Abzan at its best. As it was meant to be. Simple. Powerful. Awesome.
Credit this list to pocketcowboy2017 who went 5-0 with this last year.
It is a build that is not common, but one that I prefer. It has answers to most problems it will face and beaters on the ground and flyers for the air.
Card choices:
I love the mainboard which is why I have this deck. Siege Rhino is a favorite and, I believe, still a dominant force. The deck has the necessary answers in hand disruption, general removal, and creature removal. Card draw from Dark Confidant is excellent, but could be replaced with Tireless Tracker.
Path to Exile is still the best removal spell in Modern (feel free to disagree). Yes, there are bigger creatures out there, but this removal spell ensures that they are gone for good - and there is no revolt trigger which can be an issue with Fatal Push, limit in the amount of damage as with Lightning Bolt, or requiring two colors like Terminate. Perhaps Cast Down would be good in this deck and something I may try in the future.
Stirring Wildwood is an outstanding manland and I love having it in the deck. Pendelhaven gives that extra point of damage from your Lingering Souls and Gavony Township is a late game pump that is often overlooked.
Languish is a good board wipe that allows us to keep our Siege Rhino and Tarmogoyf while clearing out the most problematic of creatures standing in our way. Also, gets around indestructible effects.
Blessed Alliance is great against Bogles and other decks that have a single large creature coming at you, while also providing life gain in the burn matchup.
Stony Silence is just a home run card against some of the most competitive decks in the format.
Leyline of the Void is great against Mardu, Dredge, KCI, and other decks which rely on their graveyard. These cards could be swapped out for cards like Scavenging Ooze, Tireless Tracker, and other cards if the meta does not look like graveyard hate is that necessary.
Fulminator Mage is usually not enough to win against Tron, but it can slow them down as well as provide for additional hate against decks the rely on manlands. Perhaps some Surgical Extractions would be good if the meta were Tron heavy to help with that matchup.
UPDATE 8-22-18
I am considering taking out a Liliana of the Veil because it is not at its best right now. With Mardu, Dredgevine, KCI, and similar decks dominating the meta, forcing someone to discard is especially bad, and the down tick for sacrificing a creature loses its value when that creature is a small token. I think another Liliana, the Last Hope and perhaps a Gideon of the Trials
would be better. Cutting Liliana of the Veil down to one seems like blasphemy but it may actually be the best move.