Rot and Roll

Standard lord_of_the_snakes


Dalektable says... #1

Whip of Erebos has a definite place here.

January 19, 2014 12:18 p.m.

I know it's a budget built, but some removal would go a long way to help you. Namely Abrupt Decay and Hero's Downfall

January 22, 2014 6:20 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #3

The mana curve on your deck is rather slow so I would suggest either lowering the curve by cutting out some of your high mana cost cards and replace them with cheaper cards or the 2nd option is mana ramp'ing to allow yourself to get to your 4 and 5 casters faster (which would require some cuts).

I understand you are trying to mostly run a deck that provides bonuses for having creatures in graveyard. I would tone down scavenge a little (since this is counter intuitive to your goal) and up your creature count overall. I feel you don't need both Grisly Salvage and Commune with the Gods so I would cut Commune completely especially since you shouldn't be running any enchantments in this deck. Cut out Slitherhead , Dreg Mangler , Sluiceway Scorpion and Deadbridge Goliath completely for more useful cards. Treasured Find isn't necessary either if you want to take full of advantage of graveyard effects.

Between removing these cards, you would have opened up a lot of card slots (21 slots) so we can take better advantage of graveyard effects.

Throw in 2 more Nemesis of Mortals and 2 more Nighthowler . We will make these two cards the foundation of your deck. (17 slots left). I agree with needing removal so throw in 4 Putrefy or Abrupt Decay for early game control/disruption but Putrefy's are way cheaper and still effective and can target creatures with mana cost greater than 3. Depends on what you want but 4 slots used on removal (13 slots left).

To replace Deadbridge Goliath we will use 3x Boon Satyr because they are basically a better version of Goliath imo, 3 mana for a 4/2 and 5 mana to enchant a creature with +4/+2, most importantly this happens at instant speed as opposed to sorcery speed i.e. scavenge which gives you tricks to play (8 slots left).

For the last 10 slots I would recommend all creatures since your deck relies on creatures in play or in graveyard to do your damage and we will make them fast so you don't have to ramp towards anything major. 4x Dryad Militant gives you nice 1 drops, 4x Wight of Precinct Six (it runs with the creature in your graveyard idea very well and only requires 2 drop,otherwise can be used as discard fodder for Lotleth Troll and 2x Pack Rat in case you need to find a way to get cards from hand into the graveyard and shouldn't cost too much to acquire.

IMO Grisly Salvage is somewhat limiting even though its great at dumping creatures into graveyard it doesn't allow you much else or give you a card advantage. I feel Read the Bones will do you a little more good for being more versatile and giving you an actual card advantage when needed (after you burn through your hand).

It has done me a lot of good in my Golgari/Selesnya deck Selesnya-Golgari Fusion).

January 22, 2014 7:17 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #4

Here is the suggestions I made in deck format if you want to get a good look at the final product and end result of my explanations without adding too much to the cost of the deck (20 dollars). Help for Rot and Roll

Cheaper alternatives for some of the rares would include replacing Pack Rat with Tormented Hero for a quick, fast beater with a decent effect if bestowed. I would recommend having those 4 copies of Nighthowler and Nemesis of Mortals and not sure what would you want to use instead of Boon Satyr possibly just revert back to Deadbridge Goliath if you don't want to spend the money but I highly recommend the bestow creature.

Hope this is the help you were looking for!

(sorry for the long posts)

January 22, 2014 7:18 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #5

Augmented parts of the suggestions too, removed 2x Pack Rat and 1x Boon Satyr for 3x Tormented Hero to reduce cost and its better than Pack Rat in deck. Use him as an early beater until he gets into the graveyard. Replaced Read the Bones with Altar's Reap for instant speed, sac's a creature (which is good for us) and doesn't cost life. I think from here you will have to playtest which is better between Grisly Salvage , Read the Bones and Altar's Reap .

January 22, 2014 7:32 p.m.

twospires says... #6

Since it's Standard, this deck can't focus on the graveyard as much as Anything Buried can. My deck performs pretty well casually, but my guess is that yours is a little weaker, and since the Standard environment is pretty competitive, I don't think you'll be doing too well with this. There just aren't enough of the right cards in Standard right now. +1 anyway!

January 22, 2014 7:34 p.m.

jodaki says... #8

Green has a ton of enchant removal that you can take advantage of, such as Naturalize , I do recognize that you get that from your charms, however that card has a much more important function in my opinion with the regenerate all creatures, also what was recommended to me for my deck was Tower Defense which I believe you can find quite a bit of utility for. As for your troubles with orzhov midrange, the only suggestion that immediately comes to mind comes in the form of Erebos, God of the Dead

April 2, 2014 9:32 p.m.

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