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Robowolves be lootin' n' scootin'

Standard Aggro RG (Gruul)



So this was originally a werewolf tribal deck with Lupine Prototype in it, but to be frank, it sucked. However, I still like robowolf, and with the release of KLD I thought he'd be a natural pilot. 5 power means there's nothing he can't pilot, and five toughness means he's a difficult pilot to remove. So, I figured let's retool the deck to KLD. Unfortunately retooling meant the only cards to survive from the first iteration of the deck were Lupine and Arlinn Kord  , whose chief purpose is to give haste to Skysovereign, Consul Flagship and/or allow vehicles to attack while still being available to block.

For example, if you have two Servant of the Conduit in play, one Smuggler's Copter and one Arlinn Kord  , you can swing in for five damage, loot, and then save it for blocking and more looting. Even if it dies in the trade, you've still generated tremendous value from it.

Foundry Inspector allows us to play a significant chunk of our deck at a reduced cost; get two and robowolf is free to cast.

Built to Smash makes our vehicles hit hard and/or keeps them alive - same with Blossoming Defense. The scooter really is vital to emptying our hand of useless cards, mainly land, in order to allow the wolves to do more than just crew vehicles.

Now, I'll be completely realistic here and say yes, there are far better options if you want to play RG in standard - RG Energy, for example, is cheaper and can win faster. This deck will typically win on turn 5 or 6, whereas RG Energy will see T4 wins surprisingly often if the opponent doesn't have an answer for the pummeler.

The Copter and Skysovereign aren't cheap either, meaning unless you already have them, you're probably not going to buy them just to play this silly deck. If you don't have the flagships, I'd recommend subbing in one more Metalwork Colossus and three Ovalchase Dragster. Unfortunately, the copters are vital to cycling the chafe out of hands and there's no real replacement for them in terms of vehicles.

There's also the mystery of why Arlinn is still over $8 despite the fact she's not in a single tournament-level deck. I mean really, when is the last time you saw her used?

Sideboard sides in removal if you're against something else aggro with a lot of easily killed critters, though welding sparks can get some decent damage done. Appetite for other scooters or if you're against an aetherworks deck, or even a metallurgic deck. Deadlock trap can work to keep big threats under control for a short while, since you probably will have some extra energy from the servants, assuming you haven't used it all for the brawlers.

All in all, this is a deck that I've gone 3-1 with at FNM twice now, only by virtue of the fact my opponents thought I was playing RG energy, letting me get in hits with the scooter instead of killing it because they were waiting for the pummeler, for example. Maybe it's something you already have the cards for and can mix it up a little to throw people off, who knows. Or maybe you're just like me and really want to make a certain bad card effective in some way.

Have fun.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 3 Rares

16 - 4 Uncommons

8 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.77
Tokens Emblem Arlinn Kord, Energy Reserve, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G
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