Runechanter's Secret's

Modern* olowleye


terminaldragon says... #1

You might want to add in more land at least to twenty. Maybe get rid of the frightful delusion?

April 9, 2012 9:25 p.m.

olowleye says... #2

I hear yah brotha, I used to have it at 20 and was getting fludded quite heavely, and with my curve right now I dont necessarily need all the mana. Personally, Ive just ended up top decking when I had it at 24 (that cause ive been so focused on buffing that Runechanter's PikeMTG Card: Runechanter's Pike.

April 9, 2012 9:39 p.m.

terminaldragon says... #3

Can't blame you, that pike becomes more dangerous than a sword at times. Shudder. Also, I like the idea behind the deck, first time I've seen a G/U Delver deck. Although it needs ponders also. That shit be crazy.

April 9, 2012 9:47 p.m.

olowleye says... #4

haha'ah, yah I gave all my ponder's away to my brother. Now He aint hasnt even been answering my call's man haha'ah

April 9, 2012 9:57 p.m.

terminaldragon says... #5

Would you mind if I made a deck based around this idea? I'll credit you..

April 9, 2012 10:02 p.m.

olowleye says... #6

Id be honor'd brother!

April 9, 2012 10:12 p.m.

terminaldragon says... #7

My idea...

April 9, 2012 10:19 p.m.

TylerJohns says... #8

April 10, 2012 12:08 p.m.

TylerJohns says... #9

Bone to Ash and that Delusion card are both bad.

April 10, 2012 12:09 p.m.

olowleye says... #10

Ive been waiting on my U/G lands to come in the mailbox. As for the other cards, whats your thoughts on why there bad? just wondering mate cause ive thought the same and been thinking bout just swithing em out for some PonderMTG Card: Ponder's after i snag em back from my brother haha.

April 10, 2012 12:15 p.m.

Zzdragon23 says... #11

Just my two cents to contribute, you need 15 cards for the side board, maybe add in some draw spell and stuff? :D

April 10, 2012 12:30 p.m.

olowleye says... #12

I havent really decided on the sideboard, haha putting some stuff in there sounds good though brotha. haha

April 10, 2012 3:40 p.m.

Zzdragon23 says... #13

Haha, No problem :P If you could, could you check out my deck? (Yes i know how to list it its just not working... But here's the link!

April 10, 2012 3:46 p.m.

KorApprentice says... #14

Hey, I just wanted to say that I think this is a great idea, I'm going to work on a U/G Delver deck on MTGO! Here are my suggestions for you:

-2 LumberknotMTG Card: Lumberknot

-2 MulchMTG Card: Mulch

+2 Strangleroot GeistMTG Card: Strangleroot Geist

+2 Invisible StalkerMTG Card: Invisible Stalker

You really want to run playset's of cards to ensure consistency, and those two are some of your hardest hitters, definite 4 ofs. Other than that, it looks good! +1 from me.

April 12, 2012 4:27 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #15

Strangleroot GeistMTG Card: Strangleroot Geist is kinda colour heavy for a 2 colour deck, and if you want to maximise the potential of Runechanter's PikeMTG Card: Runechanter's Pike i'd stick in more instants and sorceries. Tracker's InstinctsMTG Card: Tracker's Instincts would fit nicely considering it fills your grave, is G/U and saves the creatures you want for your hand. Rampant GrowthMTG Card: Rampant Growth's slots could be allocated to Thought ScourMTG Card: Thought Scour, Gitaxian ProbeMTG Card: Gitaxian Probe (scouts ahead for opponent's counterspells) or PonderMTG Card: Ponder seeing as ponder is multi-functional in far more cases and i think rampant growth just supports cards like DissipateMTG Card: Dissipate and Strangleroot GeistMTG Card: Strangleroot Geist that need two of a specific colour at 2 or 3 cmc. i'd swap 2 DissipateMTG Card: Dissipates with Frightful DelusionMTG Card: Frightful Delusions just so you can afford to be less stringent about how you spend your mana, and Autumn's VeilMTG Card: Autumn's Veil could be sideboarded as a counterspell's counterspell, Thrun, the Last Troll MTG Card: Thrun, the Last Troll could replace LumberknotMTG Card: Lumberknot. and one of the most valuable cards you could get your hands on for this is Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mage, it practically increases the number of instant/sorcery spells in a deck.

April 12, 2012 6:04 p.m.

KorApprentice says... #17

Don't use Frightful DelusionMTG Card: Frightful Delusion, unless you are having some kind of delusion yourself.

April 12, 2012 6:26 p.m.

KorApprentice says... #18

Oh, and I meant to say good call on the Tracker's InstinctsMTG Card: Tracker's Instincts!

April 12, 2012 6:26 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #19

I like to be deluded :] its a nice card against smart players who know how to play against blue. when they'd normally hold back their more important spells and bait with a chump card. best case scenario is when both effects apply... but i dont count on that happening when i play the card in my deck

April 12, 2012 8:56 p.m.

olowleye says... #20

I love the help brotha's! I havent been near a internet source untill now, so sorry bout not gettin back sooner. Ive made these altercations after a wicked magic night, an havent yet took into concideration the wonderful wisdom both gheridarigaaz an KorApprentice have provided. Im getting on it right now!

April 14, 2012 3:29 a.m.

olowleye says... #21

Ive gave all my PonderMTG Card: Ponder's,Gitaxian ProbeMTG Card: Gitaxian Probe an Invisible StalkerMTG Card: Invisible Stalker's to my brother which was making a tweek'd Jon Finkle's delver deck, as I was making a tweek'd Brian Kibler's wolf run ramp deck (that has my Thrun, the Last Troll MTG Card: Thrun, the Last Troll 's unfortunately.

Ive replaced LumberknotMTG Card: Lumberknot for Dungeon GeistsMTG Card: Dungeon Geists which has a far greater impact on cast. I enjoy having just 2 Invisible StalkerMTG Card: Invisible Stalker's , cause im able to do some damage with the delver-equip'd an then tap two to equip the pike to Invisible StalkerMTG Card: Invisible Stalker an do some nasty unblockable damage mid-late game.

Ive switched out the MulchMTG Card: Mulch for Tracker's InstinctsMTG Card: Tracker's Instincts,Gut ShotMTG Card: Gut Shot is for removal as also for getting that extra instant in the grave. Same for DismemberMTG Card: Dismember which im of course using for a semi fatti, taking the 4damage to cast is much better then 5damage every turn from the fatti.

From my experience this deck does work quite well in paper brotha KorApprentice, so let me know how MtgO goes with it mate!

April 14, 2012 3:55 a.m.

olowleye says... #22

I did have Frightful DelusionMTG Card: Frightful Delusion in this deck as for reason's you've stated brotha gheridarigaaz. Though I play quite a bit of multi-player battles, that have the mana to even tap the 3colorless from Mana LeakMTG Card: Mana Leak. An been having to wait on the tappedout cast.

Last multi there were Two u/g grave buff decks. Using creatures in the grave for cheap stuff like Boneyard WurmMTG Card: Boneyard Wurm. As well as Gnaw to the BoneMTG Card: Gnaw to the Bone which is seriously a underated common in those creature grave buff decks! Seeing a mate gain 16life for 8creatures in the grave an then flashback that for the 32life, is just ridiculious. Makes myself face to desk everytime!

April 14, 2012 4:22 a.m.

bloxd002 says... #23

needs more cowbell

April 15, 2012 2 p.m.

rockinbobo says... #24

Was thinking of a runechanter's deck too, and i just couldn't stop thinking about Blighted AgentMTG Card: Blighted Agent. This infect oneshot with some draw/discarders + millers :O

Anyway, don't know if you want to take your deck this way, just thought i'd leave that here :D

April 15, 2012 2:07 p.m.

olowleye says... #25


April 15, 2012 2:07 p.m.

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