aaah okay, didnt knew that about urborg, i always tought it works more like an enchantment for some reason. damned:D .but then i understand the value, since its also fetchable as swamp, well thats nice:D
i dont really like anger of gods, since it only hits 3 or less toughtness creatures and it is like a natural counter to bloodghasts, and i actually dont want to sideboard bloodghast out against every deck i put anger in for. also it doesnt enable kalitas zombie tokens.
what about languish as a replacement? it doesnt hit tasigur and fed kalitas but also doesnt exile bloodghast and doesnt exile enemy creatures for kalitas zombie tokens.
well my sideboard is more of a proxied maybeboard. my lcs is very competetive in tournaments with almost everyone having 1-3 top tier decks, but at casual play they are very open to trying out new things, so i do that in the sideboard, just around 30 cards i like to play and try out. the only cards that are always in the real sideboard are spellskite, rakdos charm, mana leak, dispel and a spreading seas.
August 24, 2016 2:02 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #3
Urborg only takes effect when in play and only affects lands in play so it can't be fetched, sadly. Still worth the 1-of, though.
What I've found is that any matchup where we bring in anger is almost always a matchup where they are the beatdown and we are the control deck, so bloodghast is usually a card that isn't a removal spell when a removal spell would be preferred. However, languish is pretty good and worth playing. The one thing to keep in mind with languish is that it is not good vs dredge, which is on the rise. I also don't know what happens if you cast anger while Kalitas is in play. Since you control both, you might get to choose which replacement effect happens.
August 24, 2016 2:41 p.m.
well i had a conversation with a judge about that, and he said basically the opponent gets to choose which exile effect happens first, it was a bit more complicated than that but i cant remember the exact words.
August 25, 2016 5:04 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #5
Darn it, you're right. Because they control the creatures, they get to decide. Oh well, if you have anger and Kalitas then you're probably winning anyway, but it is disappointing to not get the tokens.
August 25, 2016 5:18 p.m.
also 2 more questions:why heros downfall over a second dreadbore? just because of the instant?why murderous cut over a 3rd terminate?
August 25, 2016 5:23 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #7
There are a few minor reasons for each. There are a few pro-red cards in the format that are fringe, but relevant. Namely, Master of Waves and Phyrexian Crusader. Because of them and because of easier color fetching in aggro matchups, I play 1 Murderous Cut in the main. More than 1 would be too much delve, but the first is pretty good. As for the Hero's Downfall, instant speed is extremely important against Jeskai Nahiri to kill Nahiri and their manlands, since Dreadbore only hits Nahiri. Being mono-B is helpful too. I would play hero's downfall in the mainboard, but 3 mana is too much vs decks like burn and affinity.
August 25, 2016 5:52 p.m.
do you feel like the deck got a bit more difficult to play, since everybody is playing graveyard hate because of drege?
August 25, 2016 6:05 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #9
Yes. It's always been tough to pilot, but if you mean unfavored in the meta, then I don't think so. Grave hate is strong against us, but it's nothing we can't win through. Matchups where it matters, like jund, already played it without giving us too much trouble, and we rely on the grave more vs grindy decks than aggro decks.
August 25, 2016 6:20 p.m.
Shane.Allen says... #10
cool looking deck, really good page too. keep up the good work.
September 1, 2016 7:39 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #11
Thanks! I need to update the primer on the original version of this deck Rocket Science since it still references Delver of Secrets Flip, which I haven't played in months. I'm 2 Liliana of the Veil and 2 Damnation from having this deck in paper. Here's to MM2017 reprinting AND DROPPING THE PRICE on those cards!
September 1, 2016 7:42 p.m.
Shane.Allen says... #12
Sounds like a plan to me, I'm hoping for a Ensnaring Bridge and Damnation reprint, but if they give us LOTV I would be so happy. Keep on winning the games out there.
September 1, 2016 7:58 p.m.
Have you tried playing without the Bloodghast and Faithless Lootings? I get that they work well with each other but Bloodghast can only play offense and your deck seems to want to change paradigms on the fly. Faithless Looting is a decent card but often appears more useful than it actually is - it is card disadvantage and your deck seems to want to go up on cards eventually. Thoughtscour seems better in general at fueling delve and Snapcaster. I'm not sure what I'd recommend to replace Bloodghast.
December 18, 2016 11:51 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #14
I have and I just don't enjoy playing it as much, which is the main reason I don't switch over to the more conventional lists.
Bloodghast does have beautiful synergy with Collective Brutality and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet that other builds can't use, but that marginal benefit does not even remotely justify the uselessness of a Bloodghast in my opening hand vs, say, burn.
The justification for me that Faithless Looting is okay is that when playing vs Jund or Control where the card advantage is king, I am heavily favored still despite the card disadvantage. Thought Scour would definitely be better in those matchups, however I don't need it, and the card selection looting provides when I need to dig for an answer to burn where card advantage on my side of the table is nearly irrelevant means that I am okay with looting in the aggro matchups as well.
I would never play Looting in here without Bloodghast, but I am still usually okay with the card even when I don't draw Bloodghast.
Neither looting nor bloodghast are fully justifiable for inclusion on their own, however together with support from the rest of the deck they have proven to be good enough where I am very happy with this version and don't play anything else.
December 19, 2016 12:12 a.m.
hey, merry christmas everyone.after playing this deck (slithly different sideboard tho) for nearly half a year, i just played my first sanctioned event with it. to my surprise it went quite well (4-1 isnt that bad i guess).jsut wanted to thank you once again for this amazing and fun deck idea
December 25, 2016 5:17 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #16
Saim I'm honored that you play this deck! I'm curious what your sideboard looks like (mine's a little out of date). And what were the matchups for the event? And credit is due to TheAlexGnan as well for the original idea.
December 28, 2016 12:12 a.m.
the results would be better if i would be a better player:D
so i lost against tron, and won against infect, jund, burn and grixis delver.
my sideboard currently consists of:
2 engeneered explosives, 1 anger of the gods, 1 damnation, 2 dragons claw ( local meta consists of lot of burn/thing ascension type of decks), 1 crypt incursion, 1 rakdos charm, 2 surgical extraction, 1 spellskite, 1 dispel, 1 negate, 2 spell snare (incredible how many targets this spell has in modern)
also, i took the serum visions out and rather play another terminate or 2 surcicals mainboard.
December 30, 2016 12:17 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #18
Here's what I'm trying now. I'm going in on the 4 Thought Scour plan, but with a few modifications after testing. My changes are as follows:
Different land base: The lower fetch count might be a mistake. However, having more basics and Blood Moon I think is right. Creeping Tar Pit might leave for 1 more fetch but cutting tar pit is difficult.
-1 Push, +1 Kommand: Push is great vs infect and affinity and other decks we're already favored against; Kommand is more relevant vs the various Chalice of the Void decks that are appearing. Flooding on Kommand happens, but it also happens for Push so I think this swap is fine.
-3 Fulminator Mage +3 Blood Moon: I've never found Fulminator Mage to do enough vs Tron or other land-based decks. Moon wouldn't come in vs Jund / Junk probably, but we don't have much to cut for those matchups anyway.
-2 Dragon's Claw +2 Spellskite: Skite is good vs infect and stuff, but honestly this could go either way. I don't have strong reasoning for one over the other.
-3 Surgical Extraction +1 Rakdos Charm +1 Nihil Spellbomb +1 Crypt Incursion: Personal preference. Out of curiosity, where does Surgical get used besides Dredge?
February 22, 2017 9:11 p.m.
tlhunter07 says... #19
I'm working on on of my own homebrews for Grixis Midrange. This doesn't look bad, maybe the Blood Moons are a bit greedy? I've only been playing this for a few weeks though, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
February 23, 2017 10:29 a.m.
joevcd1707 says... #20
You should switch out blood moon, while it's an amazing piece in the sideboard, it looks you out from black or blue should someone ghost quarter your the one of basics.
February 24, 2017 9:46 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #21
If there's a Blood Moon in play they can't use Ghost Quarter since it's a mountain. I also side it in vs Tron and Valakut and Eldrazi almost exclusively, and none of those decks are going to use Ghost Quarter on one of my lands anyway. And with Faithless Looting, I can loot through a lot of my deck under a moon to dump whatever cards I can't cast as well as try to dig for the other basic.
February 25, 2017 11:58 a.m.
tlhunter07 says... #22
Hey. Seeing a couple of things that differ from my build. While I have added a Murderous Cut in place of Vampire Nighthawk, you are running a second Collective Brutality in place of a third Thoughtseize. Thoughts?
March 1, 2017 7:56 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #23
Collective Brutality is much better against any creature deck (burn is especially relevant) while Thoughtseize is best against tron and eldrazi. Eldrazi and Tron are decks we try to get in games 2 and 3 (almost unwinnable in game 1 but Blood Moon in the board helps a ton) so having 1 less Thoughtseize in the main is fine.
March 2, 2017 11:34 a.m.
tlhunter07 says... #24
I dont have Blood Moon, so I am running a slightly different build. I was also Pondering whether it would be possible to run counterspells as well as hand disruption.
March 2, 2017 11:36 a.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #25
In the main board counterspells and hand disruption together is a bad idea (unless you're ryan overturf playing delver + death's shadow). Without blood moons (like me now), you simply adjust the deck to fold hard to eldrazi and tron but beat almost everything else. Easier said than done, but doable nonetheless.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #1
If Fulminator has been working, then do that. If you find it isn't enough, then spreading seas and blood moon are the next options.
I've also been playing 2 anger of the Gods due to budget, and they're probably better than damnation. I swapped to damnation here as a response to Eldritch Evolution, but that card was a dud somehow, so I'll switch back on this decklist.
Urborg is amazing. Since it makes all lands into swamps, that includes itself, so you can tap it for black mana. It allows the non-black lands to be easier to handle.
Hero's downfall is important if your deck has jeskai nahiri or merfolk, but otherwise you can go without.
What is your exact sideboard? Knowing that can help me give better advice.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the deck! I've been loving it a lot myself. I don't think I'll ever be able to play a different modern deck, except maybe Mardu or Esper if the right deck comes along.
August 24, 2016 12:46 p.m. Edited.