Chandra, Flamecaller
She gives fast attackers for
+1, allows for hand dump and refuel, for a nicely priced
0 and can also explode for alternative board wipe for what ever you can afford
-X. What is not to love?! Add Alhammaret's Archive tremendous card advantage.
Bosh, Iron Golem
Ideally, he should be cheated into play with Daretti's,
Kuldotha Forgemaster
, or
's ability to put him from the graveyard into play. Its not difficult to hard cast him if need be, but most of the time we'll try not to.
Combustible Gearhulk
Beast mode activate. First strike 6 hitter, ETB makes one one of two things happen. Both are good for us so either way which ever they choose, it doesn't matter, its all good. :)
Darksteel Colossus
One of our win cons. He likes it when you clone him with either
Sculpting Steel
, he also really likes wearing
Lightning Greaves
. Should be cheated into play.
is one way. This guy will almost always be Forgemaster's primary target. Hard to deal with, hits hard and trampley. If you cannot cast or not close to being able to hard cast, Darksteel Colossus makes good fodder to discard to Daretti's +2 as it always goes back into the library, ready for
Kuldotha Forgemaster
's hug of happiness.
is how we have our clone answer to a large threat that your opponents may conjure, or simple removal for some pesky creature you need gone.
Goblin Welder
is an All-Star. "Welding" is what this entire deck is about (Though I prefer the term juggling). Usually, we'll be welding our own artifacts, but on occasion you can weld you opponents artifacts is need be, assuming they have an artifact in play you want to get rid of as well as an artifact in their graveyard you dont mind getting in its place. This is a redundant addition to Daretti's -2. Goblin Welder is a solid Juggler. He also like the boots. :)
Hellkite Igniter
is one of the main Win-Cons. This bad mamma jamma has ended more games than any other card in the deck. Pair this with
Mycosynth Lattice
and its swinging hard in the sky.
Lightning Greaves
is also a good fit here for protection from removal. ***Don't forget you can do this INSANE buff as many times as you can pay for it!
Karn, Silver Golem
He serves a 2 fold purpose. 0/8 blocker is legit and paired with
Mycosynth Lattice
you can pop any lands your opponent control as you see fit. Karn, Silver Golem + Liquimetal Coating
can also be used to take out any of their lands or 0/* blockers you need to.
Kuldotha Forgemaster
is how we get
Darksteel Colossus
into play since he doesn't ever taste a graveyard. You can use him to tutor up any artifact if Darksteel Colossus is already out, or exiled.
Yet another Win-Con. If the game goes late and long, this guy can shut it down. Sac as many artifacts as you want to make him giant. Best if Daretti has his Emblem out, cause, damn.
Boss early game, leads to explosive plays and insane drops. Late game he is pretty "meh." By that time you should have no problems tossing him to daretti's yard. Doubles as a variable valued Mana Rock.
Myr Battlesphere
Brings 4 myr tokens with him, adds to artifact count, you can tap other myr to not only buff the 'sphere but also do direct damage when he attacks. He is an excellent blocker,and even better with Daretti's emblem out cause when he bounces back, he brings 4 more with him!
Myr Retriever
Chump block, get an artifact back to your had? Why not? Can also be tapped if the Battlesphere is out and rolling.
Palladium Myr
Board presence, Mana rock, Artifact. Check check check! Also additional Battleshpere tap buffer.
Precursor Golem
3 3/3's for . They may have a slight vulnerability as they all get hit by an instant or sorcery, but usually isn't a problem. Hit it with
Chaos Warp
for a real fun time and get three warp replacements!
Quicksmith Genius
Goblin Welder
is the main mechanic, and Daretti is the pilot, Quicksmith is the Co-pilot of the team. His ability to discard/draw every time an artifact enters your battlefield is a solid redundancy for our main effects. His ability to fill both graveyard and hand over and over without using daretti's +2 is not to be taken lightly.
I like certain abilities. Welding is one of my favorites. Scarecrone is a conjurer of the dead more so than a conjurer of parts to life. Even still to be able to cheat any artifact creature in our graveyard back to the battlefield direct is a sweet ability. To not have to sacrifice one to bring one back is pretty stellar.
Scrap Trawler
is a real underdog. Put those boots on him so he sticks around and enjoy the rewards for losing an artifact of lesser casting cost going in. :) Kind of like a mini juggler.
Scuttling Doom Engine
We call him 'Scuts. And there will be scuttling! Followed by a terrible explosion that will do 6 damage to your opponents' of choice face when he does or gets sac'd.
Solemn Simulacrum
Sad robot. Pure value. Just keeps giving. I think he knows he's being taken advantage of...
Steel Hellkite
Swing in the sky, pumpable, and if you connect with the swing you can pay to destroy any of their cards with converted mana cost or less. Very powerful. Tutorable with any of the artifact fetchers.
Squee, Goblin Nabob
Squee is flavor for days. he is the PERFECT card to toss to daretti's +2. He will be right back ready to be tossed again, or down to play on the battle field being forced to take on the nastiest of the nasties. Only to return. Pretty good choice for a
since you cant lose it! Somehow, I never need to tutor him. He always just seems to show up...
Thopter Assembly
One of our few flying defense. Hopefully sticks around long enough to shatter into 5 1/1 flyers. Those lil guys are great sac fodder, chump blockers, and just making your board look busier and more intimidating.
Volatile Rig
I love this card. I doubt ill ever cut this card. I love a good coin flip and if all goes right, can act as a pseudo-board wipe against most tokens. I just love that when it takes any damage, that it could die. Not only can it die, but it can also explode violently. Figures. This is what happens when you have goblins put together important war machines.
Wurmcoil Engine
What a monster. What a terrible thing to have to deal with. again. and again.... :)
The 'Archive makes the lifelink a substantial bonus. Such a good card it even leaves gifts after it leaves. We love Wormcoil.