A Glorious Victory Awaits!

Welcome, soldier! If you're reading this, Then you're interested dispensing justice to evildoers by joining the Legion of Aurelia, the Warleader! A soldier of the legion must be fearless in the face of danger and support his brethren. Do you have what it takes to learn the ways of the Legion and defeat evil?

Your Brothers In Arms

A soldier of the Legion is never far from his comrades. Each soldier has certain skills, but ultimately is a gear that contributes to the machine. They'll help you smite any evil you come across. These soldiers include Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Archetype of Courage, Aegis of the Gods, Cathar Commando, Keeper of the Accord, Odric, Lunarch Marshal, Tajic, Legion's Edge and Thalia, Heretic Cathar.

Slightly higher in rank than a soldier are the knights. Knights actively seek out evil and try to smite it. A valued part of the Legion, they include Mirran Crusader, Knight of the White Orchid, Skyknight Vanguard, Hero of Bladehold, Benalish Marshal, Fiendslayer Paladin, Cavalier of Flame, and Tori D'Avenant, Fury Rider.

Support and Anthems

Soldiers are the main force of the army you will command, but just as valuable are the support. Usually clerics, they will make fighting easier. The support can include things like Iroas, God of Victory, Blade Historian, Grand Abolisher, and Frontline Medic.

Anthems are a special kind of support that increases the strength of your soldiers. The Legion has several at its disposal: Spear of Heliod, Always Watching, Glory of Warfare, and Warleader's Call.

Weathered Wayfarer will allow you keep up your mana base. Pearl Medallion can help reduce the cost of your army. Fervor and Crashing Drawbridge will allow your army to rapidly deploy.


Angels make up the leaders and powerhouses of the Legion. They usually have strong combat skills, as well as useful abilities. These include Herald of War, Firemane Commando, Baneslayer Angel and Angel of Jubilation.

While angels make up the upper echelons on the legion, some angels rank higher still. These archangels can turn the tide of almost any battle with their mere presence and represent the leadership of the Legion. Akroma, Angel of Wrath, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, and our commander herself; Aurelia, the Warleader.

Defeating Evil

Combat is the most direct way to destroy evil, and is something the Legion has much experience with. Things like Master Warcraft, Odric, Master Tactician, or War Cadence give you the edge in battle. Seize the Day, Relentless Assault, and World at War can allow you to take advantage of Aurelia's aggression.

Mass destruction, while regrettable, is sometimes necessary to cleanse evil. Day of Judgment, Hour of Revelation, Terminus, and Cleansing Nova allow you to wipe out many foes all at once. Unbreakable Formation can make it one sided.

Giving the Soldiers a Hand

This last section will cover an additional type of support, namely abilities and draw power.

Draw power within the Legion is minimal unfortunately. Aurelia, the Law Above, Outpost Siege, Mangara, the Diplomat, War Room and Chivalric Alliance are the only true draw forces we have.

Giving an army abilities can make them even deadlier. Fiery Emancipitation, True Conviction, Gratuitous Violence, and Berserkers' Onslaught can help your soldiers end battles swiftly by giving them ways to do even more damage.

Thanks for reading the description and looking at the deck! It can be used 1v1 or multiplayer if you like.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to look at my other decks as well!

Nekusar, the Mindrazer: Losing Your Mind (Wheels/Discard/Mill)

Edgar Markov: Masters of the Night (Vampire Tribal)

Vorel of the Hull Clade: Biological Warfare (+1/+1 Counters)

Atla Palani, Nest Tender: Hatching A Scheme (Polymorph Big Creatures)

Teysa Karlov: The Price of Power (Aristocrats)

Muldrotha, the Gravetide: Life and Death (Graveyard Recursion)

Veyran, Voice of Duality: Make it a Double (Spellslinger/Storm)

Jodah, Archmage Eternal: The Power of Eternity (5 Color Good Stuff)


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 10 months
Exclude colors UBG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.70
Tokens Knight 2/2 WU, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders EDH, X-tra Cool Decks, Decks, EDH Builds - R/W, Commander, Interesting Commander Decks, Commander, Intriguing, Red white green, motivation!!!
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