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Roses are Red... and Black, and Blue

Commander / EDH* Casual UBR (Grixis)



Creature (1)

Planeswalker (1)

Sorcery (1)

People of the High City of Paliano,

Your benevolent new queen, Marchesa, wishes to enlist your help in her cause. There are those who would see her majesty the Rose removed from the throne that was lawfully bequeathed to her by the great King Brago.

It is the duty of every citizen to protect the high city from traitors and anarchists. The queen knows that the love of the people is not immediate, but she wishes each and every one of you to know that should you serve her faithfully, she will protect you, even from death.

We must stop those enemies who would take Paliano from its True Heir. Do your part to dethrone any would-be usurpers and the Rose will reward your loyalty. We do hope you'll make the right choice.

Long live the Black Rose!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.21
Tokens Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Morph 2/2 C, Squid 1/1 U
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