Rock 'n' Mill (and a list of all MTG's mill cards)
SCORE: 321 | 137 COMMENTS | 191281 VIEWS | IN 296 FOLDERS
Thanks for the comment and for the Propaganda tip, didn't know that! Before publishing this deck I played with Memory Erosion instead of 2xDuskmantle Guildmage and Forced Fruition , but I thought it was too slow, but I'm still considering it :). Thanks a lot!
April 5, 2013 12:46 p.m.
Valentine35 says... #3
Thanks for the ideas. Induce Paranoia is on the short list for my deck, but i was thinking more Psychic Strike instead of Deprive just for the added mill. I see where you would think Jace's Phantasm is better but my deck isn't looking to hit my opponent just aggro mill them. I had another version of mine where i used Sword of Body and Mind with Invisible Stalker and didn't care for it. I also really like the Kathari Remnant because almost everything in my deck can be cascaded into with him. I just didn't want to use the milling as a way to pump my creatures as i already tried it that way and didn't like it. +1 for your deck though, isn't milling fun lol!
April 5, 2013 12:52 p.m.
PierceTheVeilMemphisMayFire says... #4
No problem, I have overlooked it before just because it was reprinted in commander so it doesn't look legacy. But my friend has the original. +1 from me, also please check out my new Naya midrange standard deck please. It's titled naya midrange, naya humans. why not both.
April 5, 2013 12:57 p.m.
I think is the best mill deck I found in internet I dont play in tournaments but i think this cards are rlly good in U/B Mill deckExtirpate Surgical Extraction
April 7, 2013 1:43 p.m.
(sorry for my post befour) Maybe Haunting Echoes or Chancellor of the Spires ?certainly, I use
April 7, 2013 1:50 p.m.
Thanks man!
Reguarding Extirpate and Surgical Extraction they are "almost" the same thing, but I prefere Extirpate because of its split second ability; anyway, Extirpate can't finally find space in my deck, because It has no meaning with my tactics: I need to counter my opponent's card with Mana Leak and Go for the Throat /Doom Blade , and if I replace one of these I have less chanches to counter a creature on the battlefield, expecially during early turns.
I considered about Chancellor of the Spires , but it has an high mana cost for a creature: usually I plan to defeat my opponent in less than ten turns and, if the match lasts too much probably my opponent has many creatures on the battlefield (or can play many spells), so Norn's Annex and Forced Fruition I think are better than Chancellor of the Spires ; the second problem is that, in order to use his first ability, I should have 4x in my deck and have no space for four creatures with 7 mana cost. I prefere Szadek, Lord of Secrets .
Haunting Echoes is very interesting, I'm considering it for the maybeboard!!
Thanks again man!
April 7, 2013 2:13 p.m.
I think Chancellor of the Spires + Surgical Extraction can ruin the game for combo deck and deck base on infect, but this "combo" is on luck to have Chancellor of the Spires on opening hand. I use exchnge Fog Bank by Delver of Secrets Flip - it can work rlly well on deck with a lots of instants and sorcerrys.
April 7, 2013 2:41 p.m.
I have one problem playing with my friend he playing on discard deck depend on Liliana's Caress , Quest for the Nihil Stone , The Rack he have only 4x Delver of Secrets Flip in deck. Rest cards is heavy discard spells like Blightning , Burning Inquiry etc. I think that in a lot of situation I cant count on Go for the Throat /Doom Blade /Ultimate Price I get to many gmd in 4-5 turn with out control on permanents, without cards like Into the Roil , Cyclonic Rift with out good start hand I loosing.(playing on enchantments is very rarely but...).
April 7, 2013 5:46 p.m.
(I think Death's Approach & Debtors' Knell are to slow and a little bit to weak - Im sorry if spaming)
April 7, 2013 5:52 p.m.
A discard is (for milling deck) as dangerous as burn (SPARO in italian) deck are: Maybe you should put in your sideboard 4x Witchbane Orb . Redirect is very useful too, and you can put also some Torpor Orb . The problem of mill decks is that they are very slow, it is difficoult to mill an opponent before he win if he has red or discarding card (for example Vexing Devil or creatures like Guttersnipe ). That's why Fog Bank s and counters are very useful, you should defense yourself 4/5 turns befor to mill the opponent. You can replace a counter with a Extirpate in your tachtic anyway, but you have to be lucky.Remember that the sideboard is so important, and with 8 counters on the deck and some defense stategy you can limitate damages while using Witchbane Orb !
No problem for this kind of spam, but if you want, you can add me as a friend and text me on my page.
April 7, 2013 6:26 p.m.
Shriekhorn is IMHO more effective than Mind Sculpt you might wanna consider swap.
very nice deck though
April 11, 2013 4:46 p.m.
Thanks for the tip HalloN. I considered Shriekhorn for my deck, but I prefere Mind Sculpt , because it helps Jace's Phantasm during early turns. Thanks :)
April 12, 2013 2:55 p.m.
CrimsonKing says... #16
Awesome deck bro! I love the use for Consuming Aberration . I highly recommend main boarding at least 2 Archive Trap with all the library searching in modern...fetch lands cough.
April 13, 2013 4:24 a.m.
Thanks! I like very much Archive Trap , and I really want to put it into my deck... the problems are two:
1) What can Archive Trap
2) Fetch lands are awesome but I nedd Polluted Delta
in my deck (and it isn't legal in modern).
I'm thinking about to put some Extirpate instead of Go for the Throat in order to cast some Archive Trap :)
April 13, 2013 5:09 p.m.
Very fun deck.Instantly fell in love with it and ordered the cards I was missing to construct it. Was finally able to take it for a test drive today and I must say I'm in love.
Though from what I played so far I would say that 4 Duskmantle Guildmage are a bit overkill. Whenever I was at a point to bring it out and actually use it to some effect, the match was pretty much over anyway. Wight of Precinct Six seemed to be much more potent cost / effect wise. So maybe trade in 2 of them for the Archive Trap that has been thrown around above already.
Also: does Extirpate even trigger Archive Trap ? The card text says that the opponent has to search his library, not you.
Something to look forward to seems to be this one:
Though it's not out yet... I cannot wait to add it to the mix...
Anyhow... pretty much just wanted to let you know that you have brought much joy to me and much pain to my unsuspecting opponents. So thanks a lot for that =)
April 13, 2013 5:25 p.m.
Wow, somesyl, thank for the comment, I'm very happy! But I hope you see that my deck is still in prototype, I'm doing a lot of tests in order to improve the deck, I think it can be more competitive in future! And I hope you can beat your friends ;).
Reguarding Duskmantle Guildmage I know it is very "slow", complex and intricate to use, and I'm planning to replace one of them with something in dragon's maze set. You are right about Extirpate , it doesn't trigger Archive Trap 's ability, my mistake!
The problem with Archive Trap is that it is very hard to play, this mill hasn't many "free" lands at the end of my turn, and I prefere to use my lands in order to cast Deprive . Archive Trap 's "0" ability is too difficoult to use, I can't cast it unless my opponent uses a fetch land like Verdant Catacombs (for example), and I think that a mill deck can't base its success on my opponent cards. I may use some Ghost Quarter s in my deck, but I don't know what to replace, 20 lands are too few, and if I sacrifice Ghost Quarter I virtually have 18/19 lands, not enough.
Reguarding Wight of Precinct Six ... I did not understand! Sorry, but I'm not english (as you can see from my writing :D), and I didn't understand the speech you did;
Don't know if you saw it, but there is another card from dragon's maze that I will put in my deck: it is Breaking/entering, it will replace Mind Sculpt . At the moment I don't like very much Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker :).
Thanks again!!
April 14, 2013 5:02 a.m.
The deck still being in prototype is sort of part of the fun =)It's always neat to see what comes up next and how it changes... though it's sometimes a bit hard to keep up with. (The deck page is bookmarked by now though)
Regarding Archive Trap (and please keep in mind that I only have my so far limited experience to base this on). I do think that maybe 1 or at most 2 of them could be worth it. I agree with not wanting to base the deck on luck or the opponents deck, but almost any game I played easily went into a state where I could have payed the 5 mana base cost instead of the reduced and it would've still been worth it.I think I'll try replacing one Tome Scour (which I never actually used 'that' much because other stuff is usually better at any given moment) and seeing how it goes. Maybe it works out, maybe not.
Also candidate for replacement of Tome Scour: Thought Scour Not as potent for milling but I like the draw effect. Could maybe help speed up things a little. But that's probably personal preference...
What I meant in regards to Wight of Precinct Six as opposed to Duskmantle Guildmage :Guildmage costs 2 to play, another 3 to activate plus whatever the cost of the effect you're using to put on the hurt. (2-3 mostly)And it relies on all th cards being ready to go at the same time. And while this is useful, my point was that it's not worth having 4 of them in the deck.In my games at least, the finishing blow came mostly from Wights because they very quickly become ungodly strong and still just cost 1 mana to pay. With Artful Dodge you can literally just beat the opponent down with one or two attacks in turn 3 or 4. Or at any other time because it doesn't matter 'when' you have the mill cards and when you have the creature.
But, again, you know your deck better than I do with the few games I played so far =)Just trying to help maybe improve it by giving some additional information based on how it worked so far.
Also: That Breaking/Entering card is neat. Though I doubt the Entering will ever be used. And regarding Mirko... I think he could be a fun Beatstick. But then again, I don't play tournament level or highly competitive games so my games tend to go on for longer, making stompy things like him more of an option.
April 14, 2013 5:26 a.m.
Thanks for the explanation somesyl! I never really considered Thought Scour , I always thought that it is slow, and two cards more can't do the difference... but I understant that its second ability is pretty funny, because I often am in a situation during which I have 0-2 cards in my hand (that's why Ensnaring Bridge )... I don't know, it still doesn't convince me.
In effect I don't like very much Tome Scour , but it is very useful if I have it in my opening hand with Jace's Phantasm and Hedron Crab (for example). Planning to replace that with "breaking/entering".
In effect I was thinking about replace at least one Duskmantle Guildmage , and after some tests I saw that 3 Duskmantle Guildmage were enough. So I replace 1 with Wight of Precinct Six . Maybe I will replace another one...
Thanks again, and sorry for my bad english, hope you can understand! :). I will update my deck with other combos and changes next days, so... KEEP MILLING! =)
April 14, 2013 6:33 p.m.
Ok, I may be wrong but I think the list is missing the grandfather, the father of all mill in magic, the namesake for mill, the all important Millstone .
April 18, 2013 4:34 p.m.
Yes man, you are right!! I'm doing the list write now (started 1 hour ago) and I still miss many cards! Thanks for the comment!
April 18, 2013 4:37 p.m.
Not sure if someone mentioned this, but Emrakul, the Aeons Torn can't be enchanted by Death's Approach .
April 21, 2013 4:06 a.m.
I think Death's Approach does not counter that, it just weakens Emrakul, the Aeons Torn ... Am I wrong?
PierceTheVeilMemphisMayFire says... #1
Couple tips, for one, propaganda isn't modern legal, only legacy and vintage and edh. And also, ever think of memory erosion? it's a 3 drop enchantment that mills 2 whenever an opponent plays a spell. I really like this deck a lot.
April 5, 2013 12:39 p.m.