See the path cleared before you. Gain internal and communal power from your spells. When attacking, know the advantage is yours. Eliminate your opponents quickly. Bend the impossible into sudden victory from fires within.
R/W Monks: The Fire Within has a great tribal theme, and is a real punisher with great synergy and flexibility.
The deck is instant and sorcery heavy, but each creature gains value from the casting. Whether it is through Prowess, gaining creatures with Monastery Mentor and Young Pyromancer, or obvious Soulfire Grand Master value the deck has several modes to victory. Sometimes you sit with few creatures and a lot of combat tricks in hand while others it plays like a furious token swarm. The control aspect is very real.
Patience is key. Tons of extra value can be gained from them if creatures are on the battlefield. A seemingly normal attack can turn overwhelming quickly with a few spells thrown in. Deflecting Palm has been a game winner numberous times. The Soulfire Grand Master's lifelink can get a comfortable amount of life quickly.
Soulfire Grand Master's second ability is absolutely disgusting if allowed to sit on the board late-game. Juggling Lightning Bolts, Lightning Helixes, and Deflecting Palm back to your hand while gaining life through the damage feels like cheating.
Weaknesses: This deck is best heads up. I can win group games, but have to lean toward control. If the timing wasn't right for the big offensive it can feel like a burn deck top-decking. Board wipes can be brutal if you don't have a Boros Charm.
I'm interested in any suggestions.