
He's a 4/4 who is sorely underappreciated. Slow as he may be, he can still veto in reasonable fashion. A giant rhino that has a good taste for beer and the mayor of value town himself, Roon of the Hidden Realm! (I built this from the Evasive Maneuvers Pre-con. Wasn't too big a fan of Derevi or Rubinia)

I don't understand why people like Brago, King Eternal over Roon, and I don't want to know, but I'll let it slide. Roon has way more utility versus a one dimensional card like Brago. Brago is more geared towards French or 1v1 commander, because of how aggressive Brago decks have to be in order for them to do anything, Brago himself isn't very good at politics either, there is really nothing for anyone else to gain from his flicker. That's where Roon jumps in. Roon's ability to blink any creature until the end step is a bit inopportune, unless you know how to use him right! I say Roon is more versatile for two reasons: 1: His ability can affect any creature that is not himself. This means you can use Roon's ability as a combat trick or to make an ally by blinking their value creatures, along with the fact Roon has Trample and vigilance we have ourselves a hard to block creature. 2: Unlike Brago, Roon has green in its cost. So we have more cards at our disposal, like Birthing Pod, we can even pod Roon away for a reliable 6 drop, due to there being enough reliable blink. But keep in mind, adding green and a generic (=5 mana total) to Roon does make him inherently slower, but bear with me.

Now some of you might be asking "why aren't we adding cards like Ghostly Flicker?" That's because they do nothing. Don't get me wrong, they seem cool and when they work they work, but lets look at them in the worst case scenario instead of magical Christmas land. You have no creatures and its top deck city, you draw a card or more and you get every card like ghostly flicker. They do nothing, I would rather eat paste. I would use counter spells as a better alternative. And stay away from cards like Rite of Replication, this is a creature based deck, not a control shell, the moment we blink a token its gone forever, so if you want something cool, use Gilded Drake and say I'm mista steal yo creatures. (On a side note) I see a lot of people disregarding Felidar Guardian, and Restoration Angel for not being good blink targets, when they use cards like Ghostway and the aforementioned ghostly flicker which are equally just as bad of blink targets under that regard (spoiler alert, they are SO much better). Here's why they are better: 1: They are creatures. I can't tell you how many times I have been saved by the fact that the angel and felidar can be chump blockers when I need them, with the addition that they can blink a creature for value and have that value doubled when we have Panharmonicon out. I really don't see why people pass up the obvious value. 2: Birthing Pod and felidar are nuts. You can go from a 2 drop to a 6 drop in a single turn, pod the 2 drop into Deceiver Exarch/Derevi, Empyrial Tactician, untap pod into Felidar Guardian, blink pod into Karmic Guide, bring back felidar to either blink birthing pod, or karmic guide to get back exarch/Derevi to untap pod to pod into Restoration Angel to blink felidar again to blink karmic guide to bring back Derevi/exarch to untap pod to get a 4/5/6 drop.

Now you might be wondering how to stop decks like these, and some of you already know, for those of you who don't know, there is an artifact that stops ETBs. That artifact is the reason I run Krosan Grip, Angelic Purge, and Return to Dust in a creature based deck, with the addition of counter spells. The artifact is that powerful, and the artifacts very nature stops a flicker decks natural response 'kill it with Reclamation Sage, or Bane of Progress'. The artifact is called Torpor Orb, and there are creatures which do the same thing: Hushwing Gryff, and Tocatli Honor Guard need to be met with fight cards, Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile and the best removal for these: Bant Charm.

Any person who has ever played a flicker/blink style deck will tell you that at their essence they are toolbox decks, meaning they have the right tool for the job. The fact that you can repeat an ability is very powerful. Like I have said before, Roon is inherently slower than Brago, but Roon allows for more shenanigans due to his Bant color typing. We have access to creatures like Hornet Queen, Avenger of Zendikar, Trostani's Summoner, Thragtusk, and Craterhoof Behemoth as fantastic threats that we can abuse their ETB an LTB triggers, along with an ETB ramp package we have a very fair edh deck in comparison to the other decks in the format. We also have access to more Planeswalkers, like Venser, the Sojourner just like Brago, but unlike Brago we also have Kiora, Master of the Depths, she gets to untap Roon, gets us more creatures or lands, and her ultimate allows us to basically have targeted removal with our bigger threats, the only other thing I will detail are combos.

Ultimately, any Roon deck will try to kill everyone at the table by drowning them in value, along with the fact that you can use some politics to blink an opponent's ETB or LTB trigger to gains some allies, or stop another players death, hence the name of the deck. The deck is simple and slow, but is still very fun to play and is still very powerful. Roon isn't as fast as Krenko, Mob Boss, nor does it have any turns 1-5 kill potential, but its still a fun deck to play and its very fair in comparison to the rest of the format. With that in mind we have multiple ways to win: Aggro, Threats include: Cathars' Crusade, Trostani's Summoner, Avenger of Zendikar, Meadowboon, and Craterhoof Behemoth. Control, Threats include: Stonehorn Dignitary, Nevermaker, Glen Elendra Archmage, Gilded Drake, loops with Eternal Witness and removal spells like Counterspell and Swords to Plowshares, and Thought-Knot Seer. (Albeit the most unlikely) Combo, Threats are detailed in one of the updates below.

The deck itself is very self explanatory and easy to follow and pilot. Whether you are just starting out or just want a slower deck to use against some friends with equally slow decks, but don't know where to begin, I suggest you appeal to the mayor.


Updates Add

I have actively taken out a couple of cards that I felt weren't beneficial to the decks overall strategy. Kruphix, God of Horizons and Ephara, God of the Polis are to two most notable. Originally Kruphix allowed us to keep the mana we made, along with the fact that I was thinking of running Doubling Cube, it would make an arbitrary amount of mana, but ever since Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun  Flip was included I have had no real need to keep her in the deck. Ephara did nothing but draw me a card a turn most of the time, and due to the lack of devotion (I understand thats on me, but at the same time, the multicolored gods are really clunkey). I swapped her with Thought-Knot Seer due to more practical applications, such as hand attack (for punish) and making allies with his Leave the Battlefield trigger, it also officially turned my deck into a 4 color deck, which is kinda cool, that and thought-knot seer is a better birthing pod target. (Thought-knot seer also dominates in flicker deck 1v1, so there is that)

I have also swapped Azorius Charm for Bant Charm, every ability on bant charm is live/relevant in comparison to azorius charm. It can take care of an artifact, most notably torpor orb, it can counter an instant, and it can stop torpor orb like creatures or other apparent threats. These are the most notable changes and why I felt these includes are better


Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 weeks
Exclude colors BR
Splash colors WUG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.98
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Centaur 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Emblem Kiora, Master of the Depths, Emblem Venser, the Sojourner, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Octopus 8/8 U, Plant 0/1 G, Rhino 4/4 G
Folders Roon, Decks to Maybe put together, Commander, Good EDH Decks, EDH
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