

June 17, 2015 2:27 p.m.

pauginxz says... #12

Yeah you always take their best guy then blink the drake and get their second best guy also

June 17, 2015 3:30 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #13

I can't blink the Drake if I have exchanged control of it with my opponent, at least not with a number of my spells like Cloudshift or Restoration Angel. I can do so with my general, but that is not a good idea else he would take my Roon for himself and I get Drake back

June 17, 2015 4:04 p.m. Edited.

Have you considered Empress Galina?

June 17, 2015 4:18 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #15

A bit slow. This is 1v1 so the deck needs to be faster than EDH.

June 18, 2015 5:22 a.m.

Are you going for Control?

June 18, 2015 10:06 a.m.

Clawed6 says... #17

No its more midrange with some tempo elements. Got creatures all the way along the curve from 1 drops up. The aim is not to control then play a high cost creature I need to protect, untap with then use an ability. I want mainly enters the battlefield effects so that you get the benefit right away. Also I want to focus what protection/countermagic I have on my general not other creatures in the deck.

June 18, 2015 3:08 p.m.

I'd add Frontier Siege, Hornet Queen and Foe-Razer Regent.

Sunscorch Regent is also really good.

June 18, 2015 4:21 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #19

Foe-Razer is too expensive for Duel 1v1. It's 1 more than Prime Speaker Zegana which will draw me 4 cards if my general is on the field which is amazing. It's two more than Sigarda, Host of Herons which is a serious beatstick with hexproof. Foe-Razer doesn't even see play in standard.

Sunscorch is ok but we are comparing to Baneslayer Angel and the like here, it's a high threshold for CC 5 cards and it doesn't have any ETB effect.

Frontier Siege and Hornet Queen are good ideas thanks, will get one of each once rotates as I don't play Standard. Will also be getting Venser, the Sojourner to help blink things.

June 18, 2015 5:08 p.m.

Sook says... #20

Mistmeadow Witch, and Venser, the Sojourner, so you do not have to rely so much on Roon. Seedborn Muse and Prophet of Kruphix to get more flicker. Also Aura Shards and Jace's Mindseeker cause they are just awesome with this deck.

June 18, 2015 5:49 p.m.

Great looking deck. I play a casual, budget (ish), occasionally multiplayer version. I definitely do recommend Hornet Queen, though it may be too slow for 1v1, because I've won a surprising number of games swinging for 30+ damage off of Insect tokens (best when Hornet Queen is flashed in with Prophet of Kruphix, then abused to disgusting effect with Roon + Thousand Year Elixir and/or Conjurer's closet).

Also, are Deadeye Navigator and Venser, the Sojourner expensive/ banned in duel commander/ bad in 1v1? I wouldn't know, I'm a filthy casual ;) If not, I'd recommend them as well if you have them. (I know a lot of people hate Deadeye, but it really is awesome).

I know you need to cut cards, so I'm not helping at all here, but it's hard not to jam more stuff into Roon decks. So much value!

June 18, 2015 6:35 p.m.

SirFowler says... #22

Warning: Long Post Ahead!

I've tried to mix strategies in the past, but it never works as well as I would hope. The premade commander decks for example pretty much slap 3 strategies in one, but it falls flat because it causes a loss in tempo. If you want to stick with Roon, stick with Roon-like effects.

Deadeye Navigator, Mistmeadow Witch, and Conjurer's Closet all have similar effects because they synergies well with Roon. However Geist of the Saint Traft, Loxodon Smiter, and Sublime Archangel do not because they break the synergy and create a loss in direction of what you are trying to do in the game.

In 1v1 games, if you break the tempo, it can mean the difference between life and death. If you are trying to get the right creature out at the right time, you should build the deck around it because it gives you some direction and a sense of what you are trying to achieve.

To be perfectly honest, if you are trying to run exalted creatures, you should build your deck around it and add tron elements to build up your creatures instead of flickering them, which breaks the elements by removing auras and equipments meaning that you just have to rebuild. However if you do that, it loses the tempo and just creates a bit of a stall to where your opponent can regain his breath and be on the offensive.

So my suggestions would be to first pick your direction to what you want the deck to be. Then and only then you can add the essentials rather than mixing them together.

Sorry if I'm sounding harsh, but really I'm trying to help you. I've had a hard time in the past winning because I didn't set a direction on what the deck was supposed to be before playing against people. I just chose cards that might be good instead of creating some sort of symmetry. But after people helped me with understanding synergy, I started to create these unique decks that each had different elements to them.

But trust me, if you choose one path, you'll be able to find the right cards to take out/add to make the deck work. It can be hard for others to tell you what's good in every deck without finding the direction you want to take it first. So when you choose a specific path, get back to me and I'll help you further.

June 18, 2015 7:41 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #23

Sook and ScottPilgrimFan - thanks for comments. Yip Venser, the Sojourner is on my acquire list. Deadeye Navigator and Hornet Queen are questionable due to how slow they are in 1v1 and I don't have enough ramp, aka I may be dead before I cast them.

June 19, 2015 6:49 a.m.

Clawed6 says... #24

Thanks SirFowler. Yes clearly am trying to jam too much Bant good stuff in there which dilutes the deck from it's main theme. I reckon I remove the Exalted cards as a start. It is tempting to still run some auras with Enlightened Tutor, Sterling Grove and draw spells to try find them (and I have a few tutors to get a hexproof creature) but again that is probably a different deck...

June 19, 2015 6:55 a.m.

Clawed6 says... #25

With some brutal trimming on creatures of the likes of Geist of Saint Traft and Loxodon Smiter as they are not on enter the battlefield theme, tutor, utility or ramp I am down to 130 cards! Whoop.

I have left True-Name Nemesis as the sole tutor target for hexproof/unblockable, to put the Armadillo Cloak or Sword of Fire and Ice on (for which there are also tutors). There are a few creatures that may not cut it, and instants and sorceries need to be trimmed next

June 19, 2015 6:01 p.m.

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