
This deck has come a long way. It started as Boros aggro, then I added black to make it RWB aggro, but I'm trying to slow it down for a change. I've been playing the midrange route since RTR came out, and I'm very pleased by how it has been working out. I'm testing out plenty of things, so suggestions are welcome.


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Just played my second fnm ever with this deck ( I went 2-2 last time). Overall I went 3-1, but because of a stupid misplay, I lost game 3 of match 3. I'll go into more depth about that later.

Match 1: I played a younger player that was still a bit new to magic, and he wasn't great. He ran selesnya, but that was about all I could make of his deck. It ran Deadbridge Goliath, but that was no match for my souls tokens, which chumped and beat down for a 2-0 win.

Match 2: I played mirror match, except this player was more aggressive than my deck. I won mainly off of the fact that I could cleanly remove his Boros Reckoners with Murder and Dreadbore, and then bash through with Falkenrath Aristocrat and reckoners of my own. They didn't hit any of their Lingering Souls and Blood Artist combos, so that was quite helpful. I won 2-1.

Match 3: In this match, I played a mono-black deck with a splash of red. It had the usual Vampire Nighthawks, Crypt Ghastfoils, and Grislebrand, but I had removal for all of them. Even after they got a huge life swing off of double extort triggers, bring out a bunch of creatures with two ghasts, I wiped them out with an overloaded Mizzium Mortars. Their creatures were no match for my removal spells, and I beat them 2-0.

Match 4: I played against Selesnya Humans in this match, and it was a weird one. My reckoners won me game one. But game two, I lost because I didn't realize their wolf token was a 3/3 instead of a 2/2 from a flipped Mayor of Avabruck  Flip, so that killed my reckoner, and I had already shot the trigger at a Rancored Avacyn's Pilgrim instead of the mayor to kill it. Then in game 3, I lost because I tried to attack with I Aristocrat and fake that I had something, rather than leaving it behind with my Desecration Demon to block. I am most salty about this loss because I would have one if I just blocked, and my opponent agreed. It ended in my losing 1-2. But that's life, and I'm still proud of a 3-1 record for my deck, even though it could have easily gone 4-0, without that stupid misplay. Either way, I'm very happy with the way this deck performed.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 5 Mythic Rares

49 - 7 Rares

4 - 1 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.26
Tokens Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Gold, Soldier 1/1 RW
Folders Standard, standard, Old Standard (RTR - THS blocks)
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