Ruric Thar [Competitive] - Your Heart is a Muscle
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 229 | 184 COMMENTS | 132344 VIEWS | IN 106 FOLDERS
tw0handt0uch says... #2
I was using Nantuko because I didn't know Fyndhorn exists! Thank you, I made the swap
January 31, 2017 6:35 p.m.
I don't know which rules you use in your playgroup but the combo:
Protean Hulk -> Titani/Sylvan Safekeeper
is pretty neat. Gonna play it if my group does allow it. Maybe it's sth. for you as well.
February 4, 2017 1:12 p.m.
GreenGhost says... #4
Great Oak Guardian perhaps? Combos with kiki jiki and if you add in a Temur Sabertooth you could combo with that as well. This is a common combo in elfball strategies and it certainly looks like you're running enough of them.
February 5, 2017 12:14 a.m.
tw0handt0uch says... #5
Ya i've thought about great oak... it's a decent idea. But the reason why kiki/conscripts is effective is mostly because you can power it out with Treasonous Ogre. Adding Temurcat gives infinite pump and infinite mana but doesn't ensure the kill unless you have some sort of mana outlet which would require totally reconfiguring the deck. I know that in most cases I won't be the fastest combo deck at the table so I'd rather devote slots to interaction/stax than redundant combo pieces. However, a more hardcore twin strategy with GoG, Splinter Twin, etc may well work in certain metas so I'd encourage anyone to explore it.
February 5, 2017 1:28 a.m.
HeroesAreDead says... #7
How about a one of my favorite cards: "Price of Glory"
since this deck seems more proactive then reactive its a niche bonus against many blue or black decks :)
February 17, 2017 4:03 a.m.
tw0handt0uch says... #10
Its worth consideration. But first priority is always stopping/disrupting the combo decks. There can't be too many slots dedicated to narrow protection. Landing a shusher doesn't really prevent anybody from winning. It could be worth a trial shot though
April 1, 2017 1:45 a.m.
Ruination ???? And why the changes i played this deck twice so far not fully complete but mostly and was awesome
April 7, 2017 9:13 a.m.
tw0handt0uch says... #12
I was finding ruination would cripple 2 people, half cripple me, and leave the Selvala/Yisan/Jvp/Teferi/Sidisi unharmed and poised to win. I think its worth looking at again but i would want more basics in my own land base to break parity better.
The other chamges are mostly flex slots where I just want to test other things. The creature count needs to stay at 27 ish or more and it was dipping low so i added revoker. Memory jar for cathartic is a like for like that i just want to try. Electrickery is just spice that can help tAke care of dorks and bears without blowing up my own in the process. This my help vs selvala / sisay / yisan who are tough matchups for me
April 7, 2017 10:50 a.m.
Thanks so much for the explanation! true on ruination but i played against 2 five color decks i wish i had it lol would have been hilarious one had no basics! imma try it out and perhaps the changes two love this deck list
April 7, 2017 12:04 p.m.
SuperiorKyle says... #14
reasons why Sylvan Tutor and possibility storm where cut?
and thoughts on Utopia Sprawl as a second wild growth??
April 8, 2017 7:24 p.m.
tw0handt0uch says... #15
Oh crap i cut possibility storm? Thank you for bringing this up - that was a mistake. P storm is a powerhouse. Im going to swap it back in for hall of gemstone right now. Sylvan tutor is still fine but i just wanted to try out a few spicy cards in the flex slots so sylvan got cut. It could find its way back in.
April 8, 2017 11:36 p.m.
SuperiorKyle says... #16
No worries :) Im currently running this deck as well. But my meta isnt cEDH so my list is slightly different. Some of the combo hate cards are not in there and i'v made some budget cuts ( Mox Diamond, Grim Monolith, Null Rod, Imperial Recruiter, Gaea's Cradle) along with my landbase runs a lot more basics because budget as well.
But i'm super into this deck, im currently trying to make it more resilient towards board wipes since im not winning the game as fast as this list would be.
April 9, 2017 1:01 a.m.
GreenGhost says... #17
Nissa, Vital Force or Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury seem to be pretty similar to the walkers you have, while also adding a bit of utility. Thoughts on each?
April 9, 2017 2:10 a.m.
tw0handt0uch says... #18
I am looking for one more planeswalker to break mana parity after a mass land destruction spell. Freya is so close, she does a lot of what we want and i have actually tried her in the past but have found her just too slow at 5cmc. The rule of thumb in cedh is 5cmc needs to be a gamebreaking/changing spell and Freya is just a little too low impact.
Nissa is worse than freya imo because if we cycle decree or cast jokulhaups we still dont come out ahead because she needs a land to untap. For now I'd rather wait for wotc to print another mana making planeswalker at 4cmc.
April 9, 2017 11:08 a.m.
GreenGhost says... #19
To be fair Nissa can get a land back, but doing that just feels pretty bad. How does Garruk compare to Freyalise though? Garruk needs lands out still to function. He can get a bigger jump than her, but wouldn't the inevitability be worth it? Also having drawing cards as a backup seems decent.
April 10, 2017 11:22 p.m.
tw0handt0uch says... #20
GreenGhost It's a fair point about Nissa bringing something back and Garruk needing lands. I guess in my mind the 4 vs 5 cmc difference is big, especially when you can often untap that turn to play something else or make a 3/3 dude to do some blocking or natural order away. I think maybe I'll give Freya one more try - I like her a little better. I'd almost rather try Koth over either of these...especially with blood moon synergy. Koth is bad after a geddon though. No - I think we need to just wait - Wotc will give us another good pw at 4 cmc eventually.
April 10, 2017 11:38 p.m.
SuperiorKyle says... #21
could you give us an update on how the deck has been doing in any recent games you've had?
April 11, 2017 12:21 a.m.
tw0handt0uch says... #22
It has been doing fine - although I realize it is not a Tier 1 deck. It can hand at any table and but occasionally runs out of gas. It's a very meta-dependent deck that needs to be tweaked to individual playgroups if possible.
Around Christmas of this year I did an experiment where I tracked every game I played with every deck. This was on Cockatrice and was therefore a broad, unlimited budget meta. Ruric did as well as any of my other decks over the course of the 120 something games I tracked - in fact it won more than most of my other decks. I still enjoy it as there are so many flex slots and so much interesting tech that the deck doesn't ever feel solved.
Green is winning deck, bold is go first
April 11, 2017 1:41 a.m.
SuperiorKyle says... #23
Cool! Really cool to see that kinda stuff!
The new Manglehorn card could be good vs early artifact ramp decks
April 11, 2017 1:10 p.m.
tw0handt0uch says... #25
I think mentor deserves a shot but may not be impactful enough. It shuts down the endgame for stuff like Thrasios, twin, hampers Teferi, Selvala's temurcat loops, Future top stuff, etc. but early in the game I think it will be largely ignored. Ideally in ruric you are trying to proactively disrupt early on in a way that creates virtual card advantage.... stuff like blood moon, null rod, meltdown, etc.
That said: it is interesting enough that it warrants some play testing and a fair shot. I feel the same way about the nee grn guy that blows up an artifact and makes other etb tapped. My sense is that they are relatively strong but not quite good enough. I do like the new meltdown/shattering spree x spell though - especially since i have gone back to playing chrome/diamond instead of 2 cmc dorks.
Gohrin says... #1
Great looking Deck!
Why are u using Nantuko Elder though instead of the better fitting Fyndhorn Elder (Titania Priest)?
January 31, 2017 3:57 p.m.