No problem Andramalech, I do love the ‘Hey I haven’t seen this before…’ factor of a lot of your builds. I used to work in the private security sector and the theme behind this one made me chuckle.
February 1, 2025 8:45 p.m.
Andramalech says... #3
Balaam__ it is definitely meant to not take itself too seriously, while also lending some laughs to the fact of 'hey you see this guy? I promised him a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and a Kit-Kat, and he agreed to curbstomp your s@#$ for me.' What's not to love about that? In our small group, a few chuckles and funnies real quick in a sixty-card game are the type of things we'll be talking about for the rest of the night when we move over to the EDH decks. It'll come up again the following week, etc.. etc... and it's the best kind of magic, imho.
February 1, 2025 9:40 p.m.
Andramalech says... #5
Cloudy2024 I agree, Rancor could be effectively used here. I'm currently slotting Temur Battle Rage in that position because of the double strike. And similarly Bulk Up.
I haven't really thought of this deck as a fundamentally Gruul concept, so maybe that's why I hadn't considered it. Thanks for the suggestion.
February 4, 2025 7:57 p.m.
Andramalech says... #7
Bookrook fundamentally it acts as a worse Security Rhox, being meant to cast on turn 2 alongside everyone else. Assuming you've got a body like a Goldhound or a Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer to pitch to it. Consistency of concept influenced my choice there.
Andramalech says... #1
Balaam__ I can always count on you to support my gimmick/gotcha style decks. Would love to hear your feedback about this one.
February 1, 2025 8:22 p.m.