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Riku the Group Hug

Commander / EDH*


Please note, this deck still needs some tweaking. More land I think.

I do like Riku, just not as much as Animar and Momir Vig. Those decks got the better cards but I still wanted a Riku deck and found I had quite a few large creatures and spells that could be fun in a deck.

This deck was made for to be a somewhat chaotic and fun deck with mana ramp and big creatures and spells for Riku to copy. There's a small theme mimicking Riku's creature token ability in Cackling Counterpart and Rite of Replication. There's a group hug element too, to try and accelerate the game and get big crazy fun things happening. Everyone likes that, right? I'm sure I have a copy of Howling Mine somewhere, but I can't find it yet.

I also ended up with a small theme about the top of the library (Intet the Dreamer,Temporal Aperture, Gate to the Aether, Killer Instinct and Guild Feud), while it would be powerful to put in Sensei's Divining Top I'm going to try with just Crystal Ball first. A small side note: Killer Instinct has fantastic flavour text and art while fitting the top-of-the-deck mechanic.

Chances are I'll play this deck if I ever lend my decks out to people. That way everyone gets lots of cards and mana. Also, I don't want to have the advantage of "I know exactly how this deck works and it's little intricate things. Therefore I'll probably win this match while you figure out the finer details of the decks you haven't built". Hopefully the power level of this deck will be lower than my others due, partly, to the randomness involved in some of the cards.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.19
Tokens Copy Clone, Dragon 5/5 R, Elemental 5/5 UR
Folders Commander decks
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