RUG Tap Dancing

Casual* ShatteredUterus


D3nniz says... #1

Sorry to ruin your christmas but deathtouch works with COMBAT damaga, not direct damage from ability =/

January 28, 2014 12:21 p.m.

D3nniz says... #2

Hmm, it seems I only checked Comprehensive rules which says "Any nonzero amount of combat damage assigned to a creature by a source with deathtouch is considered to be lethal damage, regardless of that creatures toughness." but it seems like there some keyword definition by wizard which says "The rule that causes creatures dealt damage by a source with deathtouch to be destroyed applies to any damage, not just combat damage.". Sorry about that.

January 28, 2014 12:56 p.m.

Yep! No problem! Izzet Staticaster + Gorgon's Head is gonna be a giant middle finger to Pack Rat lol and with Polukranos, World Eater it can act as a board wipe. If you have any suggestions for the deck I would love to hear them!

January 28, 2014 2:45 p.m.

D3nniz says... #4

Well would suggest Lobber Crew but since you're not playing much of a red and staticaster is quite enough on it's own, I won't. You think 4 prophets are necessary?

January 28, 2014 5:03 p.m.

4 Prophets could be a bit overboard. I definitely still want to see one every game I could drop it to 3. But, what would I add? Another Polukranos? Or another Ral?

January 28, 2014 6:02 p.m.

forestlore44 says... #6

I'd suggest Lightning Volley

February 2, 2014 12:24 p.m.

Arcanis86 says... #7

Since your main star is Izzet Staticaster you should use Kiora's Follower full playset to work it better.

February 4, 2014 10:11 a.m.

@forestlore44 I like the idea of Lightning Volley in here but not sure what I would remove for it.

February 4, 2014 2:30 p.m.

Ok, so I moved up Izzet Staticaster from a 3x to a 4x as well as Kiora's Follower . I wasn't really sure what to drop but ended up dropping the Arbiter of the Ideal . I felt like the deck was missing a big finisher and it seemed like Arbiter, while good, just underperformed in this deck. So I dropped the Arbiters for Mistcutter Hydra .

February 4, 2014 2:31 p.m.

dawnsfist says... #10

id like to see hidden strings and nivmagus elemental main board. i can confirm that deathtouch does in fact work with direct damage abilities. however, i would be worried about mono white strategy with this particular deck. or any white deck running either brave the elements or solider of pantheon. outside of that, i am really excited to play with the peddler combo again.

more food for thought, id consider playing around with sylvan primordial and progenitor mimic. other useful things could be simic charm, urban evolution and perhaps a few counter spells.

February 5, 2014 12:11 p.m.

While Hidden Strings definitely does do well in a deck like this I feel like I have enough ways of untapping in here that it just seems a bit redundant and I can get more value out of other cards in the mainboard. I love the Strings + Nivmagus Elemental synergy but I'm not really sure it fits well in this deck. I love the Sylvan Primordial suggestion and he will definitely go in the sideboard, but I don't think I'm a big fan of Progenitor Mimic at least in this deck anyway. Simic Charm is awesome and in the mainboard Urban Evolution is good but I'm already ramping pretty hard. The card draw is awesome though. If the Oracle's Insight underperforms then that will be the likely replacement. I agree the aggressive white decks will be a problem for me. Soldier of the Pantheon will still be vulnerable to Polukranos, World Eater and Curse of the Swine though. The only answer I would have to Brave the Elements would be boarding in Counterflux . Do you know any other options against an aggressive white deck? Possibly sideboarding Stormbreath Dragon ? Thank you for the suggestions! They are much appreciated!

February 5, 2014 7:17 p.m.

dawnsfist says... #12

other then stormbreath dragon id say your best option against solider of pantheon is Turn / burn. it also hits stuff like desecration demon and other heavy hitting cards. obviously you cant cast it for both abilities but its a turn 2 answer to turn 1 pantheon.

February 5, 2014 7:43 p.m.

Oh, that is an awesome suggestion. Thanks!

February 6, 2014 1:50 p.m.

dawnsfist says... #14

give a look at some of my decks and let me know what you think. ty.

February 6, 2014 5:54 p.m.

xZorkki says... #15

I found this deck last night and fell in love. I built a similar copy but with some different spells...4x Stormbreath, 2x Garruk. I played it at gameday today and went 4-1 and got 2nd overall (about 40 people took part). Soon word got round and people started to play around Staticaster, so i regret not using lightning volley.

Garruk was in to filter to the creatures but also against control it was helpful to get Aetherling into play without it getting countered. AS you stated it does very well against the creature matches, and I found it had a very good match up against the GR monsters deck.

Overall I thank you for submitting this and I feel I will carry on with this deck

March 1, 2014 5:29 p.m.

Awesome! I'm glad you like it. I also took this to my Game Day and went 3-1 with it. Whenever people start playing around Staticaster and/or playing Mistcutter Hydra I throw in Forgestoker Dragon but Lightning Volley is definitely a good way to do it too (and cheaper)

Garruk sounds amazing for this sadly I don't have any I'll have to look into getting a few copies of him. Do you have a deck list of your version? I'd love to see it!

March 2, 2014 10:21 a.m.

shadow63 says... #17

kiora would be ood for this deck and maybe Savageborn Hydra and maybe even dormi

March 6, 2014 2:34 p.m.

I'm still considering Kiora, the Crashing Wave she was in an earlier version of this but seemed to under perform in play-testing. I might try her out again though. I also had Domri Rade in previously, but I prefer Garruk, Caller of Beasts more because he cycles through the deck more quickly and in the control match up I can lay a creature down without fear of counter spells. I hadn't thought of Savageborn Hydra though. What would you consider replacing him for?

March 6, 2014 3:39 p.m.

shadow63 says... #19

2x mistcuters and 2x saveageborns?

March 6, 2014 4:03 p.m.

Hmm... I don't think I'm gonna do it. Savageborn is great. But the reason Mistcutter is there is for the control matchup. The key to beating control with this deck is to have big guys that pressure the board and pressure the board immediately when they come in which is also why Stormbreath is in the sideboard. I feel like if I put in Savageborn that would take away from that goal. I may try him out in the mainboard in place of 1 Mystic and 1 Polukranos though. I also may flip Mystic count with Kiora's Follower. So I would have 4x Elvish Mystic 2x Kiora's Follower 2x Savageborn Hydra and 2x Polukranos, World Eater .

March 7, 2014 1:46 p.m.

shadow63 says... #21

i really like the way this looks i'd say Anger of the Gods ut itd prob screw you more than your opponent

March 7, 2014 2:13 p.m.

Yeah, I really like Anger of the Gods, but it would also wipe away Staticaster and all my mana dorks so I decided to put in Mizzium Mortars instead.

March 7, 2014 2:15 p.m.

I'm glad you like it though! Thanks for the recommendation and +1!

March 7, 2014 5:40 p.m.

xZorkki says... #24

Finally got round to getting the deck up. Since Game Day I have made several changes to the deck to keep up with my local Meta.

More flash creatures to deal with more control and have them on the back foot. Kiora is amazing so I will soon be running her as a 3 of when I sort this trade out. Otherwise the deck is very similar to your original build.

March 7, 2014 6:05 p.m.

Love what you did with it! I'm for sure considering Boon Satyr now. It just makes way to much sense lol

March 8, 2014 1:03 a.m.

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