This is my take on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Unfortunately, Mr. Toad did not make the cut :'(
I'm trying to find ways to make this combo more resilient and appreciate input.
The primary plan is to stick a Fluctuator and deck ourselves after resolving a Laboratory Maniac.
Secondary plan is to attack with
Vile Manifestation
Unearth can help us recover from a countered Lab Man or bring back a Vile Man if we fizzled.
Shadow of the Grave keeps our engine going if we have mana up - when cycling, always keep track of how many Mox Diamonds and lands you have in hand so you can optimize for cycling into and playing this card.
To help the engine winnow the deck, i have included Jhessian Zombies and Sanctum Plowbeast. This is also why I run so many lands they can target and decided to include Mox Diamond. While goldfishing the deck, i've found that we don't usually want to use these unless we have a Fluctuator or we need mana.
Enlightened Tutor is supposed to provide better consistency in finding our Fluctuators.
I attempted including some discard and cantrips, but it's tough trying to fit those in.