Rift Striker

Modern Mongol


Prmetcal says... #1

Maybe Guttersnipe over Young Pyromancer . It would be more effective in multiplayer matches. Otherwise, it looks like a pretty sweet concept. I like that it's still also very aggro along with the conventional control/burn style of blue/red.

August 21, 2014 10:22 p.m.

Mongol says... #2

Thanks, guttersnipe would definitely work in here, but is not for 2 reasons.

1) I likely won't use this in multiplayer.

2) I don't want any more 3 cost creatures.

I may have to play test it and see though. You might be right that it would work better.

With 18 lands, I'm trying to keep the 3cmc cards to a bare minimum. You can cast Rift Bolt for 3 as well if you have to, though it works best if you use the suspend counter along with the unblockable spells, as long as you have creatures out that is.

August 21, 2014 11:07 p.m.

mr_spooner says... #3

If you're looking to stave off removal, there's Apostle's Blessing and Mizzium Skin to consider. Also, one of my favourite cards to play in an Izzet aggro deck like this is Psychotic Fury , slap on a Double Cleave plus card draw seems like an awesome card in my books.

August 22, 2014 11:10 a.m.

Mongol says... #4

l'm really liking the Psychotic Fury . How have I not seen this card before? I'll have to try that out for sure. Not sure why I didn't include the mizzium skin in the side either, but the apostle's blessing is a good option as well that I didn't consider.

Thanks for the suggestions!

August 22, 2014 11:49 a.m.

Mongol says... #5

Ah, I didn't read the multi-colored part of Psychotic Fury until now. Might not work so well with the Kiln Fiend, who is the main damage producer here. Oh well, I still like the card.

August 22, 2014 5:16 p.m.

Prmetcal says... #6

Check out Nivmagus Elemental . Seems like a good add for an instant heavy aggro deck. If I'm reading it correctly you cast your instant/sorcery, then after the stack resolves exile it to pump the elemental. I may be wrong though.

August 24, 2014 3:48 p.m.

Mongol says... #7

It appears that his ability to exile a spell from play keeps the spell from resolving. I've seen him before, but never given him much consideration. I see him being useful in 2 scenarios:

1) In a Simic deck that focuses on +1/+1 counter production.

2) In the sideboard against counter spell heavy decks. His ability can exile a spell after someone plays a counter spell, which will produce the +1/+1 counters instead of just watching your spell get washed down the drain.

I may stick a couple of him in the sideboard. Our group doesn't use a lot of counter spells as of yet, which will likely change over time.

August 24, 2014 4:14 p.m.

I play a budget elemental combo deck on MTGO that I absolutely love. It's a total glass cannon but can win explosively by turn 2-4. I kind of combined yours and mine. I thought it was izzet colored but it's really primarily rakdos. It has blue and green and white in it but they're all 'free' phyrexian spells. Try it out, I haven't play tested this version.


*Some card choice explanations...

Apostle's Blessing is way better than any 'unblockable' spell as it usually has the same effect and can protect your creature as well.

Dismember is great removal for super cheap (1 mana if necessary) and can handle indestructible annoyances

Gut Shot is free damage and adds to our spell count.

Mutagenic Growth is a free spell that adds to our explosiveness. On a Kiln Fiend it's +5 power.

Tainted Strike is an alternate win con. Sometimes 20 damage is hard and 10 poison counters is easier. Again, if you use this with Kiln Fiend he kills in two turns and with the number of free spells he usually kills in one.

Assault Strobe is a beast. One mana and you've doubled your damage. Just this on a Kiln Fiend is 8 to the face.

Gitaxian Probe a free spell to pump that replaces itself. To me, this is an auto include.

Ground Rift is a cool piece of tech that I saw in a youtube video of the guys that originally built the elemental combo deck. Storm is great with Nivmagus Elemental . Exile the copies and you've got a pretty big beat stick for super cheap.

Rift Bolt is from your deck. Good removal and good last few points of damage. Cast before you go off and this card can be 6 more damage (3 for the bolt and 3 for the pump to the fiend).

Kiln Fiend is duh. I mean, you know why he's nuts.

Nivmagus Elemental can be a house. Don't underestimate him. I usually play one more with flamekin harbingers to tutor him and Kiln Fiend as they're both elementals. I wanted to leave in Blistercoil Weird and go a slightly more casual route so I didn't include the harbinger.

Blistercoil Weird + Paradise Mantle can help fix mana and allow you to cast more spells than you might've been able to before. Plus, it looks like it's fun to play with.

16 LANDS?! Seriously, you don't need more. Nearly everything is free and those that aren't are under 3 mana. If all you get are 2 lands you can still kill super fast. Like I said, only red and black cards that I have to pay with mana so no blue/white/green lands. Mostly the deck is red so 9 mountains and 4 duals that produce red. I think 3 swamps is enough but you should tinker with play testing. In my own deck I use this split. Also, we wanna win very quickly so don't use ETB tapped lands. We want mana right meow. I used Dragonskull Summit but I think Blackcleave Cliffs would be better. Blackcleave Cliffs is much more pricey and I love budget duals. In fact, here's a cool article I bookmarked and constantly reference when brewing.http://community.wizards.com/content/forum-topic/2688421

Also, I didn't change your sideboard at all. I've seen Postmortem Lunge , Slaughter Pact , more Dismember , and other such useful cards to ensure your glass cannon hits it's mark.

September 12, 2014 7:02 p.m.

Rift Striker copy Playtest

Modern ivantappedout00


I made it private so I couldn't link it correctly before. I'm not a smart man.

September 12, 2014 7:06 p.m.

Mongol says... #10

I see where you're going with all the life paying spells and that's something I've only started to touch on. Haven't done any playing testing with a deck like that yet, so I'll have to give yours a go. Although this deck might not be that fast comparatively, I've found the consistency with the draw mechanic to be the part I have a hard time doing without. Its unfortunate that Ponder is banned, though I definitely understand why. I'd want to make up for it somehow if I were to change the deck up so much and the Probe just doesn't cut it.

That being said, you've got some great suggestions here.

I've never even seen Paradise Mantle , but that is a beautiful combo with Blistercoil.

I really like the ease of a potential 1 drop for 10+ infect damage with Tainted Strike , I just wish it were another life paying card to reduce the need for black.

Assault Strobe looks good, especially on an unblockable Kiln Fiend. This would likely take the place of the Tainted Strike if I were to change it up a little and retain the unblockable aspect.

I also love the combo of Nivmagus Elemental and storm. I had trouble figuring anything worth while with this guy, but that idea seems on spot.

Again, I'll have to play test your creation a little and see how I like before I go taking apart my whole, but I'm thinking I'll at least find something I'll want to implement.

Thanks a ton for taking the time to run this all by me, the suggestions are very much appreciated!

September 13, 2014 11:37 a.m.

I'm glad you appreciate the time I put into it :) Good luck, buddy.

PS Tainted Strike is worth spalshing for becuase no one expects you to splash for infect damage. Just side it out against any deck running Melira, Sylvok Outcast such as pod.

September 14, 2014 8:42 a.m.

dadadart says... #12

Make it pauper. Some cards like Mutagenic Growth , Apostle's Blessing can help

September 18, 2014 1:37 p.m.

Mongol says... #13

I'm not sure I want to make it pauper, but this is the first time I've actually looked at it and realized it was pretty close to that format.

The Apostle's Blessing is something I think I'll have to fit in somehow, or at least include it in the sideboard. The main thing I'd want it for is protection from removal, since I like artful dodge and distortion strike more for getting damage through. Though I've already included veil of secrecy for protection from removal as well, which could be better for getting damage through and preventing removal at the same time.

Thanks for the suggestions!

September 18, 2014 1:50 p.m.

I like this deck a LOT! Can win quickly out of nowhere. Great brew. +1 for sure.

January 7, 2015 6:34 p.m.

Mongol says... #15


January 7, 2015 7:26 p.m.

Hawkinn2 says... #16

Seems to me that this deck could greatly be helped by alternate casting cost spells I know Invigorate is banned but those kinds could be very helpful. Why did you only choose to run 2 Mutagenic Growth?

July 1, 2015 1:43 p.m.

Mongol says... #17

Currently the 4 Gutshots and 2Mutagenic Growths are working well when I'm in need of a spell that costs no mana. I'm not sure if I really need more at this point, and it's pretty easy to get the turn 3 combo off with what I have as long as nothing gets in the way. I'm not totally sure where I'd fit the extra 2 growths in, though I don't think it a bad idea.

Thanks for the input!

July 1, 2015 2:09 p.m.

Hawkinn2 says... #18

Maybe -1 Unsummon -1 Vapor Snag For +2 Mutagenic Growth?

July 1, 2015 6:46 p.m.

Rabid_Rabbit says... #19

I like it, +1 back at ya Mongol.

I'm kinda surprised not to see Lightning Bolt though.

July 26, 2015 9:39 p.m.

Mongol says... #20

Lightning bolt was in here initially. I took it out for Gut Shot, since it doesn't require mana to cast, which is huge on turn 3 if I only have 2 lands, or not the right combination of lands, out for the game winning pump. That along with the fact that I have friends that love to play infect decks with 1/1 creatures, it works out for the better. Thanks for the +1!

July 27, 2015 8:19 a.m.

Hawkinn2 says... #21

You should also consider Apostle's Blessing its useful as both protection from removal and as a pseudo unblockable

July 27, 2015 10:06 a.m.

Mongol says... #22

Apostles Blessing is one I've been on the edge about for a while. It's main purpose in this deck would be for the reasons you describe, though Distortion Strike and the current removal I have fill one of those positions already, and for my sideboard against removal heavy decks, I've opted for counter spells. Against some decks, I've found that having Swan Song is a big plus.

I'm still on the fence about it, but this is my reasoning as of now. Thanks for the suggestion!

July 27, 2015 noon

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