Rocket Science

Modern* ToolmasterOfBrainerd

SCORE: 269 | 320 COMMENTS | 44385 VIEWS | IN 91 FOLDERS

Yep! Luckily I did things like get fetches when they were $15 for deltas and $12ish I think for Mires, and I got my Kalitas for $7 each instead of $30, Collective Brutality for $6 instead of $20, Bloodghast for $12 each instead of $20 so that brings the price down a bit, but still, it's a super expensive deck. I can justify it because I play it all the time and I can sell the deck for more than I bought the cards should I decide to leave the game.

September 10, 2016 11:57 p.m.

Eiyros says... #2

This deck is awesome and has inspired me to build something similar. Care to take a look?

October 21, 2016 2:36 a.m.

car says... #3

Eiyros ill take a look :p

October 21, 2016 6:21 p.m.

Eiyros says... #4

October 21, 2016 6:23 p.m.

I'll take a look as well soon.

October 21, 2016 6:48 p.m.

brokendwarf says... #6

I have no constructive input. I like the Sonny zombie token.

October 24, 2016 7:04 p.m.

I'm glad you recognized the token as Sonny! You're actually the first to have recognized and told me. Sonny is one of my all time favorite games and I still regularly check for Sonny 3, which apparently is still being made and according to Twitter, is coming out, like, REALLY soon.

October 24, 2016 8:31 p.m.

brokendwarf says... #8


October 24, 2016 8:38 p.m.

Love-in-Theory says... #9

Those alters are gorgeous man

November 18, 2016 12:14 a.m.

Thanks! I did them myself. Since those pictures were taken I have altered the 2 Dispel and am in the process of altering my 3 Serum Visions. When I finish the 3 Serum Visions and find some time I'll update the pictures.

November 18, 2016 12:38 a.m.

Eiyros says... #11

That heroes downfall art is awesome

December 7, 2016 12:13 a.m.

Thanks! I wish my copy in real life was that cool. I'll probably alter it eventually, but I don't have enough time to even play much these days. I need to fix that.

December 7, 2016 1:39 a.m.

I love your Grixis decks, I've been creeping on them for a while.

I've built a pretty competitive Grixis deck that I plan on taking to the SCG Regionals in MPLS this coming Saturday and could really use some more input, could you take a look if you have time?

SCG Regionals 2017 - Draw, Discard, Die.

It's more focused on hand hate than anything, but I feel like there is room for improvement.

Anyways, how do you feel about Fatal Push slowly rising as a Modern "must-have" for removal??

January 30, 2017 11:44 a.m.

tlhunter07 says... #14

I think that a Rise/Fall could be cut for a Serum Visions, but then again, it's your deck.

February 21, 2017 10:55 a.m. Edited.

It could I suppose. I've been loving Rise/Fall in really almost every matchup (basically modern Hymn to Tourach). I would never want to see a second copy, but the first copy is usually really good. Between Faithless Looting and the other 3 Serum Visions, I've found that I usually have enough library manipulation as it is. Flooding on cantrips has led to problems in the past when I ran all 4, especially since blue is basically a splash, not the main color like in every other grixis deck.

However I am still tuning this to include Fatal Push. I'll start testing with it soon (haven't had time) but right now I'm pretty sure I need 3 Kolaghan's Command main, probably still need Dreadbore but am not sure, and could see myself cutting discard to fit in the Fatal Push. We'll see.

February 21, 2017 11:23 a.m.

tlhunter07 says... #16

So, what is the difference between this and Bloody Singleminded? Trying to decide which one to build..

February 21, 2017 3:13 p.m.

Wombatz says... #17

bloodghast seems barfy

February 21, 2017 4:49 p.m.

Wombatz says... #18

i feel like bloodghast detracts from what the deck is trying to do... if it could block it would be gas but it seems odd to have an aggressive card in such a slow deck. it is a cute idea but the deck would be better off without it

February 21, 2017 4:50 p.m.

Wombatz says... #19

i feel like bloodghast detracts from what the deck is trying to do... if it could block it would be gas but it seems odd to have an aggressive card in such a slow deck. it is a cute idea but the deck would be better off without it

February 21, 2017 4:50 p.m.

I strongly disagree. Perhaps in this meta where Anger of the Gods and Path to Exile are everywhere this deck is less favored than usual, but Bloodghast allows me to play a game similar to that of Grixis Delver without gaining any weakness to Lightning Bolt. Having played this deck a ton in paper, I can honestly say that the best thing that Bloodghast does for this deck is Faithless Looting. Looting is card disadvantage for days normally which is why other decks don't play it, however it's also card selection for days and if paired with Bloodghast it is fully justifiable.

Don't let dredge fool you into thinking Bloodghast only belongs in an aggro deck and don't let grixis control fool you into thinking grixis without Delver of Secrets  Flip is automatically control. This deck is grixis midrange and the flexibility of Bloodghast is part of what makes this possible. Without ghast this deck would struggle a lot more to close out games and with him, our aggro matchups are still quite good.

February 21, 2017 6:14 p.m.

easyzivi says... #21

I have been brewing over bloodghast and Faithless looting for months (Grixis Crawler) and I have to agree with Wombatz, bloodghast doesnt belong in a control shell - dont get me wrong, its a fantastic card but I am sure it will occasionally get stuck in your hand and even if you get it out with Faitless Looting it will sometimes not make a difference because you lack the pressure. The bloodghast - Looting combo only now starts working for me in this deck variant (Mardu Crawlers) in a more aggressive shell and with 13 looting effects altogether.

February 22, 2017 2:08 a.m.

cujo253 says... #22

easyzivi, the list you've been trying is a (relatively) aggressive deck compared to this list. With your cmc capping out at 3, you're running a hybrid grixis-dredge-esk deck that, to be perfectly honest, is a tad jank. This list, which I highly recommend you play with to see firsthand (even with proxies) is using Bloodghast for a different reason. In your deck it is more for dealing damage and activating your Prized Amalgam synergy, but the deck itself lacks a real wincon. Hopefully I haven't lost you, but the use of Bloodghast in this deck is very different. It is a lightning rod, so to speak. If it gets in damage, great, but even if it gets blocked, revolt is now triggered for Fatal Push, they will have burned a removal spell on it and upon playing a land you've gained card advantage, or at worst, and I mean worst case, it is at least fuel for a delve creature such as Tasigur, the Golden Fang. There is also the cutsie synergy between Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and Bloodghast too, which while rare, can be very* useful in regaining life and holding up an impressive board state. Also, this deck's mana base has a significantly higher amount of black mana sources helping ensure it'll never be stuck in hand. I'm sure ToolmasterOfBrainerd has other (probably better explained) reasons for running Bloodghast, but simply put, this deck is abusing many more angles of the card than I believe you guys are currently focusing on.

February 22, 2017 2:46 a.m.

If you're going to go aggressive with Bloodghast you pretty much have to go all the way to dredge. Playing Bloodghast with other bloodghast-like cards is a mistake because it's too slow to work. Keep in mind that with Bloodghast, you're attacking on turn 3 at the earliest - not the best for an aggro deck in a turn 4 format. However with tempo midrange, that turn 3 attack into about a turn 6 kill but with disruption and interaction the whole way gives you the tools to combat aggro and control.

Also note that Grixis 'control' is still a tempo deck at its core. Minimal pressure from Bloodghast is much more relavent in a deck that can bolt-snap-bolt end of turn into a creeping tar pit activation on the next turn for 11 damage pretty much out of nowhere - add in 4-6 damage from a bloodghast and it becomes even harder to answer. In matchups like Jeskai control and Jund the pressure from Bloodghast is what wins me the matchup most times. And you can never ignore the empowerment Collective Brutality and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet receive from the inclusion of Bloodghast.

The biggest challenge is knowing how to play the matchup. If you playtest this deck against your own deck or some modern deck, you will make mistakes. I've been actively playing this deck online and in paper for over a year and I still made mistakes playing it earlier today. However through testing, the deck works quite well, bloodghast and all. I don't think it's tier 1 by any means, but Bloodghast is a great card for the deck.

February 22, 2017 2:53 a.m.

easyzivi says... #24

@ cujo - I agree with your statement about the posted grixis crawler list- as you can find in the deck description, I stopped playing with it - one of the reason being that bloodghast does not block and the mix is not pressureful enough altogether to justify it's inclusion

@ toolmaster - I dont want to discourage you- I love your brew! I just wanted to share my own experience with bloodghast

February 22, 2017 4:52 a.m.

tlhunter07 says... #25

I saw Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and had to mention it. Thoughts?

February 22, 2017 7:03 p.m.

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