tastyichigo says... #2
I hope you are aware that bloodrush does not trigger heroic...
July 14, 2014 6:46 a.m.
izzetderpmage851 says... #3
@zachgriffindor: Good ideas! I forgot about Launch the Fleet. @tastyichigo: It doesn't, but it's uncounterable and a 3 power buff is still nice.
July 14, 2014 7:19 a.m.
Coordinated Assault
replaces Rouse the Mob
. All day.
Your sideboard is not here. Recommend looking at my deck called R/W Tokens. Or MarshalLaeroth with his Akroan Alliance. Also Isntitizzet with his Fury of Akros.
July 14, 2014 8:23 a.m.
good attempt, +1 from me
I played RW Heroics myself for quite a while and I can highly recommend Coordinated Assault . For only 1 mana you get 2 heroic triggers, +1 power for both and first strike. That allows you to deal tons of damage and to trade well.
And I would up the land counter to 20. Even if you don't have so many 3 drops, hitting your third land on turn 3 is crucial. You can simultaneously equip a Madcap Skills and keep one mana open to counter the incoming Doom Blade with Gods Willing .
Oppressive Rays on the other hand seem a bit out of place here. You should simply focus on your own creatures, buffing and protecting them and they will win for you. If anything such control spells are sideboard material.
Hope I could help...
July 14, 2014 8:24 a.m.
izzetderpmage851 says... #6
As regards a sideboard: could someone please give me a handy list of boardworthy cards, as well as what decks to side them in against?
July 14, 2014 9:17 p.m.
Those are only suggestions:
Revoke Existence removes all sorts of gods and will be even more useful when m15 comes out ( Scuttling Doom Engine ).
Celestial Flare is an answer to Stormbreath Dragon and Blood Baron of Vizkopa .
Glare of Heresy is the most efficient way to exile Elspeth, Sun's Champion .
Lagonna-Band Trailblazer could replace Favored Hoplite against hyper aggressive early game decks.
You could add some burn, like Shock , Lightning Strike or even Fall of the Hammer (triggers heroic), if the enemy should play lots of tiny creatures with evasion...
July 15, 2014 2:46 a.m.
Korean_Dude5692 says... #8
Fabled Hero , though a little slow in this deck, is a huge threat. Phalanx Leader is great for boosting everyone up. Ajani's Presence is great because in late game you get so much out of it.
July 16, 2014 5:45 p.m.
Korean_Dude5692 says... #9
20 lands seems a little iffy and Devouring Light seems like a good way of main board removal because you run a lot of small low cost creatures, so you can pay 0 mana and tap 3 tokens and get rid of their threat.
July 16, 2014 5:49 p.m.
In a heroic aggro deck I find Arena Athlete a highly underrated card that I recommend that you try out and consider. Also, Blinding Flare is a great way to make sure your buffed creatures get through while at the same time allowing you to trigger any heroic abilities on your cards if you so desire. As a final notice, all kinds of bestow creatures with a low converted mana cost are very useful in this type of deck since they can both buff your heroic creatures or make board presence if the situation calls for it.
July 16, 2014 6:01 p.m.
I don't have much to suggest, but I really like the deck. However, Aegis of the Gods shouldn't be in your sideboard. It's just an easier to remove Goblin Piker
July 16, 2014 6:15 p.m.
MTG.addict says... #12
I would cut Hero of Iroas and Nyxborn Rollicker out completely for 3 Fabled Hero , add a land, and replace Boros Guildgate for Temple of Triumph . This isn't a very expensive change, but Hero of Iroas 's enchantment ability isn't doing you too much good, and Temple of Triumph over Boros Guildgate is kind of a no brainer
July 21, 2014 7:02 a.m.
izzetderpmage851 says... #13
Heh, forgot about this.Thank you for the advice.
With a sideboard and full deck, it's been doing well at FNM. I'm really on a shoestring budget atm, but the boros guildgates will be replaced soon.
As per Fabled Hero : during testing I found it was just.too.slow. Hero of Iroas can drop t2, then next turn drop a Madcap Skills and a Armed on him and swing for 16. With Fabled Hero, that won't happen until turn 4, at which point you should be one or two swings away from victory anyway.
July 28, 2014 7:08 a.m.
Try using some Fabled Hero . Its really funny when you trigger him for a lot and then throw a Gods Willing on him and name whatever color creature they have on the field. Swing for at least 12 unblockable. XD I have made a deck like this. Check it out. Its similar to this idea. Weenie Heroic
July 28, 2014 7:32 a.m.
Hero of Iroas is wasted on this deck because you don't have many aura's. Lagonna-Band Trailblazer would be better as a wall early game or add the extra skyguard and rollicker
zachgriffindor says... #1
Fabled Hero is quite nice with double strike, and Martial Glory triggers 2 heroics as well as Coordinated Assault . Launch the Fleet wouldn't hurt also!
July 14, 2014 6:43 a.m.