Rider of the Dawn

Commander / EDH Fleetfiend


jimmypooppants says... #1

needs some Flickerform for some protection

November 28, 2012 11:57 p.m.

Fleetfiend says... #2

Ooh, nice one. Any suggestions on what to remove for it?

November 29, 2012 12:05 a.m.

Eldrazi Conscription and Auratouched Mage make for a funny turn 6 (or earlier with mana dorks) 13/13 trample annihilator 2 creature! Good deck. +1

November 29, 2012 8:58 a.m.

Fleetfiend says... #4

Oh wow, that's a crazy aura. I could also put it on Krond or friends if I use Lost Auramancers . It would have to wait till turn 7 or 8 probably, but it would still be crazy.

November 29, 2012 9:50 a.m.

http404error says... #5

Swiftfoot Boots , card:Champion's Helm, and Mask of Avacyn will help further protect your guys. However, the format is so full of sweepers, I can't guarantee that it will help much. Flickerform is probably just plain better.

card:Avacyn's Pilgrim and Llanowar Elves mightn't be very useful (I would also put Steward of Valeron on the chopping block). As small mana dorks, they're just going to die as soon as any boardwide damage or sweep happens, putting you down cards. Additionally, they're dead late-game draws, and most of EDH is one big late game. Mana rocks (artifacts) are a better option in general. Selesnya Signet , for one, is a must-have.

You have a lot of creatures that buff your team, like Kabira Vindicator , but not much to give you much of a team (token generation, etc). I would tend to lean more towards creatures with hexproof and/or evasion such as Silhana Ledgewalker , as they do work by themselves, such as following a board wipe, rather than encouraging you to overextend.

Can't go wrong with Sterling Grove .

For the most part, this deck looks very good.

November 29, 2012 11:36 a.m.

Fleetfiend says... #6

Okay, thanks!

Good call on the mana dorks. I'm still a bit of a newcomer to Commander, so throwing them in there was mainly out of habit. I think I will keep Steward of Valeron though... I'm a big fan of that card, of love him because he's versatile.

November 29, 2012 8:10 p.m.

Because I also have a secret soft spot for auras I have some cuts/suggestions for your deck :)

Argothian Enchantress is yet ANOTHER draw enchantress but she is rather expensive price wise. Also, card:Enchantress's Presence. Dowsing Shaman and Skull of Orm are neat ways to get enchantments back into your hand in addition to your Nomad Mythmaker . Depending on how voltron-y you want Krond to be, Fugitive Druid and Rabid Wombat are cool old school cards.

I kind of feel Hydra Omnivore is at home in a deck like this, but that's up to you. I just think that card is super awesome.

I'm a huge fan of totem armor and Umbra Mystic is pretty awesome.

Krosan Verge . Green white deck. 'Nuff said.

I highly recommend Dragon Fangs . It might be to weak, but if it's in your graveyard it comes out for free attached to Krond!

Empyrial Armor is handy since auras tend to sit in your hand a lot, so you might as well get a bonus for having a hand of stuff waiting to get cast.

Flickering Ward is pretty handy tech. You can keep bouncing it to change colors and you get to draw a card for W each time because of all the enchantress'. Predatory Urge is also techy since Krond has vigilance. Attack and kill a creature at the end of someone's turn? Ballin'!

I highly recommend cutting Griffin Guide for something like Unquestioned Authority , since someone like Krond already has flying and as your commander he doesn't really "die", so you won't get the token :( Unquestioned Authority will not only replace itself but will make him unblockable. Bonus points for interacting with Predatory Urge !

Since you have Sigil of the Nayan Gods and Aura Shards , Verdant Embrace might be fun.

Loxodon Gatekeeper could technically be Kismet and would be easier to cast and help the enchantment theme.

Some weaker cards I feel are Triclopean Sight , Oblivion Ring , Curse of Exhaustion , card:Beastmaster's Magemark, Wilt-Leaf Liege , and Prophetic Prism .

November 30, 2012 1 a.m.

Fleetfiend says... #8

Angry_Graybeard, thanks for the awesome suggestions!

I have an odd tendency to avoid using legacy cards if at all possible, but I really like Dragon Fangs and Unquestioned Authority . I also love the idea of Predatory Urge on fellas with Vigilance, and Verdant Embrace I just plain like.

I think I will vouch, however, for Prophetic Prism . Since Krond has such a specific mana requirement, it's great to get the right mana if I'm just one off of the wrong color to do what I want. And besides that, It's two mana to draw a card, which is handy. I'm a giant fan of Prism. x3

I'm also slowly realizing that though Oblivion Ring is good, it's not quite as viable in EDH as it is in Standard, etc.

Curse of Exhaustion kind of puts me on the fence. It's some nice control to slow down their card advantage, and it's also an aura. However I also kind of feel like there may be better auras that I could be using in its stead.

December 1, 2012 2:28 a.m.

Bloodborne says... #9

Creatures like Qasali Pridemage, Acidic Slime and Wickerbough Elder are always much better than Naturalize and Bramblecrush. With those creatures you get also blocker on the battlefield. You should think about that.

December 1, 2012 5:09 a.m.

It might help to bring in Sigarda, Host of Herons or Tajuru Preserver to protect you from sacrifice effects. Also, with all your power boosters, maybe use a Howlgeist for a virtually unblockable creature once enchanted.

Also noticed you have one land enchantment. If it's in the graveyard, you could bring it back to play with a Dryad Arbor when you cast Retether.

December 1, 2012 7:01 a.m.

krotash says... #11

Angelic Destiny and Wilt-Leaf Liege . Temple Garden would be a good addition given your Forest tutors.

December 2, 2012 4:20 p.m.

Fleetfiend says... #12

krotash I actually just took out Wilt-Leaf Liege in exchange for Sigarda, Host of Herons , and I'm kind of on the fence about Angelic Destiny . While it's no doubt an awesome aura, it doesn't really provide much for Krond. He already has flying, and most of the time he isn't going to be blocked so first strike isn't completely profitable. The +4/+4 and return to hand is really nice though. But I would almost prefer to just use Hyena Umbra , and have him not die in the first place via totem armor.

Nice suggestions though. I may try to squeeze Wilt-Leaf back in.

December 2, 2012 5:26 p.m.

Something to consider would be Prismatic Omen and Emeria, The Sky Ruin , though you would have to be careful if someone uses a lot of landwalk.

December 2, 2012 7:19 p.m.

hazzaismyname says... #14

TO be honest, You want more land searching then creature searching: card:Kodama's Reach, Explosive Vegetation oh and dryad arbor is in twice

i don't know why Indrik Umbra isnt in here. its amazing. you are also missing Greater Auramancy and Sterling Grove . To be honest people will be gunning for krond. so you want lots of hexproof/shroud effects. and dont be naive to think krond wont be blocked. all it takes is a hexproof/shrouded deathtouch creature AND BAM dead. so you want Lightning Greaves , Utopia Sprawl has no place here and Predatory Urge seems redundant. you want Mana Reflection , Rites of Flourishing and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger . Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is also an excellent card.

December 6, 2012 2:25 a.m.

Fleetfiend says... #15

hazzaismyname, I don't really agree with including Greater Auramancy . Sure, its nice, but if I give my things shroud, I won't be able to continue enchanting my creatures. Indrik Umbra is good alright, but I probably wouldn't put it on Krond. Not including Sterling Grove is just a matter of me not liking the art of the card and therefore having a hard time finding space for it, even though I love what it does.

Deathtouch won't be that much of a problem, because I have several cards that give creatures protection from creatures, so they couldn't block nor do damage to him; and I'm not sure how Lightning Greaves will prevent that, seeing as shroud won't stop deathtouch.

Utopia Sprawl is nice, but I may switch it back for Fertile Ground . It's just a nice little bonus to my mana bank that is really cheap, easy to put on the field, and not that intimidating.

Predatory Urge is nice because it allows me to swing with Krond, and then have the ability to tap him to potentially kill another creature at any point during the end of my turn or during theirs. It's not fantastic, but I still enjoy it.

I don't really see the point of Rites of Flourishing , because it helps both players. If I did play it, we would be on the same level, just as it would have been before I had played it. So it's kind of "meh" for me.

Mana Reflection , Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger , and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite are all awesome cards, but I don't know if they are worth throwing in. As it is, I usually have plenty of mana to play all the cards out of my hand pretty easily, and the high costs of those three cards really throw me off. I don't think it's worth taking out anything that benefits from enchantments to put them in, since I'm going to be using my mana to cast enchantments and creatures that benefit from them rather than the Praetors.

Thinks for the tips though, I appreciate the input.

December 6, 2012 10:20 a.m.

zig13 says... #16

Love this deck! Surprised not to see Concerted Effort or the magemarks (particuarly card:Infiltrator's Magemark and card:Necromancer's Magemark) thougth. I do not however have any experience of EDH so it would be interesting to hear your reasoning.

January 9, 2013 11:10 a.m.

Fleetfiend says... #17

zig13 thanks! Concerted Effort is actually pretty interesting, I hadn't thought of that one. However, I'm not sure if it's really worth putting in, considering that I never have very many creatures on the field; Krond is the real star here. I can't use card:Infiltrator's Magemark or card:Necromancer's Magemark because of color restriction, but for a while I did have card:Beastmaster's Magemark. I ended up taking it out, though, because though it's pretty good, there are many others that are better.

January 9, 2013 12:36 p.m.

kashmyrr says... #18

if you like totem armor, you might try finding room for Umbra Mystic

June 10, 2013 2:37 p.m.

Why no Waves of Aggression ? It would allow you to use Krond's exile abilty more than once, and at a certain point, drawing into land would be useless.

August 20, 2013 10 a.m.

Waves of Aggression is W/R and outisde of Krond's color identity.

I'd like to push you on the "no" side of the fence for Angelic Destiny . It's pretty worthless on Krond. If something would kill him, the replacement effect of putting him back in the command zone WOULD NOT cause Angelic Destiny 's ability to trigger to return to hand. A lot of people forget about the replacement effect of the rule. You could always put it on another creature yeah but, meh.

Concerted Effort isn't really worth it because all your heavy hitters already have some form of evasion as it is. Plus at best it might cover 2 or 3 of them in any given game. And having no creatures out makes the card completely dead in the water.

I do have 1 little combo to maybe sell you on. Flickering Ward . It offers protection, you can bounce it to your hand whenever to change the color, move it to another creature, and best of all you can keep drawing cards with it due to all your enchantresss'.
Maybe drop Eight-and-a-Half-Tails for it? But it's a small suggestion since he is good too in his own right. Decklist is looking pretty good.

August 20, 2013 11:49 a.m.

Fleetfiend says... #21

TrumpetsforKings Yeah, I can't use it, because it's R/W.

Angry_Graybeard, whew, I'm glad someone agrees with me about Angelic Destiny . I had heard about Flickering Ward (I used to have Pentarch Ward , which I chose over it) but I never thought about using it to farm card draw. I think I like it, however I'm not sure if I want to take out Eight-and-a-Half-Tails for it. I might, however, exchange it for Aurification or Verdant Embrace , both cards that I like, but just might not be as good as the alternative.

August 20, 2013 5:26 p.m.

carysh says... #22

maybe add Chameleon Colossus ?

August 23, 2013 9:58 p.m.

Fleetfiend says... #23

@carysh That would definitely be interesting. I had never even though about that card. I'll think about it, but for now, I dunno if there is anything I want to take out t fit it in. Going in the maybeboard. Thanks for the suggestion!

August 23, 2013 10:02 p.m.

Slashdance says... #24

I copied your deck over here: Kron, The Sparkling

I really loved your deck and customized it to my liking.

I had to take out Emeria, The Sky Ruin as coming in tapped and never being able to get to 7 Plains just wasn't worth it.

I added the new Gods, which are amazing in this deck, and some mana dudes as the deck was slow in the first few turns, and this deck is mana hungry so more is never a bad thing.

Kudos on your deck!

October 14, 2013 4:26 p.m.

Fleetfiend says... #25

@Slashdance I'm so happy you like it! :D :D

Emeria, The Sky Ruin is pretty sweet with Prismatic Omen . However I was thinking that it wasn't really worth it anyway.

The gods are pretty nifty, but I didn't think they were necessarily good enough to take anything out for at this point.

October 14, 2013 6:57 p.m.

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