Roaming Beasts

Casual* Frayace


Dawnsever says... #1

After looking at it as a whole and playing this deck in real life, I think you should drop the Skyshroud Behemoth s for more Vines of Vastwood . Skyshroud Behemoth just doesnt seem efficient enough to warrant one of, let alone two of, in this deck when other options exist. Given the speed of the deck, more Vines of Vastwood would only serve to expedite your win.

July 16, 2013 10:15 p.m.

Frayace says... #2

But then i would have to think of another name D:lol, jk.I just like them for their 10 power, which goes well with Overrun , Feed the Pack , and Vitality Charm 's trample effect.

I could try taking one of them out and see how that works.

July 16, 2013 10:21 p.m.

Dawnsever says... #3

Its a decent card but in reality it takes it an extra turn to really even do anything, a turn you may or may not have

July 16, 2013 10:54 p.m.

Frayace says... #4

true, if i can find another Kalonian Behemoth ill replace the other Skyshroud Behemoth

Btw, i changed the name lol

July 16, 2013 11:22 p.m.

arthurxisde says... #5

September 4, 2013 7:35 a.m.

yuval says... #6

Hey there, thanks for your kind comments on my deck, GREEN!!!!! (Turn 3 Win). I'll see what I can contribute to yours!

First of all, I can tell that this is much more of a Casual deck than a competitive Legacy one. I'd recommend you switch it to Casual on tappedout so that you can get more accurate / relevant advice. If I'm mistaken, and you do intend to compete with this in a legacy FNM or other tournament, then unfortunately I must inform you that it stands absolutely no chance against today's legacy meta. You would have to completely scrap the deck and start over. But only if you intend to win of course; at the end of the day magic is all about the fun and who cares if you lose as long as you get to beat face with some green fatties, right?

Also, it seems that you are on somewhat of a budget. Therefore I'll try to avoid recommending any overly expensive cards like Wurmcoil Engine .

The main issue I see here is that you simply don't have enough ramp. Correct me if I'm wrong but all I see here is 2x Grim Monolith, 1x Overgrowth, 2x Greenweaver Druid, 1x Garruk Wildspeaker, and... that's it. Dude, that's just 6 ramp cards. By comparison, you have 20 cards with a casting cost of 5 or higher. Twenty!!!!!!!! (well, 17 if we don't count Durkwood Baloth, but that's still a ton) Those cards don't do you ANY good in your hand if you can't cast them. Not to mention that you're only running 21 lands... go up to 23 or 24.

So, the bottom line is you need to add ramp. There are tons of choices, from the classic Llanowar Elves (and its copies Elvish Mystic and Fyndhorn Elves ) to the fancy Joraga Treespeaker to the limited but strong Somberwald Sage to the 6cmc go-big-or-go-home Primeval Titan . Seriously, take your pick. Just make sure you have at LEAST 12 ramp cards in the deck. And at least 23 lands, like I said before.

Now I understand that the hardest part of deckbuilding is knowing what to take out. Well, you know your own deck better than me, so take your twenty bombs and split them into two piles of 10, based on the ones that have performed better and more consistently for you in the past and those that have been... less successful. Right off the bat, some of the ones that I see leaving us are Durkwood Baloth and Garruk's Horde . And, as you yourself mentioned, it might be prudent to get rid of Brushstrider , Garruk's Companion , and Kalonian Tusker if they're not doing enough for you. Maybe that will be enough to make room for more ramp.

As for your bombs, everyone has their favorites and you're on a budget so I won't say much. If you like your fatties, keep 'em. I do however feel obligated to recommend Primalcrux , which frankly just kicks too much ass to ignore. Pricetag is a tad high compared to the rest of your deck, but hey just thought I'd give it a shoutout.

Good luck! Hope I helped!

September 23, 2013 10:49 p.m.

Boss123 says... #7

Nice Deck! +1

February 23, 2014 7:39 p.m.

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