Commander / EDH*
Oct. 5, 2013
New update
-Master Biomancer, + Prophet of Kruphix
This one's easy. Bioman wasn't doing much - just making sick boards more ridiculous. Prophet is super insane. -
-Proteus Staff, + Strionic Resonator
Proteus Staff had been underperforming, and Resonator is like Riku #2. -
-Stolen Identity, + Snapcaster Mage
Stolen Identity was too fragile, and I don't attack as much as I could with this deck. Snapcaster Mage was put in because I had some sitting around that I didn't want to trade away, and because it's sweet! -
-Mindclaw Shaman, + Mizzium Mortars
Mindclaw, as much as I love him (he's on my playmat!) just never ever hit. Nobody I play against ever seems to have instants or sorceries in their hands. So sad. I put Mortars in because I needed a way to deal with token decks, and the addition of shocks made my mana a lot better.
I also fiddled with the lands, adding 1 of each shock in my colours, and removing some worse nonbasics - partially because I didn't want price to hit me too hard.
Next cards on the chopping block:
Yavimaya Elder - doesn't seem as good as he once did
Spelltwine - Lack of instants/sorceries in my meta makes this hard to cast
Bear Umbra - Good for protecting Riku and getting lots of mana, but is quite fragile - not sure
Reverberate - Lack of instants/sorceries makes this one tough too. I can still use it to copy my spells though. Maybe increasing Vengeance would be better?
Cards I'm looking to pick up:
Turnabout - sweet card, sweeter when doubled - Mega Ramp and sleep options. Sick to recur it as well.
Venser, Shaper Savant - Thanks to the new legend rule, when Riku is out this card is a better capsize for 2UUUG. The trick is to do it like this - Cast Venser, stack Riku trigger, then his. His returns himself, Riku's trigger puts a token of him into play, and I get his trigger again. Then, next time I cast him, I choose to sac the token to the new legend rule, and, I can repeat the process. Sweet!
Some more green value dudes. Wood Elves would be one. I want GSZ to be good at any point on the curve.