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Rise of an Era, Fall of an Era

Modern Burn Discard Tempo UBR (Grixis)



This deck is a project that I have been waiting to start on forever. At first, it was just an all out discard deck, using Raven's Crime and the rest of the discard package with some Snappies, Rotting Rats and a few of my dear Specters.

But now, it is more an art, countering dangerous things and burning the rest. It is not uncommon to deal 7 damage with a Blightning on turn 3 after turn 2 Liliana's Caress. Nor is it rare to discard a Sedraxis Specter with Lili out then unearth it the same turn and mini-Blightning my opponent. Rise can return my Nyxathid to my hand incase it's power is getting too low, or grab a Sedraxis Specter from my graveyard. Fall normally is a Hymn to Tourach, as those random mechanic can get crazy. Waste Not is a beautiful card, makes creatures, draw power, and mana.

This deck is poised to go off by turn 5 and with backup for spare! Play your discard spells-- all of a sudden, Modern is a turn 7 format. I encourage you to try it out!


  1. Remand is actually the best counterspell for this deck. It counters it back to their hand so that I can discard it. It gives me a card, too.

  2. Spell Snare is a powerful spell. Counters Goyf and other early game threats, and is perfect at countering a counterspell.

  3. Terminate is my removal of choice. 2 mana, instant speed, regeneration hate (Umm, looking at you, Lotleth Troll).

  4. Slaughter Pact is so useful. Hold up 0 mana, to take care of lots of creatures.


  1. Inquisition of Kozilek Standard discard spell in decks. I don't run Thoughtseize as this deck has absolutely no way to gain life.

  2. Fall is basically a Hymn to Tourach. The random stuff can get crazy sometimes.

  3. Dark Deal works spectacularly in the deck. All you need in Liliana's Caress or Waste Not and you have yourself: Value. Also considering maybe putting a single Taisgur's Cruelty in.

  4. Blightning is the deal breaker in the deck. This thing lands, and it can be a turning point. Especially with Caress out. The optimal synergy will be further explained in the Synergy section.

  5. Liliana of the Veil can be great, but she is actually one of the few things that I don't like about the deck. But, the thing is, she is super good! I just can't take her out for the pursuit of a great deck!

Sedraxis Specter is not listed in this section, it is instead in the Damage Dealing section below.

Damage Dealing

  1. Lightning Bolt is face damage that cannot be resisted. Sometimes takes out a creature, but cracking one of these while their low on life allows a spell like Inquisition of Kozilek to be lethal.

  2. Liliana's Caress is the MVP of this deck. No games would be won without this card (well, maybe 15-20%).

  3. Waste Not is a great card, and provides inexplicable utility.

  4. Sedraxis Specter is a Mini-Blightning. I use it exactly like that; not normally as a creature.

  5. Creeping Tar Pit is not my normal priority, but it comes in handy in a pinch.

  6. Nyxathid a beater commonly run as a 1-of in 8-rack lists.

Other: Vision Skeins is the Other. It lets you draw, plus puts more cards in the opponents hand so they can discard more!


  1. Dark Deal + Liliana's Caress + Vision Skeins is so powerful, but it super hard to pull off. You could also use Dark Deal + Vision Skeins + Waste Not and end up with like 1-2 more cards than you started with.

  2. Blightning + Liliana's Caress 7 damage for 3 mana? Yes. 2 extra discards? Awesome.

  3. Liliana's Caress + Sedraxis Specter = Mini-Blightning

  4. Liliana of the Veil + Sedraxis Specter Is the definition of valueUnder construction.


Updates Add

Overall Record(Games): 20-6 Matches: 6-1-1

This Round(Games): 6-2 Matches: 3-0

1st match: Vs Gifts-Control 2-0

Game 1: Didn't draw Caress all game. Burn spells won me through, drawing 2 Blightning and all 3 Lightning Bolt. I removed his Griselbrand with Terminate. Yes!

Game 2: I don't know how I won. He got a Leyline of Sanctity out, but Dark Deal with Caress and Rakdos Charm hating on his Spirit tokens won me the game. Wow.

Match 2: Mono-Red Burn 2-1

Game 1: He dropped me down to 1, but a Blightning with Caress out killed him.

Game 2: Killed me so quick I couldn't establish anything.

Game 3: Blightning shines as Dispel takes care of the burn.

Match 3: Vs 06-06-14-nemesis by gnarlicide 2-1

Game 1: Pulled the game long enough to do my Dark Deal + Liliana's Caress + Vision Skeins .

Game 2: Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip and Tarmogoyf kept the pressure on. I fought back with a Vision Skeins into a Lightning Bolt on his Huntmaster. But Goyf overpowered me.

Game 3: Squeaked by with a win after a scare with Chandra. What made me win was my Creeping Tar Pit, after an Anger of the Gods to wipe out his Wolfs, Huntmaster, and Scoozes.

Mainboard MVP: Liliana's Caress

Sideboard MVP: Anger of the Gods

Mainboard Loser: Liliana of the Veil

Sideboard Loser: Engineered Explosives

Runner up for the 75: Rise / Fall

Best Synergy: Dark Deal + Liliana's Caress + Vision Skeins

Changes? Chalice of the Void in the sideboard over 1x Forked Bolt


Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 1 Mythic Rares

23 - 7 Rares

23 - 5 Uncommons

8 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.11
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Decks I am interested in building
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