R/u Pinger Burn

Standard Lil_Cupp


FNM, 5 August 2016 —Aug. 7, 2016

Took this deck to FNM this past friday, went 2-2.

Match 1: vs Dimir Zombies, Win, 2-0

This match was pretty straightforward, it was against a mostly creature-centric build with some control. Both games I just killed all his creatures until he was topdecking and slowly burned him out with Chandra, Alchemists and burn spells.

Sideboard: -2 Fiery Impulse, -1 Mountain, +2 Negate, +1 Island

Match 2: vs Golgari Delirium, Loss, 1-2

This match could have gone either way, we both won one game and went to time on game 3. Since it was obviously going to end in a draw and I was playing against my friend I conceded to him when we went to time. He was playing a new deck so he was playing a bit slow, but I'm not too sure how exactly the third game would have played out.

Sideboard: -2 Fiery Impulse, -3 Weaver of Lightning, -1 Lightning Axe, - 2 Mountain, +4 Fevered Visions, +2 Negate, +2 Island

Match 3: vs Orzhov Legendary Control, Win, 2-1

Hard fought match, ended up winning by putting down 2 Fevered Visions and stalling until I had enough burn to finish him off.

Sideboard: -2 Fiery Impulse, -1 Galvanic Bombardment, -3 Weaver of Lightning, -3 Mountain, +2 Negate, +4 Fevered Visions, +3 Island

Match 4: vs Simic Crush, Loss, 1-2

Another hard fought match that could have went either way, my opponent ended up winning by dumping his hand to a Noose Constrictor to prevent just enough damage from Fevered Visions that I couldn't kill him before I died to his next swing.

Sideboard: -2 Fiery Impulse, -1 Galvanic Bombardment, -3 Weaver of Lightning, -3 Mountain, +2 Negate, +4 Fevered Visions, +3 Island

Final Thoughts

The deck performed reasonably well, But I can already see what I need to improve on. I tended to have problems with bigger creatures that happen to be more prevalent in the format such as Avacyn, Ishkanah, Linvala, and Kalitas, as I only had a few burn spells big enough to take them out. I feel that adding a few more burn spells to take out these creatures, as well as counters that can hit creatures in the sideboard (Mostly for Ishkanah, getting rid of both a 3/5 and three 1/2s turned out pretty challenging) would help. Weaver of Lightning and Fiery Impulse were particularly unimpressive, and Bedlam Reveler was extremely good and helped me win a large portion of matches, less because of the 3/4 prowess body, which was mostly an added bonus, but the fact that by that time I usually only had 1 or 2 cards in hand, and for 2 or 3 mana I could dump them (Which occasionally let me Madness out a Fiery Temper) and draw another 3. Curious Homunculus never got to see any play, and I never particularly wanted to side it in, as matches where it would help it would just get killed by spot removal. Fevered Visions was definitely the MVP against control, it was basically the only card that let me have a shot in those matchups. I also felt that I didn't need to have Islands in the sideboard, and I could just put in around 2-3 in the mainboard and not get color screwed in pre-sideboard games while still having enough blue for post-sideboard games, it would also let me put a few blue cards main if I so wished. Lastly, I felt I wanted more ways to cycle my hand in the late game.

With all the data I collected, here is what I am going to change for next week if I decide to play this again, I tend to cycle through a few Standard decks for FNM, however I'm sure I will be playing this at some point soon.

Mainboard: -3 Weaver of Lightning, -2 Fiery Impulse, -2 Mountain, +3 Collective Defiance, +1 Bedlam Reveler, +1 Tormenting Voice, +2 Island

Sideboard: -3 Island, -3 Curious Homunculus, +3 Thing in the Ice, +2 Clash of Wills, +1 Dispel

Thanks for reading guys!

KroBe says... #1

That is one hard deck to beat when you rely on creatures. I playtested my green and blue deck Delirum Horror and I wasn't able to place one creature whithout being countered. It makes me think I should put more counter spells in my side deck.

August 6, 2016 1:57 a.m.