Road to RIX Store Championship UR Control!

Standard Daafs128


Update #! —Jan. 5, 2018

Hello there! As you can all see I now play a full playset of Torrential Gearhulk in my deck, 1 Magma Spray has moved to the board and 1 Essence Scatter has left the deck.

Thanks for the advice Thornsplitter, the Courier is a very good card but it isn't really handy for my deck anymore, on turn one I am looking to play a Spray or an Opt and not attack with the Courier. My goal as a control deck is to draw many cards and keep many ready for when the time comes, the courier encourages me to finish my cards more quickly for the best experience and that is not what I'm looking for.

My wishes for this deck are to add a full playset of Spirebluff Canal, 2x Abrade and 1x Search for Azcanta  Flip. For the sideboard I'm thinking about adding Vizier of Many Faces.

That was it for the update this time and I'll see you guys around!

Thornsplitter says... #1

If you're interested I think Bomat Courier would be really good for you.

January 1, 2018 3:52 p.m.