PriestessKikyo1 says... #2
How about some Primeval Bounty and/or Primal Vigor ? Btw, you only are at 92 cards.. +1 for what I see so far anyway. :)
December 18, 2013 6:10 a.m.
the reason i don't have primal vigor is mainly because it helps other people, but also i'm only listing the cards i currently have... primeval bounty looks like a good card, but with so many enchantments i really need some enchantment tutors.
December 19, 2013 8:25 p.m.
Myogenesis says... #4
December 21, 2013 12:13 a.m.
ChickenPickles says... #5
I think Doubling Season would be great in this deck, as well as Enlightened Tutor for getting those enchantments.
December 21, 2013 12:14 a.m.
doubling season and enlightened tutor are on the list to get, marshal's anthem sounds like a great addition, and yeah unflinching courage isn't that good in this deck, i don't know why i put it in there in the first place
December 21, 2013 1:31 a.m.
mrvanntastic says... #8
Doubling Season Elspeth Tirel Sphere of Safety would all be good
December 26, 2013 7:56 a.m.
with so many enchantments, sphere of safety would be really good, i'm also looking for an elspeth and doubling season, thanks for the suggestions
December 26, 2013 2:12 p.m.
mrvanntastic says... #10
Mercy Killing is good too, you can kill one of your big creatures that gets its power and toughness from the number of creatures you control and make a lot of tokens or u can kill a pesky creature your opponent controls
December 26, 2013 7:47 p.m.
mrvanntastic says... #11
Sigil of the Empty Throne , Luminarch Ascension , Armada Wurm , Entreat the Angels , Thraben Doomsayer , Devout Invocation , Increasing Devotion are all good as well.
December 26, 2013 7:56 p.m.
NoPantsParade says... #12
Nomads' Assembly is a pretty spell for getting tons of tokens.
December 28, 2013 8:22 p.m.
i was trying to remember what the elf was that could untap a creature at the cost of mana, thanks for the suggestion!
December 29, 2013 8:13 p.m.
Priest of Titania Wirewood Channeler Umbral Mantle Parallel Evolution Elvish Promenade Wirewood Lodge Elvish Guidance Heritage Druid elf tribal package if you are interested there are a couple more but i figured i would post these first to save time
December 29, 2013 10:33 p.m.
as much as i love tribal decks, and elf tribal in particular... i've seen a lot of rhys the redeemed decks in my time and they've mostly been focused on elves. I am trying to create an amazing token deck without it being focused too much on elves, i will put in Wirewood Lodge and maybe Priest of Titania because they're too good to leave out in this situation.
GeoKinetic says... #1
Why no Call of the Conclave
December 18, 2013 3:08 a.m.