I feel like this could be a semi-viable deck for modern. By no means is it winning a pro-tour, but it would be a good for some fnm. I think that you should focus on milling though, and focus less on a well-rounded deck. For example 4x glimpse the unthinkable is a must. Also, I love the mind crank combo, you should probably have 4 of each of those as well. I would 4x the ghost quarter because if you can either slow them down or use your trap, then it is incredibly useful. I like creeping tarpit, just not in this deck, mill needs to be fast and draw oriented. so possibly add in serum visions to ensure your finishing cards. In the same respect, perhaps just the gitaxian probe is enough to thin out your card base to ensure the most efficient cards.
So I would do something like 4x glimpse4x visions4x gitaxian probe/serum visions4x trap4x ghostquarter4x extraction4x mindcrank4x guildmage4x funeral4x thoughtscour4x hedron crab
June 3, 2015 4:14 p.m.
@ ngr227 What about the Lily, Skite, and IoK? Should I keep them or just redo the entire thing?
June 3, 2015 4:18 p.m.
@ngr227 I'm actually not that big of a fan of the guild-crank combo. Sure it's nice, but I feel it's a little too slow, that's why I only have 2 of each.
And as for going just mill, I've been reading that it's just good for an alternate win-con, but at the same time I'm a big fan of milling.
Is there a way to make this into a competitive deck?
June 3, 2015 4:29 p.m.
I would drop lily, iok and skite. They don't really serve a purpose toward milling.
June 3, 2015 4:47 p.m.
@ngr227 I have a link to a deck that I made based off your suggestions. I think I want to make this one without hardly any milling.
Have any suggestions on making this pro-tour quality?
June 3, 2015 4:52 p.m.
I'd say cards like Duress and/or Despise. Perhaps this deck's biggest weakness is to cards like Sigarda, Host of Herons and Leyline of Sanctity. Maybe sideboard an Archetype of Imagination or two in case you need to get aggressive.
June 3, 2015 5:02 p.m.
I like Duress/Despise, but I don't think the archetype is good enough for modern. It just has a bit too high CMC for this. I wonder if there are any alternatives that would work better.
June 3, 2015 5:09 p.m.
Looked up some cheaper alternatives: Wonder, Levitation, Wingcrafter (two flyers is better than none, I guess), and Student of Elements (if you can give him flying). Wonder and Levitation seem like the best options. Nothing takes flying from your opponent like, Archetype, though.
June 3, 2015 5:14 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #12
Exsanguinate could easily be Profane Command, and extraction cards like Extirpate and Surgical Extraction are generally poor choices for anything that isn't 8rack.
June 4, 2015 3:53 a.m.
I feel like this deck is now losing a direction. Is it Aggro? Is it control? Is it tempo? It isn't really fast enough to be Aggro/tempo and it doesn't seem controlling enough to be control. Shadow of doubt, angler, and exanguate are just bad cards all around. They're way too slow for modern. You should be winning turn 4/5 to be competitive. If you really want to go U/B. You might try faeries. Use iok, Thoughtseize, bitterblossom, v clique, etc to screw with them while getting a more syngergized Aggro approach. And even then, it probably wouldn't win the pro tour, but you'd do well at fnm.
June 4, 2015 6:24 a.m.
I like how it is coming together. Maybe put in Thoughtseize? It's arguably the best black card in modern. I might drop the black faeries and put in more removal. I would also use faerie conclave instead of the tarpit. And always always always run 4 bitterblossoms, they cost life, but it's worth it. I would also probably up the mistbind cliques, they are really dirty finishers
June 4, 2015 5:10 p.m.
The only problem with Thoughtseize is that it deals damage, but I might add a couple. I'll move some things around and get back to you.
June 4, 2015 5:16 p.m.
You're right, it does 2 damage to you, but the idea is that if you get rid of the right card, you're preventing or delaying future damage. So, by getting rid of a lightning bolt you saved yourself 1 life in the end
June 4, 2015 5:26 p.m.
@ngr227 I decided to go with just 2. I already have so many cards that are dealing damage to myself, adding more would hinder me more than help me.
Now I got the deck pretty much together, but I need help with my sideboard. Any thoughts?
June 4, 2015 6:11 p.m.
Ooh, Faeries! I love Faeries. Here's what I suggest, though:
You should probably run two copies of Mindbreak Trap in your sideboard. I've normally found that it's a lot easier to get things you have multiples, plus Mindbreak is good for more than just dealing with Storm. (See: Eldrazi)
I would actually rebalance your deck to use only two Vendilion Cliques and a full four copies of Scion of Oona. Scion's less color intensive and has the benefit of buffing your other Faeries, which also acts a bit as "countering" uncounterable things that want to try and destroy your poor, defenseless Bitterblossoms.(coughAbrupt Decaycough) The other problem is that Vendilion Clique is legendary, which makes copies in your hand about as useful as something that's not very useful if one's on the field.
I've tried Faerie Conclave in my deck, and I wasn't too thrilled with it primarily because it's slow. I prefer Mutavault because, even though it only produces colorless mana, it animates more quickly and it does so for less mana. (Which is always a plus, at least in my view.) Since you're running a tribal deck, perhaps one or two copies of Cavern of Souls would be of benefit.
In my sideboard, I run a card called Commandeer. It's expensive, yes, but it's a good thing to deal with Planeswalkers that you don't like... as well as big copies of Sphinx's Revelation... and it's a card that people don't see coming.
If you can get your hands on a copy or two, I'd say AEther Vial is a must.
Depending on the metagame in where you'd be playing, one or two copies of Hurkyl's Recall for your sideboard wouldn't be a bad idea. It deals with a fairly problematic deck type (affinity) rather well. I don't think I'd run Ensnaring Bridge, but that's just me.
Counterspell-wise, I normally run Remand, Spell Pierce, and Cryptic Command along with Imp's Mischief to go with my Spellstutter Sprites, but it's more of a personal preference (plus, being able to draw cards and get through my deck more quickly isn't a bad thing).
June 5, 2015 2:32 p.m.
@fluffyeel Thank you so much for your suggestions, I really appreciate it! :D
The hardest part I deal with is my sideboard because I'm not a regular modern player, so I'm never quite sure what goes well against other decks. I will make the changes you suggested.
However, I like the counterspells I have atm because I feel like they are more effective due to mana fixing (Cryptic Command) and just having the cards returned so they would be able to cast them the next time (Remand). I do realize that remand is good against Living End decks because it messes up there flow a bit, but still.
(P.S. There is no way that I have this built in real life XD. Too darn expensive.)
June 5, 2015 2:44 p.m.
Lol, thanks for the shout out in the description. And I agree that cryptic command is too expensive and that remand is more tempo than control, but I think that Spell Pierce might be able to be used more often than countersqual. Also, since faeries have so many enter the battlefield abilities, I think that Faerie Impostor might be better than oona's prowler. That way, you can Vendilion Clique, champion it with Mistbind Clique, then pop the mist bind back in your hand with Faerie Impostor, then recast the Mistbind Clique. In a 3, 4, 5 mana curve. And them not having any mana on turns 4/5 is critical to most win-cons
June 5, 2015 2:57 p.m.
I would also disagree with aether vial, its great in small cmc aggro decks. But in this, it isn't really useful until turn 4 in most cases
June 5, 2015 2:59 p.m.
Hmm, that might not be a bad idea. I do like the prowler for hand control, but I didn't think of the imposter with all of the etb effects. Thanks :)
June 5, 2015 3 p.m.
I would also ditch the mutavaults since this deck isn't exactly aggro and put in ghost quarter, since cavern of souls is so heavily used in modern. That way you can still use your counters, because a well-timed cavern of souls typically wrecks faeries.
hound829 says... #1
Looks like a mill deck, feel free to look at my EDH mill deck for ideas. (Recently got changed a bit, so it still needs some playtesting). Where'd your deck go?
May 27, 2015 9:08 p.m.