Good suggestion. Gonna test it. Thanks for the suggestion. What you think about either Setessan Oathsworn or Staunch-Hearted Warrior?
February 6, 2015 4:37 p.m.
Alexzanderthegreat says... #3
you should use the setessan oathsworn, 3 drop, and on t4, it can be a 33, the staunch hearted warrior is a 4 drop. on t5, the oathsworn is a 5/5, while the staunch warrior is a 4/4
February 14, 2015 3:46 p.m.
The reason why I might use Staunch-Hearted Warrior over Setessan Oathsworn is because needs . And Staunch-Hearted Warrior only needs . And because I mainly play red may be too much. I could also run another Xenagos, the Reveler to be more safe abour my mana.
Also a if an apponent chooses to target Staunch-Hearted Warrior with something like Lightningstrike one spell will put him on 4 letting him live. Setessan Oathsworn won't survive that. But I just need to playtest both.
February 15, 2015 9:03 a.m.
Alexzanderthegreat says... #5
true, yeah youre right, you should use staunch because of mana, i didnt even notice the 2 mana, but just test it anyways
February 15, 2015 10:43 a.m.
Definitely_Paying_Attention says... #7
Needs moar Zurgo Bellringer (when he comes out).
March 6, 2015 5:13 p.m.
He is also good. But sadly he is a legendary creature. But i might play 2.
March 6, 2015 6:13 p.m.
Definitely_Paying_Attention says... #9
2-3 of him is probably good, the chances of having 2 of him at once with this deck are pretty low.
March 6, 2015 6:27 p.m.
Yeah that was what I was thinking too. Decent card. might see some play in modern but Goblin Guide and Monastery Swiftspear are just better.
March 7, 2015 1:04 p.m.
Was playing Thunderbreak Regent at the prerelease. Think it will do great in my deck. 4 mana for a 4/4 flyer with a good ability is nice to have imo. What you guys think of it and what should i drop for it when ill play it?
March 22, 2015 7:23 a.m.
even though it might slow the deck a bit, I'm excited by Impact Tremors.
March 31, 2015 5:04 a.m.
Immagine that card in a deck running Dragon Fodder, Hordeling Outburst, Monastery Mentor, Goblin Rabblemaster and finish it with Descent of the Dragons. Lots of pain...
Gonna try it as a 2-of might work...
March 31, 2015 11:42 a.m.
Altough i usally dont like the card. Im am really considering to play Generator Servant this way i am able to playe my Thunderbreak Regent and Shaman of the Great Hunt on turn 3. This can give me a big advantage early to mid game. Also you can use the mana to give up to two minios haste ( split the mana over 2 creatures). Can you boys and girls tell me what you think about it?!
April 2, 2015 2:44 p.m.
I was playing with my deck and discovered that Akroan Crusader isnt good anymore in my deck. The only cards that trigger his heroic are Titan's Strength and Hammerhand. Because of that im gonna drop the crusaders, and hands. And i also might drop Titan's Strength. But now i need replacements. I was thinking about Zurgo Bellstriker and/or Foundry Street Denizen combined with Dragon Fodder. A card im also quite fond of is Lightning Berserker. Can you guys help me decide?!
April 18, 2015 8:06 a.m.
Lightning Berserker is really strong, maybe also get something like Frenzied Goblin to stop choice blockers
April 25, 2015 5:53 a.m.
I'm still testing Lightning Berserker. It is strong but it is hard to hit hard with him. Ive had Frenzied Goblin in the deck but he didnt work out all the time. I mean you play him and first turn he is in play he is kinda useless and second turn he can only let one creature not block if Frenzied Goblin isnt killed yet. Therefore i prefer to run another Roast just to kill the creature. And if I would run an antiblock idd prefer Goblin Heelcutter, his ability triggers the same turn het enters and is harder to kill and he does more damage.
April 25, 2015 7:44 a.m.
HorridBEAST says... #19
Atarka's Command is great in these kind of aggressive weenie decks. Trigger Prowess, Deal 3 damage the opponents face, and give all of your tokens +1/+1 all for 2 mana
May 8, 2015 5:26 p.m.
Yeah i know but a playset will cost me around 30 bucks... i had the luck i was able to trade 1 Thunderbreak Regent and i have another (foil) myself. So one more regent was doable for me. But 4 new commands is a bit too much for me. Maybe later.
May 9, 2015 8:14 a.m.
Ok, let's say that if I should play Atarka's Command. Then it should be a playset. But what should i drop for it. I think the 2 Titan's Strength are a logical drop. But the other two spots are difficult to decide for me... What do you guys think?
May 10, 2015 6:35 a.m.
HorridBEAST says... #22
Magma Jet: scry is amaxing and there is a lot that dies to 2 damage, but the mana to damage ratio can't compare to Wild Slash or Atarka's Command
May 10, 2015 11:44 a.m.
Magma Jet helped me out so often. I think ill keep them. But im really thinking about dropping a stoke. And getting 3 commands
May 10, 2015 4:53 p.m.
I actually think the land drop abililty from Atarka's Command is actually kinda underrated. It makes it possible to play a Thunderbreak Regent on turn 3 which is kinda amazing. Also you can play any kind of lands and not just basics!!!
May 11, 2015 7:16 a.m.
HorridBEAST says... #25
The problem with Atarka's Command's land drop ability is that unless you got a ton of lands in your opening hand, playing an extra land on turn 2 or three just means that you miss your next turn's land drop. So unless you have literally nothing else to do on turn 2, just save it and use the 3 damage and creature buff. Better plays for turn 2 include: Monastery Swiftspear+Wild Slash or Dragon Fodder to buff your turn 1 Foundry Street Denizen or Magma Jet your opponent's Elvish Mystic/Rattleclaw Mystic/Other Ramp
short.fuse says... #1
If you are really content on running the Xenagos, the Reveler I would suggest adding in 2-3 Crater's Claws. That card is underrated and when you +1 Xenagos to hit for a free 6-8 damage, it is a nice smile.
February 6, 2015 7:18 a.m.