Runadi, Behemoth Caller: Beef Chief

Commander / EDH Forkbeard


KaptnK says... #1

Why no Worldly Tutor?

September 2, 2013 11:18 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #2

Good call kaptin666...I might swap out a dinky ramp spell (Journey of Discovery ?) to make room for more tutor action. Thanks!

September 3, 2013 12:26 p.m.

If you want to get creeps out really fast, like unfairly so, you should find a place for Elvish Piper . Also, a Worldspine Wurm never hurt anybody, won't hurt you. Also, Harrow , Exploration , and Gaea's Touch are all very good ramp that you should seriously consider running, and if you don't like being bothered by people interrupting your plans, try City of Solitude a Dosan that doesnt die to creature removal. If you want anymore ideas, check out my monogreen token deck, Zuo Ci, Painter of the Meek

August 9, 2014 2:53 a.m.

Karimzamrini says... #4

What about Chord of Calling ? Is it not here because it is an instant?

August 9, 2014 5:29 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #5

Excellent suggestions SadePhyrexianLord & Karimzamrini, thank you. I wondered about City of Solitude but thought it may be redundant with Dosan's ability. Perhaps I should reconsider. I'll definitely add an Elvish Piper if I have one, I'll need to check. As for the ramp spells, lack of mana never seems to be an issue for this deck - I considered Exploration & Gaea's Touch however they're dead cards if you draw them later in the game.

Either way, excellent food for thought, cheers!

August 10, 2014 8:55 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #6

Just so you know, Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary is now banned in EDH.

October 6, 2014 10:40 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #7

Gah! I had no idea, thanks for the heads up lemmingllama. Time to think of a replacement...

October 6, 2014 3:09 p.m.

ZombieCat says... #8

Hmm.. Dense Foliage and City of Solitude would fit in this build.

January 29, 2015 12:12 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #9

Nice ones ZombieCat. I always forget about Dense Foliage. It would neuter Primal Bellow but that's about it really, it would be a solid deterrent/distraction and is definitely worth considering. I did run City of Solitude in here for a bit. It fits theme-wise but in my experience the redundancy with Dosan was unnecessary. I might give it another go, see how it plays.

January 29, 2015 6:49 p.m.

hekjek says... #10

you ought to use Perilous Vault and Nevinyrral's Disk because everyone needs boardwipes >.<

February 5, 2015 8:19 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #11

Although I really like both of those powerhouse cards + their effects, wipes generally tend to rock this deck, especially ones that exile. There's some indestructibility going on with a few of the creatures in here but for the most part, I prefer to keep everyone around. With the high casting costs in this deck, Ugin's -X ability comes in real handy for one sided wipes. And then there's the good old fashioned All Is Dust + It That Betrays combo.

Thanks for the suggestions though hekjek, I appreciate it! If I ever find myself in need of another wipe spell or two in here, I know what will be going in.

February 5, 2015 11:57 p.m.

KaptnK says... #12

So some suggestions:

Plow Under - Other than this card being a giant piss off, I dont see many other reasons to use it. As a green ramp deck you will already be way ahead in mana.

And that is all I have. The rest looks awesome!

February 11, 2015 7:18 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #13

Haha, that's precisely why it's in there - I ramp up while my opponent gets severely slowed down. Sure it's douchey but it also gets me even further ahead, especially if I can throw it down early. If I play it late game it ensures that my opponent draws some unwanted late game lands for a couple of turns. That said, it's not an integral piece of the Dosan puzzle. I may replace it one day but I think it's a pretty funny card to throw down. Cheers!

February 11, 2015 7:39 p.m.

Terastodon and Brutalizer Exarch would both be good additions.

February 17, 2015 12:35 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #15

Thanks for the suggestions. I actually ran both of those cards in here at one point. Terastodon can be devastating, especially if cheated out early on (the crowd pleasing triple land nuke is always a delight) but I ended up swapping him out somewhere along the line. I agree though, probably still deserves a home in here. As for Exarch, I had mixed experiences. I run him in a Roon deck and he's an amazing blink target but I found him underwhelming in this deck. I have a decent amount of creature tutor in here already and although the second ability is great, 9 times out of 10 I'd opt for the tutor. Shrug.

February 17, 2015 3:21 p.m.

Krob86 says... #16

I like it. Dosan really keeps people who don't know the deck looking at it saying what will this do. +1

February 28, 2015 7:31 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #17

Thanks Krob86, that's exactly it. Dosan usually appears before a big play goes down, then you get to sit back and watch the blue player feel uncomfortable.

March 1, 2015 1:14 p.m.

wakawakawaka says... #18

sweet deck! I love dosan the falling beef.

June 5, 2015 3:01 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #19

Thanks wakawakawaka!

June 5, 2015 5:48 p.m.

VikingBlood says... #20

You have half of a really nice synergy for ramp. Nykthos works wonders with Voyaging Satyr to get awesome ramp if you have enough green devotion. Another great green beast is Primalcrux if you have enough devotion.

October 2, 2015 12:59 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #21

Interesting choices VikingBlood, thank you. Primalcrux has nice synergy with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and the trample is nice. I might add him!

October 2, 2015 4:33 p.m.

Rushwood Grove might help in the land area if you find yourself occasionally having a land that doesn't get used.

November 20, 2015 4:59 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #23

I think it's too slow + I don't love the 'enters tapped' factor. Thanks for the idea though IDontMakeSense, appreciated!

November 20, 2015 5:44 p.m.

Optimator says... #24

Beefy! I love it. +1

May 30, 2016 4:11 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #25

Thanks Optimator!

May 30, 2016 6:29 p.m.

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