Junkus Opus [Primer | cEDH Hulk Combo] (Retired)
Commander / EDH
TetrAggressive says... #2
Those are great suggestions, as soon as I get my hands on Phyrexian Tower and High Market they're going in. I think I might pull Ashnod's Altar for Phyrexian Altar when I get one.
Lol and trust me I've seen your awesome build! It was part of the inspiration to make mine, so thank you for that!
July 2, 2015 1:29 a.m.
Hey, no problem! Glad that I'm helping other people. The deck is currently not being used (I still have the cards for the deck, I've just dispersed them into my other decks for the time being. It was a little too good to play with my friends lol.
I forgot one of the best suggestions! Craterhoof Behemoth allows a very easy swing for a win, and is usually a good way to sweep out a table if nobody's holding onto a fog. And even if they are? Sac it and repeat next turn.
July 2, 2015 1:37 a.m.
TetrAggressive says... #4
Yeah I actually had Craterhoof Behemoth in here for a while but just couldn't get him to work as well as I wanted, I only have one and he's currently in another deck, but I might sub him in every once in a while to see if I can get him rolling. Thanks again!
July 2, 2015 1:38 a.m.
No problem. I find that he works very well with Avenger of Zendikar. In fact, you can pod right from the Avenger into Craterhoof. I've won a lot of games that way.
July 2, 2015 1:42 a.m.
TetrAggressive says... #6
Oh wow that is pretty nasty, I'm gonna pick me up an Avenger of Zendikar and throw Craterhoof Behemoth back. That's a crazy alt-win con!
July 2, 2015 1:44 a.m.
I've recently built a Karador EDH deck, and one of the aspects of the deck that I've been trying to iron out is that it feels like it develops its board presence slowly. It has a bunch of cheap utility creatures for the early game but most of them make you sacrifice them, which is of course intentional so that they go to the graveyard to make Karador cheaper to cast. It works out ok 1v1 but I question the deck's ability to match the threats of multiple opponents in a group game.
So I just wanted to ask how your build tends to play out? Do you have the same problem or do you not find it much of an issue? How does you deck handle itself in group games?
July 8, 2015 10:17 p.m.
TetrAggressive says... #8
That's a good inquiry. My Karador build tends to win in 1v1s pretty frequently, however fast combos decks (Animar, Zur etc...) tend to give it some trouble. The thing about Karador is once you have a board presence, you're nearly unstoppable, the resiliency he brings to the table is unparalleled in any other EDH deck I've personally seen.
The biggest problem I tend to have is getting focused down, people tend to see Karador and auto-hate you due to his unstoppable mid/late-game. However if I'm given the opportunity to match my opponent's board presence without too much interruption, Karador generally edges them out, due to the fact you can survive anything (board wipes, spot removal, counterspells etc...) and therefore you can play attrition style and come out on top.
So to answer your question I (so far) have won 80% of all the group games I've played, I usually hang in there until I get a Koko-lock, a Yosei-lock, or the infinite Reveillark + Saffi combo going. There are so many options to respond to various situations with this deck, that unless you get dogpiled you should be able to win just through using Karador's superior toolbox. However I'd need to see your deck, and maybe hear a bit about your meta to fully assess its viability. Could you perhaps link me to the deck?
July 8, 2015 10:49 p.m.
Sure, if you want to look at it, my deck is Karador of the Dead Lands
Part of the issue for me is that despite my fondness for attrition/control style decks (I have decks for both Mimeoplasm and Shattergang Brothers), my preferred deck is an aggressive Animar combo deck. I like decks where I know that just about everything I get onto the battlefield has interactions with multiple other cards that lets my deck suddenly snowball into a sudden threat if my opponents aren't careful.
With Karador the pace it plays just feels slower, like it is slowly pushing its way to the top of the hill. Part of that is probably because my build trades 1-for-1 a lot until it sets itself into a good position to press an advantage.
You're right about Karador's late game presence though. My build is able to out-attrition my Shattergang deck 1v1, which surprised me since Shattergang has been quite capable of 1V3ing a table.
July 8, 2015 11:10 p.m.
canterlotguardian says... #10
Wait. A Fair to Midland song I haven't heard yet? O.o
November 19, 2015 7:12 p.m.
I would try explaining the deck's overall goal or strategy and how the deck aims to play out.
November 19, 2015 7:14 p.m.
I agree with NateJH. +1 from me! Looks like a fun deck to run!
November 19, 2015 7:36 p.m.
TetrAggressive says... #13
@Canterlot: Haha I'm glad I could introduce you to some of their more obscure music, they're my favorite band!
@Nate: Yeah I'm working on revamping this primer to make it more in-depth, I've also tweaked the deck some so I'll make sure to update the card list.
@Thaen: Thanks friend!
November 20, 2015 4:18 p.m.
Crop Rotation and Harrow can help keep your mana base steady when the toolbag across the table starts in with Stripmine effects. You just have to put them on the stack reactively.
December 15, 2015 12:40 p.m.
I suggest that for lands you run Gavony Township and Vault of the Archangel to strengthen the creatures that you pull from the graveyard.
March 20, 2016 2:46 p.m.
TetrAggressive says... #17
But, I am running Sol Ring lol. When I had it out for some time I realized I went as well throw it back in, the deck's had some significant updates since 3/18/16. I'll probably revamp the primer pretty soon.
May 4, 2016 5:40 p.m.
Blackerlotus13 says... #18
Love the deck - I just started playing Karador is a commander perhaps you can take a look at mine and see whats up over there - i would greatly appreciate it. I used to play recurring survival in the early 2000's in vintage, and this deck seems to play the most similar in the EDH format. Im so glad i chose this over meren
September 22, 2016 9:37 p.m.
Blackerlotus13 says... #19
Do you think both Spore Frog, and Spike Weaver are necessary? also perhaps Desolation Angel could be changed with Magister of Worth to get more value out of that slot. Personally if you are running Sun Titan I feel its almost a duty to run the reanimation enchantments Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead, and Necromancy. Along with Karmic Guide, and Saffi Eriksdotter it makes quite a conundrum for your opponents.
Also you are running 2 mass land destruction spells and NOT running Life from the Loam. You might end up screwing yourself out of a game depending on the board state. Crucible of Worlds might not be enough in that case (plus you have to draw it). Sensei's Divining Top seems a tad unnecessary as well in a Karador shell simply because the top cards of your library should most likely be going into your graveyard.
Just some opinions, use em if you like, if the cards youre currently using are working well for you then there is no need for changes.
September 28, 2016 9:38 a.m.
TetrAggressive says... #20
Hey Blackerlotus thanks so much for the feedback! I'm sorry I didn't reply I don't really go on Tappedout that much anymore, so I check it pretty scarcely. Anyways, here's my reasoning for some of the cards I use:
- Spore Frog & Spike Weaver: I use these two as more of a meta-call as they help stifle some very heavily creature based decks that go off earlier than I can set up my board state. At this point Spore Frog is a pet-card of mine so he stays around for novelty alone lol.
- Desolation Angel: This card's in the deck because it's a recurable land wipe that I can abuse with Crucible of Worlds and Exploration, she also counters Rise of the Dark Realms which is in a good deal of mono-black decks that are in my meta. Magister of Worth is a decent card and I might try it out if and when I get my hands on when.
- Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead, & Necromancy: These three actually used to be in the deck because of the synergy you mentioned with Sun Titan, however somewhere along the way I decided that they weren't valuable enough, I'm not quite sure what triggered this thought process, but I've had the deck a while and at this point a lot of the fine-tuning has come down to meta-calls.
- Life from the Loam: Definitely a solid card I will most likely run when I get one, the extra land destruction was a recent edition and it's still be playtested.
- Sensei's Divining Top: I think I'll keep this bad boy, it's not contesting many other turn one drops and it provides extra hand sculpting alongside Sylvan Library that has proven to be quite useful, as unfortunately Karador's color pie doesn't have the strongest card advantage.
Thanks so much for the opinions though! I like your Karador list a lot and made sure to +1 it!
October 16, 2016 11:03 p.m.
Blackerlotus13 says... #21
Yeah, meta calls are usually what drives certain cards into and out of the deck. There are literally cartloads of cards anyone can play in a reanimator shell such as Karador, so at the end of the day it boils down to what is effective against your meta. Ive tried to put together my deck so it will hold up in single, and multiplayer, also against a table hell bent on bringing you and only you down [since I get that a lot] OMG KARADOR KILL THAT GUY !!! apparently noone likes a praetor party :P
October 17, 2016 7:26 a.m.
GhostChieftain says... #22
Oh hey! Another person playing my boi despite thras/tymna or tymna/sidar being way better at hulkweaver! Always glad to see someone as stubborn as me! I would highly suggest adding in as many 1 drop creature ramp such as Elvish Mystic or Llanowar Elves and taking out a few more lands. My list has 30 lands and still runs pretty slick because my elves make it run real quick. I would also suggest bringing your avg cmc down to to keep up with competitive decks. You lose some big beaters that way, but hatebears do some real work. Here is my list if you want to check it out and see how I am running mine.
November 21, 2019 3:45 p.m.
TetrAggressive says... #23
GhostChieftain Hey thanks for the feedback.
I actually debated whether or not I should have titled it 'cEDH' or not because it's not technically optimized for actual tournament play (being that Karador is obsolete these days). But the deck itself is still decently powerful and I wanted the title to reflect that. I look at it more as an amalgamation of a fully optimized cEDH Karador list, and a toolbox attrition list you see many people use him for. Good but not great, and leaves room for variability in gameplay.
The landbase is higher (to facilitate the value-engine I mentioned with card like The Gitrog Monster and Ramunap Excavator etc... I've toyed with manadorks in the past and prefer creatures that die to produce mana like Wood Elves and Sakura-Tribe Elder , they also curve out better with Birthing Pod but I might try them again in the future.
I definitely agree that hatebears can be insanely useful, but I prefer grinding out value in lieu of shutting down people simply because it works for me in my meta. I'd rather use higher CMC creatures that utilize spot-removal and grind out value more longterm, rather than static effects. The only hatebear absolutely necessary in my list is Grand Abolisher , though Gaddock Teeg and Linvala, Keeper of Silence might be slotted in eventually (probably replacing Aven Mindcensor ).
Appreciate the feedback!
November 21, 2019 4:04 p.m. Edited.
TetrAggressive says... #24
GhostChieftain Come to think of it, after scanning my deck some more. I think I will incorporate some more mana dorks and streamline the lands a bit. Thanks for the advice!
November 21, 2019 4:24 p.m.
GhostChieftain says... #25
No prob! If you ever want advice for making this list cEDH lmk, because I jam mine weekly in a league vs a pretty wide variety of competitive decks despite competitive karador being obsolete.
Lhurgyof says... #1
Phyrexian Tower and High Market are pretty much necessary lands you will need in here.
Don't forget you can run Mirari's Wake for all the delicious ramp in the world. Since you already run the vindicate sliver, Harmonic Sliver isn't a bad deal. I'd also pull something for a Phyrexian Altar.
+1, love to see other Karador builds. Check out my Karador deck, Karador, ETB Chieftain!
July 2, 2015 1:25 a.m.