"So no one told you life was gonna be this way"
Ral - "Chandler"
Kiora - "Phoebe"
Nissa - "Monica"
Chandra - "Rachel"
Xenagos - "Joey"
Garruk - "Ross"
Mana Advantage, Multi-Turn, Boost Loyalty to Ultimate, Humor
Here's a cursory overview:
Turn one: Birds, ideally, but settle for a treefolk harbinger and go for either stomping grounds or breeding pool depending what super best friend you have in hand. If you can turn two Kodama's Reach, fetch an island and a mountain, or two island.
Try to get a Friend out early, then the goal is to ramp to an ultimate, utilizing multi-turn and/or chain-veil. There are some other spells that help with building loyalty eg steady progress and savor the moment (which are outstanding spells to copy with Rachel's -2.)
Chandler and Phoebe are good board control, but Rachel might be good to drop early just as a "chump"/"removal" distraction. Unless you're able to really grab a lot of loyalty counters in one turn, it's a good idea to hold on to Monica.
Joey and Ross are mostly just around for mana advantage and chumps. I think they are most useful early game: let your opponent waste time/spells getting rid of them while you build up to Monica. If they manage to stick around for a while, you will still benefit having them around, though their ultimates are not super useful at least until you get to Monica's first.
Note: There is crazy chemistry between Monica, Chandler, and the chain veil.
Guilder Bairn is a great way to ramp to an ultimate, and Karametra's favor is useful to tap him for mana and double loyalty. He can stick around to act as a blocker also, and then tap for mana, fog/unsummon if it looks like you're tapped out, etc.
Phoebe's follower is handy for forcing out some friend-interaction, chump-blocking, just looking rad.
I totally recognize that Kessig Wolf Run does not fit. Kessig just works with Birds and potentially Guilder Bairn.