Rise of the Howlpack (RG Werewolf Tribal)
I would take out the 4 guildgates and add 4 Stomping Ground
November 14, 2013 9:18 p.m.
gododoom9 I would, but considering on how they're running 8-10 dollars apiece, they're kind of outside my budget. I am going to be adding Rootbound Crag when I can get them, though.
November 14, 2013 9:30 p.m.
I like what you've got going on here. The only thing this deck NEEDS is some work in the land department. The Stomping Ground switch-out for those Guildgates is definitely almost a necessity! That said, the Temple of Abandon is strictly better than the gates. It still comes into play tapped no matter what, but that scry 1 is better than nothing! They're not even too pricy, either. Another strictly better "tapland" is Kazandu Refuge -- and that one was just re-printed in "Heroes vs. Monsters" so those are easy to get at the moment as well. BUT, not having all of your duals come into play tapped would be a HUGE difference in your tempo, and for an aggro deck like this would really be a game-changer.
There are a LOT of other red/green dual lands that would be good with this for playing in Modern, too... You mentioned Rootbound Crag which is good -- and that one actually has great synergy with Stomping Ground as well. Then, there's Copperline Gorge -- again, a lot better than ALWAYS coming into play tapped. Other good options, many quite budget-friendly, are: Grove of the Burnwillows ; Karplusan Forest ; Pinecrest Ridge ... Taking things in a different direction, there's Raging Ravine ; Fire-Lit Thicket ; Fungal Reaches ; Gruul Turf ... And then, don't forget about other lands that fit your color scheme and may be helpful -- things like: Oran-Rief, the Vastwood ; Teetering Peaks ; Skarrg, the Rage Pits (also just re-printed in "Heroes vs. Monsters") ; Llanowar Reborn even. And, of course there are the fetchlands -- which are Modern staples whether anyone likes it or not! Unfortunately there's no one land in Modern that would get you either of the lands you need, but Arid Mesa / Misty Rainforest / Scalding Tarn would work very well if done right. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is very good, too -- but I'm not sure it fits here, really. Then (last thing on the land front) -- there's Mutavault which could be interesting in your deck as it would count as a Human / Werewolf / Wolf (or all of the above!) whenever other things buff one or more of those.
A few other small suggestions. One of the most important things right off the bat: switch out that Lightning Strike playset for Lightning Bolt STAT! Since they're interchangeable in Modern except for the former costing 1 more mana, that's a no-brainer (and the Lightning Bolts really aren't too expensive ever). Domri Rade may work well in this deck also, just something to think about. The full playset of Pit Fight in the sideboard may be a bit excessive, and you may be better off going with Prey Upon for the copies you DO keep -- although that's a tough call since the latter isn't instant speed and has a less versatile casting cost. Annnnnnd, it's obviously not something you want to over-do, but I'd love to see ONE (and def. no more than two) Howl of the Night Pack in here, too -- especially if you're using Stomping Ground , since they count as forests as well. Also, he may be a little out of place in this deck -- being a human that isn't transformable -- but Master of the Wild Hunt could wreak HAVOC within this deck, so that may be something to think about, too!
Sorry if this ended up being kinda ridiculously long -- but I'm just trying to give you new angles to think about, as much as anything else. This deck definitely has potential!
November 17, 2013 7:57 p.m.
Personally, one Werewolf I've found I love is Gatstaf Shepherd Flip . Surprisingly, he's a powerhouse (thanks to intimidate).
January 10, 2014 10:21 p.m.
@ Kasres:
I used to have Gatstaf Shepard in this deck, and against nongreen decks he worked beautifully. I might consider sideboarding him, but I'm not sure what it would replace without sacrificing consistency.
January 11, 2014 2:53 p.m.
Speaking frankly, I can't say I'm a fan of Enlarge
, Mage Slayer
, or Alpha Authority
. I understand your reasons for having them, but you're right now at only 19 creatures. Werewolves want to be aggressive, and you're slowing down that aggression by not guaranteeing yourself creatures every step of the way. Also, I'd go to 4 Full Moon's Rise
and 4 Lightning Bolt
s for consistency and the power they give.
Overall, my change list suggestions would look something like :
-2 Enlarge
-1 Mage Slayer
-3 Alpha Authority
+1 Lightning Bolt
+1 Full Moon's Rise
+4 Gatstaf Shepherd
This leaves you 1 Mage Slayer as a wincon when you can't seem to get through (you don't really need more than one in my opinion), but it also gives you 23 creatures, which is still low to me, but you're within safe range, and it gives you 4 of your powerful support cards.
These suggestions are just what I would do. Feel free to think that they don't fit with how you want this deck to run, as after all: you are her only pilot, how to play it is all your choice.
January 11, 2014 6:47 p.m.
Gameover209X says... #9
Hey man. Love werewolves. My favorite deck is my WW deck and like you I have had trouble keeping my wolves on the board . I have recently been running a playset of Vines of Vastwood which has helped me tremendously. I can spot protect my WW from removal and even give them a +4 boost of attack if that's what I need. (On a flipped Kruin Outlaw Flip it's an 8 boost haha.
I couldn't imagine running my wolves w/o Instigator Gang Flip he is a tank flipped.
Seems you have already tried Alpha Authority but it has won me many games on a Terror of Kruin Pass Flip . And it also solves our removal problem.
As far as removal goes, I use Beast Within it can deal with anything that is giving us trouble. Including fliers, lands, any pesky artifact. It answers everything and our WW should have no trouble devouring a 3/3 beast token haha.
My deck is here: Hombres Lobos de Veneno if you would like to take a peek.
January 20, 2014 2:52 p.m.
Kornex2000 says... #10
where is Huntmaster of the Fells Flip ? IMO he is the best werewolf.
January 29, 2014 10:20 p.m.
Heh, I almost forgot that card existed. Yes, I like him too. But the problem is that I don't think I can find room for a four-drop. I also have doubts about his synergies with Immerwolf
I like the sound of all those cards, but what on earth would I cut in favor of some of those? Instigator Gang Flip could replace Mage Slayer as a finisher, but I'm not sure about anything else. Suggestions, anyone?
January 31, 2014 10:38 p.m.
Hellriding_Spitfire says... #12
Where are Instigator Gang Flip and Huntmaster of the Fells Flip ?
February 1, 2014 11:02 a.m.
You do realize those suggestions have already been made and I'm already considering them right?
February 1, 2014 2:05 p.m.
Gameover209X says... #14
You might think this is kind of crazy but I would cut the Gatstaf Shepherd Flip for the Instigator Gang Flip . I ran the shepard for a long time but cut the for the Alpha Authority and the deck runs smoothly w/o them.
He is really just a vanilla 2/2 , I almost like Village Ironsmith Flip better haha.
As far as the Wolfir Silverheart , never played him. Seems his curve is kind of high but a 4 power boost is nothing to snark at haha. I would consider cutting him for the gang as well unless he perform as an allstar for you ha.
Mage Slayer seems like fun, the only problem I see w/ it is the lack of spot protection for the equiped creature.
The build looks solid though.
February 1, 2014 2:57 p.m.
Gameover209X says... #15
Also what would you rather have on turn 2? A mayor, Full Moon's Rise or the shepherd? I think taking him out clears you log jam at the 2 spot 16 cards and sets your curve up nicely
February 1, 2014 3:15 p.m.
GodzillaKingofMonsters says... #16
This seems like such a fun deck to play. +1 I wish I had these wolves!
February 2, 2014 2:08 p.m.
Ghost35Sniper says... #17
February 11, 2014 1:24 p.m.
If You have the money i would recommend 4 Cavern of Souls
March 12, 2014 3:49 p.m.
Please don't advertise decks here. These comments are for feedback.
March 22, 2014 1:16 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #24
I'd probably try and get 1 more Wolfir Silverheart because he's just amazing. A playset could be somewhat beneficial, but I find 3x usually works better.
Absolutely LOVE the flavour of this deck.
March 24, 2014 7:56 a.m.
Arcane_GroMolag says... #25
I know it may be a tad expensive but I would suggest That Which Was Taken definitely helps with destruction spells
Butters01 says... #1
I used to have a pretty strong werewolf deck that I played casually. If I may, I'd recommend 2 more Mayor of Avabruck Flip in place of the Grizzled Outcasts Flip , remove the Abundant Growth for another Full Moon's Rise . Alpha Authority + Madcap Skills actually have really good synergy, both being cheap drops, and when equipped on the same creatures make it unblockable. Since this deck focuses almost primarily on the creatures, you might want to consider Immerwolf , buffs all your creatures and keeps them flipped. Huntmaster can be a bit of a prickly subject when it comes to this kind of tribal deck because your main goal is to keep your wolves flipped at all times and Huntmaster benefits from not only flipping to wolf, but to human as well. Solid deck though. +1
November 1, 2013 5:43 p.m.