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Commander / EDH Infinite Combo Multiplayer Storm UR (Izzet)



Welcome to the thrift shop! Mizzix loves some major discounts and can't wait to pop some tags with her $20 bill. This is my spellslinger Mizzix of the Izmagnus deck centered around the card Thousand-Year Storm and thievery. It has been a blast to pilot and games can go differently every time I take her out for a spin. This is probably the most challenging deck to brew due to multiple angles you can approach her therefore I will be constantly tweaking her the more I playtest.

My Meta

My playgroup ranges from optimized to focused tier that consists of mostly midrange valuetown like Meren of Clan Nel Toth and aggro strategies like Ezuri, Claw of Progress . This means that I would need to play Mizzix conservatively with as much protection as possible.

My Deck

I've made this deck in a way that is less dependent on Mizzix since she is a removal magnet. The only time I would play her is when I have ways to protect her since recasting her is going to take a lot of my resources. This deck is pretty difficult to pilot and mistakes can be unforgiving under some circumstances. Being political certainly helps with Mizzix's success. Playing archenemy should be expected if the pod is not prepared for Mizzix. This deck is pretty adaptive and can mold into most pods without any problem. In a casual pod, Mizzix can certainly lay low and play a more reactive role. Mizzix is one of my favorite commander and is a ton of fun to pilot.

Shopping at the Thrift Store

Things are cheap at the thrift store. See that fancy Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite or Avacyn, Angel of Hope in play that you know you can't afford in actuality? Get it for a significant discounted price of with your Gilded Drake discount coupon. Reuse that coupon again with Capsize if you're feeling feisty. See that fancy toy behind the cashier but can't afford it? Bribery her with $20 to get it. Need to rent a win condition or blockers at a pinch? Sure, let me borrow those creatures with Reins of Power for just one quickie!

The Ultimate Recursion Package

Mystic Retrieval + Runic Repetition form a repeatable loop that nets you one spell returned to your hand. This combo costs without the spell cost reduction provided by Mizzix. It is reduced to as little as when Mizzix is in play with 3 experience counters. This combo can be fetched with Intuition , along with any card to recur. Time Warp and Reality Spasm are game ending spells as a secondary backup wincon for the Reiterate combo.

Thousand-Year Storm

Thousand-Year Storm gave this deck a way to storm out indefinitely with Mizzix in play. You essentially want mana regeneration like Turnabout and ways to draw to continue the storm. Cards like Whispers of the Muse is insane in the storm chain. Ending the turn with multiple copies of extra turn spells like Nexus of Fate is the goal to keep the storm going. With a token generator like Metallurgic Summonings in play, we can end up with an inordinate amount of tokens/damage per turn.

Popping those Tags

There are multiple ways this deck can win in which spellslinging with Metallurgic Summonings producing a massive army of tokens are common. There is also an instant win combo involving Reiterate to end the game:

The following are my secondary win conditions which is essentially infinite turns. I will never deck out due to Nexus of Fate and will eventually create infinite tokens with Metallurgic Summonings or damage. Demonstrate the loop for your opponents to salt scoop:

Mizzix is a ton of fun and there's plenty of different ways to build her. It does seems that she tends to play archenemy if she wasn't stopped early game. With the printing of Thousand-Year Storm , I am revisiting Mizzix again with a ton of new ideas. The following are cards I'm currently testing out...

+1 if y'all love some me some thrift shopping!



Updates Add

Playtested yesterday and felt that the deck needs a little bit more tweaking. The following are important points I think are worth discussing:

  • The decision not to put too many high CMC spells and concentrate on more cantrips is the right call as Mizzix surviving the table without protection is near impossible making many of the big spells essentially dead cards early to mid game.

  • There are many times I wished that I could do things at instant speed. Vedalken Orrery felt like it would be a good inclusion together with Whir of Invention to tutor for it. Having the ability to flash in Mizzix or any impactful cards like Thousand-Year Storm at an opportune time seems very good. I might add an Academy Ruins if I decide to add other useful artifacts into the mix.

  • Thousand-Year Storm is very good if unanswered. Just a few cantrips can lead to powerful spells like Time Warp or Rite of Replicationfoil being copied multiple times which essentially will lead to a concession from the table (this is how I won this game during playtesting).

  • Token makers felt very lack luster early game and often gets caught in boardwipes before I can make any impact. Spells seem like a better alternative.

  • I find symmetrical boardwipes mostly detrimental due to the fact that it kills Mizzix and other token makers in the process. With the number of tutors and cantrips available, having the option to Cyclonic Rift and recur it later is much better. If the meta changes where Mizzix can't survive the board long enough, having boardwipes like All is Dust may be warranted.

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(6 years ago)

-1 Mountain main
+1 Spirebluff Canal main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #6 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.94
Tokens Boar 2/2 G, Construct X/X C, Copy Clone, Experience Token, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders My EDH Brews, Commander/EDH, mizzix, Ancient Dinosaur Immortals!, Great Ideas, Thematic, Cool Ideas, Interesting Ideas, Niv Spellsling/Wheels?, Izzet
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