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Rise of the Eldrazi Shenanigans

Vintage Casual Control Eldrazi Mono-Blue



Fun fact: My friends and I lovingly refer to Kozilek, the Great Distortion as "Coleslaw."

This is the first proper deck I've made. My first couple decks were just put together using whatever I pulled from random boosters. I've wanted to make an Eldrazi deck since I first got into MTG, around the time Eldritch Moon was released.

Originally starting as a Standard legal colorless super budget aggro ramp I netdecked, the deck has been immensely altered to the point it barely resembles the original version. After realizing I don't enjoy playing purely power-based decks very much, I slowly replaced original choices with better alternatives that exist less to overcome the opponent and exist more to dick with them: Oblivion Sower, Thought-Knot Seer, All is Dust, so on. Once the decision was made to axe Walker of the Wastes, I realized the Wastes heavy mana base was worthless. Why run generic colorless lands when I can run utility colorless lands that can dick the opponent even more?

The small splash of blue (all of the Islands are custom art!) keep the deck from being a genuine, bonafide colorless deck to its roots, but the touch of counter spells was a necessary inclusion. It blows dumping a huge amount of mana into a high cost spell just for it to get countered, and counter spells fit the theme of dicking the opponent. I've considered replacing Stubborn Denial for Void Shatter or an equivalent but can't justify the tripled mana cost just for sticking to consistency.

I only play Magic with my small group of friends, and we all play casual "kitchen table" Magic. I could run 4x Black Lotus and they wouldn't complain about legality, although they might stop playing against the deck. Nonetheless, I constructed it essentially under Vintage rules; any restricted card is limited to 1. The only card keeping the deck from being Legacy legal is Strip Mine. The only cards keeping it from being Modern legal are Eye of Ugin and Petrified Field.

Kind of running a budget version. I know there are a handful of better options (Tolarian Academy? Wasteland?), but I kept any card I purchased for the deck limited around the $10 mark. I'm currently running a proxy for Ugin, but I like him so much I might end up buying him when I can.

I also limited the deck a little bit for the sake of making it fun to play. Turn 3 victory combos are neither fun to play nor fun to play against.

Cards I've intentionally avoided:

  • Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine, Urza's Power Plant -- generic ramp lands that don't fit the theme and aren't that fun to play. I have more than enough ramp as is, and I'd rather play lands that do fun things.

The main card I'm iffy about right now is Warden of Geometries. I don't feel it contributes to the deck as much as I'd like. I mostly have kept it for its synergy with Eldrazi Conscription: a 12/13 annihilator trampler with vigilance is pretty fun, but its not a neat enough combo to keep it. At the moment its mana position is important as a 4 mana Eldrazi mana dork that can potentially be played on turn 2 with any combo of Eldrazi Temple and Eye of Ugin. If I could find a replacement that fits the deck better, I'd prefer it.

Also kinda iffy on the creature count (I feel it should be one or two higher) and the mana curve; I haven't experienced problems, really, but I often can't cast any spells until turn 3, occasionally 4.

I'd really like one of the original Eldrazi titans in the deck 90% for the graveyard bounce. Mill decks are arrrgghhghghghghghghgh.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 1 year
Splash colors U

This deck is Vintage legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.72
Tokens Clue, Copy Clone, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C
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