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Rubinia- Treva's Emissary

Commander / EDH GWU (Bant)


Using the same colors, this edh deck is the dichotomy of my main deck- treva 509. :). Rubinia operates in a very unusual way, where she can borrow creatures when she taps.

Due to the increasing monstrosities in the world of magic, Treva's Elven and Aven followers, centered at the tabernacle- prayed to their Dragon Goddess for a more formidable fighting force. However, Treva's most trusted advisor Rubinia, Soulsinger, believed The Angelic Elite Guard to be more than enough protection- and that they should instead focus not on barbarous fighting - but destruction of their enemies through superior manipulation. And so, Rubinia constructed the Radix Web, a complex system of carefully calculated spells and creatures, that would be Treva's connection with the world outside her domain.

I am Dreadwhite- follower of the primordial Dragon-Goddess Treva. We and our collective are not good, nor evil. We are our own force of might. Fear us. Cower before the fury of our Angelic Attack Force. Treva's motto: Love Green, use Blue, Dread White.


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This deck was not intended to be aggro, combo, or control, but *extremely manipulative and systematic. Basicly I wanted to utilize Rubinia, Soulisinger 's ability to the fullest extent. All she does is take control of a target creature by tapping, and returning it if/when I choose to untap her. I gatherd other things I knew that could also "gain control of target....(..)" THEN I needed a plan for what I am to do with all these things. There 12 differnt cards that gain control of permanents, another 15 directly deal with them, And 8 are the other resources that aid in the entrapping system. RESULTS I wasn't sure how the synergy would work, as I just piled in cards that worked with the plan... But omg...it came out.....scary. Like good, but..better than I thought.

(Gain control of creature) + Angelic Chorus then Diamond Valley I gain life twice from the toughness of one creature, and it is destroyed in the process, on the same turn.** as long as I have a way to get the creature, this whole thing is free, requiring only tapping. This could be done with Rubinia Soulsinger or one of the many enchantments or creatures.

Nature's Revolt and Synod Sanctum and/ or Safe Haven What happens: ((gain control of any creature or land(who is now also a creature)) and "store them". This GETS AROUND Rubinia's one creature limit, as the things she stole are exiled. This is usually better done with two or three things that take creatures. It's then possible to return them ALL under my control, and utilize them in ways with Claws of Gix - [Ashnods Altar]] - Fodder Cannon - Zuran Orb ( if it was a land) or any combination of all that stupidity, plus many enchantments that power them up to destroy their owner. Mwahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Basicly.... From everyone else I can use their things for: Simply eliminating creatures- Mana- life gain- Doing damage (by attacking or sacrificing for direct damage) - use them for redirection, and blocking- more important, their used as examples of what happens to all those who oppose the will of the primordial Dragon Goddess Treva.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 2.82
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Spirit 1/1 W
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