
Enchantment (1)

Sorcery (1)

Artifact (1)

"I didn't choose Daretti. Daretti picked me."

This story starts a few years ago. Late 2014/Early 2015 I get back into Magic and frequent a certain card shop near my house often. Id usually have 30-45 mins each day form the time I get off work, and when I'd pick my wife up from work, I would, most days, spend this time at that card shop dreaming, building, and spending good chucks of my paycheck on cards and accessories. Great selection, great staff, built a solid report. Then I took a month or two off to take care of some other things (Dentist work, eye glasses, car repair, you know, life...) Anyway, during this time I stopped going to the card shops, and when I found my way back into wanting to browse card selections and tempt my wallet, I stopped by my favorite card shop only to find it had closed! The building empty and no signs saying "We've moved!" Nope. Well right next door there was a used video game store. These stores were connected by a open archway in the man wall between them so you could browse both stores in one visit. Well, we go inside to find the archway was closed up and the lady told us when we asked that they had to close and liquidate but didnt say anything further.

Bummed, we walked around the used video game shop, found a few things we wanted. My wife and I was checking out and behind the counter, on the floor was a large framed piece of art. I asked about it and she said it was left over from the card shop (my eyes lit up as I thought it would be cool to have part of the 'shop to remember them by. She revealed that she didnt really know what to do with it, and I offered to buy it. " How much? I asked. She replied, "$40 bucks?" with a question infliction. She went on to say a few people had asked about it before but she wasn't sure if she wanted to get rid of it then, but today she did. LUCKY ME!! I want it. I told her, but I just had spent my "fun money" on other crap. It looked super rad, even though I did not recognize it. I thought fleetingly that it could be actual magic art, but there's no way it would be that cheap, that big, in a thick wood frame. Hell the frame prolly cost more than that, so purely on a "this is a good value" scale, I convinced the wife let me get it. Being a fan of board games, fantasy, RPG's and the like, I figured it would look great in our play room. Looking at it closer, I can see paint brush strokes on the canvas. Its a "gesso'ed" print. At home i looked up the artist's name on the signature and found a name for the piece.

Daretti, Scrap Savant

I still did not know it was a mtg card, but found out after I googled its name, looking to see if I could find out where it came from, if others were available, or a possible value for the piece, but could find no information. But I did find out that he was a Magic card, that I had found something super special. I read his story how his spark ignited and fell in love with the lore. Goblins were my first MTG fantasy build back when I was a kid, and I always had a thing for artifacts, so Daretti was just too good not to pursue. I found and bought the commander pre-con Built From Scratch so I could get the oversized foil to frame and hang next to it. Played it, loved it, started to build it from core skeleton. Little did I know that my journey with Daretti had already begun and the ride was going to take me places, Bit by bit, piece by piece, and make me think differently about the game, the world, and how I do things. Fast forward nearly 2 years and here I am, still grinding away at making this the deck of decks for me. The "if I could only have one deck to play magic with for the rest of my life" deck, this would be it. Currently in the last few stages of Foiling or Altering the deck to max its glory.

Ive since turned into a magpie and am in the process of blinging out (foils/alters) this deck.

PS- I am a sucker for a good accessory.

note: oversized foil is framed next to it for size refrence

Daretti and his recurring artifact antics. This deck is my second Commander deck and by far the most fun and has an excellent track record. The deck seems to stand alone without the need of Daretti on the field. This can go off in so many ways and so many strange combos that every game will play out in a likely unexpected way, but usually gets the job done. I like to "play" so theres is plenty of tapping and untapping, and be ready to have LOTS of cards in play. My playmat is usually pretty crowded in utility and shenanigans.

Also, I am trying, for the most part, to avoid control, mass land destruction, and infinite combos. I built this deck with two things in mind. I want it to be fun to pilot and I want it to be potent but fair. Not too spikey, not too expensive (sorry Mishra's Workshop ), and while being able to handle quite a bit and be OK with it. I do not play competitive, but my wife and several friends like to play Commander when we can. So I do not know how it would hold up under more spiky terrain.

You may have seen other Daretti decks and you may be asking what makes mine different or outstanding. I would answer that mine is not built with the intention of ending the game as fast as possible. I like to play. Its hard sometimes for others to get together to play, so I am not wanting to shut it down asap. Seems counter intuitive to want to end it when we all work so hard to start it. :) So no Stax, No taking others players turns for them, no infinite combos.

Now that being said, this deck is built to win, but it just allows me to dilly dally my way there by juggling non stop and keeping everyone on their toes and guessing and my board is usually pretty active and full.


Lets take a closer look at the Cards and Combos


The Half-Goblin Himself. The Pope. The Juggler. Or simply D. What ever you call him just know he is here and Daretti to Party!! Meet Daretti, Scrap Savant !

Now on what matters. The COMMANDER!

He enters with 3

+2 He allows you to Discard Up To Two Cards, Then Draw That Many Cards.

-2 He allows you Sacrifice an Artifact on the Battlefield Under Your Control, then Take an Artifact that is In Your Graveyard and put it directly into the battlefield. (I call this Juggling aka Welding)

-10 Ultimate. You get an Emblem that states "Whenever an artifact is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, return that card to the battlefield at the beginning of the next end step" This is bad news bears for your opponents. Now if this happens, board wipes are welcome and Scrap Mastery is bananas with the emblem out. Bananas...

The Sooner we can get D out and churning, the better. The Mana rocks ( Mana Crypt , Mana Vault , Sol Ring , Grim Monolith , Basalt Monolith ) all help you get there faster, and The Chain Veil lets you double up on each of your 'Walker's abilities allowing for a faster counter increase. If you can protect him long enough to drop the emblem, the rest of the game will be in your favor.

However sometimes its better to ping down to cheat something into play vs. a blind dash to the ultimate. Pilot's discretion is advised.

Daretti will likely attract some attention and could take the axe a few times. Command Beacon can really help with a high commander tax from eating too much damage, too many times. Command Beacon + Crucible of Worlds is very high value as the game goes on.

Basalt Monolith 3 for 3 for 3. I can dig it.

Gilded Lotus Fun to have around, again, to be able to pull out 3 red when it looks like only colorless is available is always a nice surprise. when the Hellkite decides to show up and SOMEone popped some of your mountains.

Grim Monolith I would live here. :) I also wish my card was foil, but. . . . :/

Mana Crypt Seems bad at first glance, plays GREAT first few rounds, OK later on. Easy to pitch to Daretti's -2 if you hit bad flips or dont need it anymore. Trade it out for that Wormcoil in the graveyard? Hmmm, OK! Did I mention I love coin flips?

Mana Vault Only really shines in two places. First couple rounds, or when ever there is an artifact untapper out like Voltaic Key , Clock of Omens , Unwinding Clock , but when it shines, it BEAMS. Also like to toss this to Daretti's -2 after its been squoze for mana.

Mind Stone Can get it out earlier that Hedron Archive so I swapped them out. Now I should be able to use it twice as much.

Mox Opal Very handy to squeeze one final red when it looks like all you have left is colorless. :) Easy mark to have 3 arts on the board.

Sol Ring whether you love it or hate it, here is mine. You know what it does and why it is great.

mountains We need red mana, this is how were gonna got most of it. Ive chosen 18 of them.

Blinkmoth Nexus Can be tapped for , will turn him into a surprise blocker, it also at the same time become an Artifact (useful for Mox Opal 's needed 3 artifacts requirement as well as Inverntors' Fair) AND also becomes a Flyer. Already pure value. more and a tap after blockers are declared but before damage is dealt to Self Pump +1/+1 for yet another level of sneaky answers. After Blinkmoth Nexus has been there more for a turn, you can then use him for an attacker for even more usefulness.

Buried Ruin is important to help get back Artifact cards from your graveyard without needing Daretti on the field or using up one of his abilities if his is in play, leaving him free to juggle bigger robots back into play. Tutor-able with Expedition Map and recur-able with Crucible of Worlds

Command Beacon is pretty self explanatory. Its nice to skirt the commander tax after having Daretti eat hate sammys over and over again. That gets expensive, and paying 4 mana is so much better than paying more than 10. This is also recur-able with Crucible.

Darksteel Citadel Free artifact, Cannot be destroyed, gives us . This one is nice.

Forgotten Cave Cycle land to hopefully give fuel late game when mana is not as important to put down.

Great Furnace Another free Artifact! This one gives us . Whats not to love?

Inventors' Fair This card is AWESOME!! Its rare for us to have less than 3 artifacts on the field, so free life each upkeep in a nice treat. Paired with Alhammarret's Archive it gets a little nicer, but its real value comes in its tutor ability to pull any artifact into your hand. So many choices!! Really shines with Crucible of Worlds , like really, really. to pull any artifact from your library to your hand is nothing to scoff at. Get the tools you need to dominate. Darksteel Colossus, Sculpting Steel, Mycosynth Lattice, Voltic key, Lightning greaves, what ever you want! My Primary Target just might be Crucible of Worlds !

Mirrorpool Another nonbasic gem. While we could use it to double a Sorcery/Instant, I would much rather sac it to create a clone of one of the bigger hitters I would hopefully have in play. One Darksteel Colossus is good, more are better. This can do just that. Stir in some Crucible for a tasty recipe of win. Not a bad target for Expedition Map .

Mishra's Factory is a strictly better Blinkmoth Nexus in cost and power, but lacks the element of flying. Can self pump after block to buff even further before damage is dealt. Very cool.

Mutavault Another manland, pretty basic, but useful after a creature or artifact wipe while we get back up.

Scorched Ruins I do not see much about this card but I love it. Sac-ing two untapped lands stings a bit, but it feel so good to squeeze from it each time.

Sequestered Stash A decent mill effect to fill up an early or light grave yard or to recover from a graveyard wipe. Can also be used with the Divining Top draw the artifact card you might have put on top your library. Crack a fetch to shuffle away the top to clear up next draw for fresh fuel.

Stripmine Pesky land? Pop it! Will likely replace this with Wasteland in the near future.

Tomb of the Spirit Dragon With Myr Battlesphere or Thopter Assembly littering the field with little ones, they can translate into life for you in a hurry, each round! Pair this with Alhammarret's Archive and hold on to your life counters!

Wooded Foothills My first fetchland. Might seem silly in a mono colored deck, and it may be. But it was a birthday gift and I enjoy being able to hold on to a shuffle effect for one reason or another, whether it is to shuffle the top away, hitting a bad draw streak, or just need an extra mountain. I may put more fetchlands in, I may take this on out later on, but so far, I think I like it. :) Recur-able with Crucible.

Chandra, Flamecaller She gives fast attackers for +1, allows for hand dump and refuel, for a nicely priced 0 and can also explode for alternative board wipe for what ever you can afford -X. What is not to love?! Add Alhammaret's Archive tremendous card advantage.

Bosh, Iron Golem Ideally, he should be cheated into play with Daretti's, Kuldotha Forgemaster , or Scarecrone 's ability to put him from the graveyard into play. Its not difficult to hard cast him if need be, but most of the time we'll try not to.

Combustible Gearhulk Beast mode activate. First strike 6 hitter, ETB makes one one of two things happen. Both are good for us so either way which ever they choose, it doesn't matter, its all good. :)

Darksteel Colossus One of our win cons. He likes it when you clone him with either Sculpting Steel , Mirrorpool , he also really likes wearing Lightning Greaves . Should be cheated into play. Gamble is one way. This guy will almost always be Forgemaster's primary target. Hard to deal with, hits hard and trampley. If you cannot cast or not close to being able to hard cast, Darksteel Colossus makes good fodder to discard to Daretti's +2 as it always goes back into the library, ready for Kuldotha Forgemaster 's hug of happiness.

Duplicant is how we have our clone answer to a large threat that your opponents may conjure, or simple removal for some pesky creature you need gone.

Goblin Welder is an All-Star. "Welding" is what this entire deck is about (Though I prefer the term juggling). Usually, we'll be welding our own artifacts, but on occasion you can weld you opponents artifacts is need be, assuming they have an artifact in play you want to get rid of as well as an artifact in their graveyard you dont mind getting in its place. This is a redundant addition to Daretti's -2. Goblin Welder is a solid Juggler. He also like the boots. :)

Hellkite Igniter is one of the main Win-Cons. This bad mamma jamma has ended more games than any other card in the deck. Pair this with Mycosynth Lattice and its swinging hard in the sky. Lightning Greaves is also a good fit here for protection from removal. ***Don't forget you can do this INSANE buff as many times as you can pay for it!

Karn, Silver Golem He serves a 2 fold purpose. 0/8 blocker is legit and paired with Mycosynth Lattice you can pop any lands your opponent control as you see fit. Karn, Silver Golem + Liquimetal Coating can also be used to take out any of their lands or 0/* blockers you need to.

Kuldotha Forgemaster is how we get Darksteel Colossus into play since he doesn't ever taste a graveyard. You can use him to tutor up any artifact if Darksteel Colossus is already out, or exiled.

Megatog Yet another Win-Con. If the game goes late and long, this guy can shut it down. Sac as many artifacts as you want to make him giant. Best if Daretti has his Emblem out, cause, damn.

Metalworker Boss early game, leads to explosive plays and insane drops. Late game he is pretty "meh." By that time you should have no problems tossing him to daretti's yard. Doubles as a variable valued Mana Rock.

Myr Battlesphere Brings 4 myr tokens with him, adds to artifact count, you can tap other myr to not only buff the 'sphere but also do direct damage when he attacks. He is an excellent blocker,and even better with Daretti's emblem out cause when he bounces back, he brings 4 more with him!

Myr Retriever Chump block, get an artifact back to your had? Why not? Can also be tapped if the Battlesphere is out and rolling.

Palladium Myr Board presence, Mana rock, Artifact. Check check check! Also additional Battleshpere tap buffer.

Precursor Golem 3 3/3's for . They may have a slight vulnerability as they all get hit by an instant or sorcery, but usually isn't a problem. Hit it with Chaos Warp for a real fun time and get three warp replacements!

Quicksmith Genius If Goblin Welder is the main mechanic, and Daretti is the pilot, Quicksmith is the Co-pilot of the team. His ability to discard/draw every time an artifact enters your battlefield is a solid redundancy for our main effects. His ability to fill both graveyard and hand over and over without using daretti's +2 is not to be taken lightly.

Scarecrone I like certain abilities. Welding is one of my favorites. Scarecrone is a conjurer of the dead more so than a conjurer of parts to life. Even still to be able to cheat any artifact creature in our graveyard back to the battlefield direct is a sweet ability. To not have to sacrifice one to bring one back is pretty stellar.

Scrap Trawler is a real underdog. Put those boots on him so he sticks around and enjoy the rewards for losing an artifact of lesser casting cost going in. :) Kind of like a mini juggler.

Scuttling Doom Engine We call him 'Scuts. And there will be scuttling! Followed by a terrible explosion that will do 6 damage to your opponents' of choice face when he does or gets sac'd.

Solemn Simulacrum Sad robot. Pure value. Just keeps giving. I think he knows he's being taken advantage of...

Steel Hellkite Swing in the sky, pumpable, and if you connect with the swing you can pay to destroy any of their cards with converted mana cost or less. Very powerful. Tutorable with any of the artifact fetchers.

Squee, Goblin Nabob Squee is flavor for days. he is the PERFECT card to toss to daretti's +2. He will be right back ready to be tossed again, or down to play on the battle field being forced to take on the nastiest of the nasties. Only to return. Pretty good choice for a Gamble since you cant lose it! Somehow, I never need to tutor him. He always just seems to show up...

Thopter Assembly One of our few flying defense. Hopefully sticks around long enough to shatter into 5 1/1 flyers. Those lil guys are great sac fodder, chump blockers, and just making your board look busier and more intimidating.

Volatile Rig I love this card. I doubt ill ever cut this card. I love a good coin flip and if all goes right, can act as a pseudo-board wipe against most tokens. I just love that when it takes any damage, that it could die. Not only can it die, but it can also explode violently. Figures. This is what happens when you have goblins put together important war machines.

Wurmcoil Engine What a monster. What a terrible thing to have to deal with. again. and again.... :) The 'Archive makes the lifelink a substantial bonus. Such a good card it even leaves gifts after it leaves. We love Wormcoil.

All Is Dust A nice board wipe that has minimal impact on your board state. Your Artifacts creatures stay, red things will die. Timing important as with all wipes.

Banefire is unstoppable (if more than 5) direct damage. Works as decent removal or coup' move for final burn to the face.

Faithless Looting is a double up +2 ability. Get that graveyard ready for some juggling and get some new and fresh cards to play with. The bonus here is that you draw, THEN discard, so if you draw crap you can throw it away. Mirrorpool can double this up if your hand isnt being cooperative.

Gamble A fun and exciting tutor. You can pick ANY card you need, but you might lose it. The more cards in your hand the better chance you have of keeping your gamble choice. Also you can double up with a well timed Gamble + Mirrorpool activation. Pick any TWO cards you need? With a little luck you could keep them both. Whats the worst that can happen?

Scrap Mastery This is basically an alternate Ultimate. With a full grave yard youll go to ludicrous speed. If the Emblem is out, you go straight to plaid.

Tormented Voice Toss one, draw two? Thats card advantage if Ive ever seen it. Add the Alhammaret's Archive into the mix and you toss one, draw 4. The kool aid man just busted in- "OOOH YEAH!!"

Trash for Treasure Juggle, Juggle Juggle!

Vandalblast Artifact removal, one of theirs or all of them, your choice.

Chaos Warp This is the card that makes great stories. "'memebr that time I chaos warped your so and so but brought in something even worse?" it can happen. I like the chance it could go wrong but usually worth the removal of something that needed to GO! :)

Nevinyrral's Disk Artifact of DOOM! getting ready for a Scrap Mastery power move? Try the disk first! Even better when the Emblem is out, One sided wipes are the best for when the hour is darkest and death is immanent. Basically however its played, it a great big "Oh Sh*t!" button.

Spine of Ish Sah Need to get rid of something as soon as it ETB? This will do the job. Want it back after its been destroyed or sac'd to a Juggler, it does that too.

Alhammarret's Archive Sounds OK on paper, but is absolute BOSS in play. It does amazing things with so many cards, its best to get it out sooner than later and leave it to work its magic. This is one of my top tools in the deck. The card advantage is real.

Clock of Omens Tap, Tappy, Untap. It taps its self and one other inert artifact that you might not think you could tap. Example would be Crucible of Worlds the Wellspring, pretty much if it's untapped, and an artifact, tap it, now untap something that just gave you mana, attacked, or did something awesome, and DO IT AGAIN or be ready and vigilante for the incoming retaliation attack.

Codex Shredder Mostly used for graveyard retrieval for any card from the 'yard to your hand. However the minor mill (usually self chosen) can help put something into a light or empty 'yard.

Crucible of Worlds What a powerhouse! This makes all lands that got milled, sac'd, discarded, destroyed, cracked, or what ever can be on tap ready to recur at a moments notice. EXTREMELY valuable. Inventors' Fair is just amazing with Crucible on the table.

Expedition Map Use it to pull any land in the deck. Mirrorpool and Inventors' Fair are both good targets for the map. Maybe Wooded Foothills if you want to keep a shuffle in your pocket.

Ichor Wellspring Drop him, draw a card. Sac him to a Juggler, draw a card. If the'Archive is in play enjoy the card advantage, bring this Wellspring back and do it all again!

Lightning Greaves Aka "The Boots" Gives protection from removal, and haste to swing fast. Powerful for nearly every creature, and a good tutor choice at any time in the game, early, mid or late. The boots are ALWAYS welcome.

Memory Jar Fast and fun card advantage and opponents get confused, milled, and bothered by what ever plays out when you bust a jar open. What will you find inside? Timing is important so don't just drop jars all willy nilly. Want really crazy fun? Have alhammaret's archive out before hand to draw a staggering 14 to play with. If you have Chandra out as well, drop those 14 to the 'yard with her 0 and draw 30. If The Chain Veil is there also, you can dump those 30, and draw a whopping 62!

Mind's Eye Lots of cards mean lots of choices. This is an easy way to get more.

Mirrorworks Have this out before juggling the Colossus into play. Pay the ETB fee and enjoy the extra copy of terror you just created. Want another Voltaic key or Gearhulk? This is one way to get more for a low, low . Very flexible, very powerful, very fun.

Mycosynth Lattice World shifting power. This card is a big deal. This card is bonkers. It fixes mana colors for everybody, and makes Megatog nearly unstoppable by sac'ing everything you own to make the nastiest trampler.

Prototype Portal This card allowed me 5 Voltaic Keys last game. That was really fun, powerful, and unexpected turn of events. Use this to make more of what you like!

Sculpting Steel Easy, cheap and straight forward cloner. My favorite it to clone my own Colossus, but can also be used to cloe an opponents threat that may have popped up while we were giggling with our juggling toys.

Sensei's Divining Top Be mindful of the time spent when using the top. Don't take too long when divining. Knowing whats coming and setting its order is pretty big power. Wooded Foothills can be used to shuffle away the top if you need to draw what you found but dont want to break your tempo.

Staff of Domination Can be used ten ways from Sunday. Chances are it'll do something you'll want or need. Versatile and powerful.

Staff of Nin Sounds small, but carries solid impact. Alhammaret's Archive really makes this thing shine.

The Chain Veil Doubles up our Planeswalkers abilities. Get Daretti to ultimate twice as fast, or have Chandra drop 4 3/1's at once ready to pounce with haste. Or even better, have Chandra dump your hand and draw that many +1, Twice, and again if Alhammerate is out, the card draw gets INSANE!!

Trading Post Does many things, all of them good. Sac'ing a creature to juggle back an artifact to your hand is just too fitting. Make a goat to sac if you have no other options.

Unwinding Clock Tired of having all your artifacts tapped? Not a problem anymore!! Always helps.

Voltaic Key One of my favorite artifacts ever printed. I just love it and use it as often as I can.


Noteable Combos and Powermoves



BONUS STAGE:The Accessories!!


First up is my custom "Win/Lose" coin. Sterling Silver and heavy. No heads or tails here, clear as day as to what the outcome is. Mana Crypt & Volatile Rig both need this.

Awesome Hedron Life Counter (its like my own real life artifact!!)

Next up are my dice and counters. The glass drops will be replaced very soon by hand made "slyme" colored ones that have already been commissioned.![enter image description here]

This playmat is good for the theme, but I have plans to change this up in the future. For now, how fitting, Its Daretti!

Green Apple Dragon Shield Mattes, double sleeved with KMC Perfect Fit HARDs. In case you are wondering, the Hards give a great shuffle feel to the already good Dragon Mattes. But Be Warned! THEY MAKE YOUR DECK YUUUUGE! It gets a little better over time, but you better have a big box for these. Most boxes that can hold 100 double sleeved cannot hold 100 double sleeved with Hards.

Last but defiantly not least, the pride of my collection and worthy of this whole project to live in, is my Custom made DeckBox. Made by none other than Aaron Cain himself(, this project was commissioned to my liking and choices.

  • My very own SWITCHBLADE!
  • Walnut Burl Top
  • Aluminum Filled Rectangular Inlay
  • Purple Hear Pods
  • Aluminum Splines
  • Red and Blue Flocking
  • Solid one side, Grooved on the other
  • Purple Heart Dividers I - Am - In - LOVE!!! Best part is it holds my 100 Double Sleeved Hards with no problem!!

I Play to Play, Not To Win.

Here is the part where I talk about why I did NOT choose certain cards to be in the deck. Certain cards that make perfect sense to be included. Staples and Shoe-in that are notably absent.

Darksteel Forge This card wants to be in my deck, but I do not. This card is is like having god mode on. Sure its fun once or twice but to me and my playgroup it serves two functions, and neither of them are welcome at the moment. - 1- It makes it discouraging for my opponents. This deck can be hard enough, I don't want to go over the top. An instance comes to mind where I was against an army of indestructible slivers, and the feeling it put in me is not something I want to put into my playgroup (that consists of my wife, primarily, and some really good friends that come over to our house.)
- 2- It removes the thrill of possibility. Never knowing what or when something could strike down your prized artifact is exciting. Knowing that is not normally gonna happen, isn't so much as it removes the anticipation of a stealth removal. (i know there are plenty of exceptions, but my deck is meta tuned for optimal fun, your milage may vary if you have a more experienced or spikey playgroup)

Final thoughts, I am pretty sure I would rather run Slobad, Golbin Tinkerer In place of the 'Forge. Having a hard time finding room for Slobad at the moment.

Rings of Blightheart As much as I want to run this card, it just allows too many ways to go Infinite, and thats simply something I want to avoid. I know it sounds silly, but thats just how it feels right, so I roll with it.

Mindslaver I know alot of Daretti decks like this card, and maybe cEDH is a better fit, but I knew that going in to the build of this deck that I did not want Slaverlocks, Infinite Combos, or Stax. Also, its difficult for my friends to come over sometimes to play (family life, kids, work, etc). I dont want them to not be able to play after taking all that time and energy to come over. Just not my style. I guess I'd rather them get to play over not letting my opponents play cause I felt I should take their turn (or turnS) for them. Again, just not my style.

Mishra's Workshop , Imperial Recruiter , Bazaar of Baghdad : Simply too rich for my blood. $$$

Wheel of Fortune and other Wheel type effects: These I want to avoid on the thought process of that in a full 4 player game, while yes, I fill up my yard and I draw 7, however my "opponents" draw 21. Thats a big deal and enough for me to steer clear. Memory Jar earned its place due to its short life in the opponents hand. If they can do something within that time, they should be able to. I like "fair" cards, even if "fair" is like games found in the carnival. Do-able but luck will be needed and the windows are tiny, but there.

Blightsteel Colossus So popular, but my choice is his younger brother, Darksteel Colossus . I didn't pick Blightsteel because I do not agree with 10 being lethal in commander for infect. If it was 15, Id consider it but the way it stands now, I cannot get on board, even if it is "better"than darksteel.

Karn Liberated While the golem theme has shown itself, Karn is just too heavy for me and my playgroup.

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon While lighter than Karn, I still feel that hes a bit too heavy, too spikey, too much for this deck. While he fits, no question, Ill keep in in mind for a sideboard swap if I ever go out into the real world to play and I need to stand up to much harder abuse. :P


Updates Add

After poking around some of the newer sets, I found 2 cards I wanted to put in, which I am sure you know means I have to take 2 cards out

OUT- Skullclamp and 1x Mountain

IN- Foundry Inspector and Quicksilver Amulet

Skullclamp proved mostly useless for me in this deck. That was an easy cut. However, pulling a Mountain was a tough choice. I may put it back after a few play tests in favor for something else, we'll see how it goes.

Also changed out my sleeves for Dragon Shield Matte JETs and Perfect fit HARDs for inners since its mostly foils, these inners really helps keep everything flat and proper at the expense of a slightly thicker deck. Small Deck Boxes Beware!

Added pimp new Titanium D6 dice for my Commander Cast Counter. as well as a few minor foil swaps for nons.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 4 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.94
Tokens Copy Clone, Elemental 3/1 R, Emblem Daretti, Scrap Savant, Goat 0/1 W, Golem 3/3 C, Myr 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 C, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
Folders Daretti
Ignored suggestions
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