Rooin Your Day
Commander / EDH
Second Set of Changes —Aug. 26, 2014
Beefed up with some good cards I have on hand. Lost some of the useful cards that didn't really fit the theme (like Edric, Spymaster of Trest).
Just off the top of my head added:
Karmic Guide Reveillark Mana Vault Maze of Ith Worldly Tutor Avenger of Zendikar
among others
There's also a few really interesting mechanics that come out to mind:
Also, any of the blinks that work with permanents + Mana Vault lets me cheat paying the 4 mana to untap it. I can also cheat it with the Kiora's Follower.
Worldly Tutor can fetch Eternal Witness which then you can use to bring it back to your hand and reuse, especially if you have a blink ability on the field.
I just found out that I can use Stifle to block the enter the battlefield portion of Roon of the Hidden Realm meaning that I can use it as a permanent exile.
Every time I test I see a new set of interesting combos.
Thank you
The maybeboard are things I have on hand, yes. And this is kind of a budget deck as in my budget isn't infinite, but if I see something I like and it isn't overly expensive I'll grab it.
And I'm not sure what exactly I'd take out for the things I could add. That's really my bigger problem. My CMCs are starting to get a little steep for my liking.
Midna-Kun says... #1
Fellow blink-deck player here!
First off, Karmic Guide is as good as everyone makes it out to be. It's reanimation, it's blinkable reanimation, and the creature that comes back sometimes has an ETB ability of some use. As for the echo cost, it is a bit steep, but usually either you pay it because you aren't going to do anything else that turn, you don't pay it, or you blink it in response to the echo trigger and both get another creature back and don't have to pay echo that turn!
Mistmeadow Witch , Cloudshift , Nephalia Smuggler , and Ghostly Flicker are all really nice flicker effects that due to being instant speed can evade spot removal.
Mulldrifter , Ondu Giant , and Mnemonic Wall are excellent sources of card advantage.
I'm going to assume that you have the cards in your maybeboard and heavily encourage Lavinia of the Tenth , Luminate Primordial , and Phyrexian Ingester are excellent for removal, something that a blink deck really wants to do. The Avenger of Zendikar can also be very excellent as a way to win alongside your infinite combo.
This seems like a fairly budget deck, but if it isn't then I'd be happy to give you more suggestions!
(shameless self promotion of blink deck: Blink, Or You'll Miss It)
August 19, 2014 8:35 p.m.